Evolution: High Human!

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Willian was moving at a high speed relying on his icy ability which allowed him to glide smoothly across any floor of any nature.

Of course, his fast speed depended on his physical strength which seemed to have made a huge leap in just one day, the whole time since yesterday, he could feel the energy in his body rising like a tide, it only stabilized this morning, after stabilizing the surging energy he felt like he became stronger, it looked like Breakthrough to a higher level.

He's at least four times stronger than yesterday!

Unfortunately, he doesn't have a system that can display stats so he knows his exact level...

[The current host's life-level is level 10]


Willian looked at the notice on the front of the system and felt so confused that he had to stop for a moment.

"System Can you really answer my inner question!"

[The system can answer questions that have to do with the host]

"Then why didn't you answer me before?"

[Because the host has not activated the main system function yet]

"Beginner Conqueror then!"

[Yes Host]

"Do I have a stats then?"

[Host Status,

[Host: Willian Bluewight

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: Pure human ==> High human

Job: Beginner Conqueror (0/2)

Gift: Spatial Body (Level 1)

Main world: Dola

Foreign World 1: One Piece

Occupied World: None

Stored global coordinates: Dola/One-piece

Life Level (booster): 10

Special Powers: Devil Fruit (Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ice Dragon) (Level 10) / High Physical Strength / Super Senses / High Agility / High Vitality / Killer Aura ==> Conqueror Haki (Level 1) ]

After looking at the status window Willian drowned in thought.

If he said he wasn't stunned, he would be lying.

How does he gain all these overwhelming abilities in one evolution?!

"System, does life level have anything to do with the devil fruit's mastery level?"

[Yes, a host's life level has to do with everything about the host even the Devil Fruit]

"Can you give me a detailed explanation of this life level?"

[Life level is a measure of the development of the life force of a living being. The normal human being in the world of the first host, for example, has a life level set at 1, it can cross this threshold in different cases that occur with some mutations, but it usually does not exceed 3, the first evolution or the first sublimation occurs when the life level of the organism reaches 10, then the organism abandons its natural shackles and strives towards evolution. Usually, raising the life level is a tedious and difficult process, just like trying to climb the sky, but the level of life can be raised less difficultly in some worlds where life forces are available rich.]

Willian felt enlightened after learning about the detailed system explanation, but he still felt confused as to why he had so much power.

"Why did I get all these powerful abilities, and why did my killer aura evolve into Conqueror's Haki?!"

[The host is a pure-blooded human from the world of Dola who is fully qualified to become an High Human, in addition to the fact that the Host has obtained the characteristics of the peak evolution path in the world of One Piece by the spatial body who succeeded in absorbing the data of this world. In this evolution, the characteristics of two different human races from both worlds were combined and the Host obtained special upgrades that even an ordinary high human couldn't have, all thanks to the peak race talents in the world of One Piece.]

Willian finally understood why he had such a high strength, if he had attained the pinnacle of racial characteristics in the world of One Piece, then no wonder… Just look at the likes of Kaido and Big Mom… Although they aren't a High Humans , they are human monsters that might be beyond their capabilities even the likes of high humans.

"Then why is my life level boosted?"

[Because the host has a spatial body, which is a divine body that has unlimited potential so it is normal for the host's life level to constantly advance.]

"So then, I got my first evolution, doesn't that mean I'm not human anymore?"

[The host can focus on his race in the status window]

[Race: High Human]

"Huh! I've become such a high human, that's amazing!"

It seemed he hadn't noticed this yet.

Willian was a gaming addict in his previous life, so naturally, he knew what a high human was and how different and exceptional he was from the average human by miles.

The higher man has tyrannical physical strength, a terrible affinity with magic, and multiple talents that make him invincible against the inferior races.

"System, why did I become such a high human being?"

[This is because the Spatial Body automatically chooses the appropriate evolution path for the Host when it reaches the evolution point, the Host's pure human genes have such awesome potential that it would be a waste to give up and choose the Dragon Path that is now immature and fraught with hidden dangers when the Host awakens the true power of the dragon within him and It treats the negative effects of the Devil Fruit. Its next evolution path will be naturally obvious, but the host will retain the characteristics of a higher human as well, even if he becomes a dragon.]

"Okay, I got it. Thank you system...What?"

"System, can I deal with the side effects of the Devil Fruit?!"

[The host has to find out himself]


When Willian finished inquiring, he began to study the characteristics of his physical body which had just evolved into a high human being, in terms of feeling, he had an abnormally wonderful and amazing feeling, his senses became so sharp that he could close his eyes and continue to walk smoothly, his ears could hear sounds from for miles and his eyesight can pick up objects with a clear vision from a distance like that of an eagle, and his limbs and joints have become abnormally flexible, he felt that he could run at super fast if he tried and would not feel tired even if he ran for a whole week.

His heart became bigger and stronger as he felt that it contained enormous magical power as if it was a dragon's heart and not a human's, even his internal organs became stronger, and his bones also got upgraded so that they became stronger and lighter.

His length grew to two meters tall!

All the fat disappeared from his body and he became abnormally muscular and graceful.

The enchanting aura he was unintentionally releasing made him like an elf descended from heaven.

It was a great feeling.

Even his Devil Fruit mastery had progressed to the tenth level, he was excited to experience the strength his progress had reached, as for how to remove the side effects of the Devil Fruit he tried his best to communicate with the new organ formed on the right side of his chest but only managed to sense in the outer layer from the surreal organ, he was sure that everything related to the Devil Fruit was right there including the curse!

He did not succeed now, but he will certainly not give up, he will try until he succeeds.
