Bear Emperor VS Ice Dragon

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After checking his new condition, Willian continued to advance at breakneck speed, and he didn't take much time to reach the central area.

This time he was hiding his existence deeply unlike the last time because he was intending to bring down the Bear Emperor with one blow.

After evolving into a High Human who had a lot of racial skills and self-concealing was one of them, his aura became like nature next to him, he seemed like he didn't exist at all, if you didn't look at him for a long time, he would never be discovered, it looked like things being ignored automatically, Willian found no difficulty in deceiving the monsters and getting to this place easily.

This skill was very satisfying for Willian, he had become a perfect assassin now.

Once he sensed the benefits of the racial skills he had obtained, he began to look forward to his next evolution.

Willian focused his eyes and senses on the destroyed area (due to the raging bear) and started looking for the annoying bear's location.

He was navigating through the trees from place to place along the open circle as he searched for the location of the Bear Emperor until he finally noticed a place where a group of smaller black bears in comparison to the Bear Emperor was huddled.

The place was the rocky mountainside near the volcano in the middle, the mountainside was full of caves, and inside the caves, black bears lay lazily all over.

Willian searched among the caves for a while until a larger and deeper cave caught his attention so that he couldn't see what was inside.

He was 90% sure that that ball of meat was lying inside this cave, due to its enormous size he would only feel comfortable in this cave.

Willian silently started creeping along the flowers field without paying any attention to his steps, like a graceful assassin, he was controlling his steps and walking with the current of the wind so as not to leave any evidence of his movements.

His senses were too sharp that allow him to predict the path of the wind a while before it came, so he found following the wind very easy, he was sure that it wouldn't take much time to naturally comprehend and master the observation haki.

He paused from time to time to keep pace with the changing winds, but on the whole, he was fortunate that the wind escorted him to the cave of the Big Bear, exactly where he wanted to go as if nature itself supported him.

It didn't take much time before Willian successfully crept into the big cave, and finally, he could see the wall of meat lying in a puddle of saliva, and beside it, there were many scattered bones and snakeskins, it seemed as if the python king from last time had become a satisfying meal for this bear.

Since he had reached this stage, Willian used the opportunity to give the bear a sneak attack that would take at least half his life, cold energy began to boil inside his body and very quickly crystal scales enveloped his body, which swelled at an abnormal rate until it was the same size as the big bear in front of him.

Willian has turned into a 10-meter dragon!

The air around him seemed much colder than last time, to the point that the sleeping bear felt a chilly chill as if it had been thrown into an inferno of frost.

Willian did not give the bear a chance to open his eyes and tore his left side with his sharp claws.

The moment he touched the thick bear's fur, Willian felt some resistance which quickly froze and became cushy and then felt as if his claws sank deeper and deeper until they came out from the other side.

It all happened in just a few seconds.

In an instant, the Bear Emperor lost his left arm and part of his shoulder with it.


The Bear Emperor felt terrible pain that made him shake the island with a roar.

Paulo, Fred, and Kalgar who were wandering the beach fell on the golden sands and closed their ears in agony when they heard the terrifying roar of the bear.

If they weren't professional assassins, they'd pee on their pants in horror!!

"This... this..."

"...What kind of monster can make such a terrifying sound?!"

"Young master, I hope you are well."

Back in the Bear Cave, outside things got chaotic and other bears and beasts in panic from everywhere ran towards the Emperor's Cave.

But to their surprise, the fight between the two beasts had already begun.

With a mocking look on the Dragon's face, Willian and a Black Bear collided in one arm forming powerful shock waves, the Bear Emperor was madly angry at this lizard in front of him.

How dare the bastard sneaks up to attack him, severing his arm, and cause him so much pain?

He will surely tear him apart, he will eat his flesh and bones, and he will drink his blood as juice.



Broke Down!




Hard ice and hard rocks slammed into each other and caused the cave to vibrate, obviously collapsing soon.

Willian was secretly surprised by the strength of the bear in front of him despite losing one arm, this monster could crush a pirate with a bounty of 100 million berry provided the pirate didn't know how to use Haki.

Willian was sure of that, this bear and its fruit were extremely powerful.

The devil fruit's ability was clearly not a Logia, so Willian suggested it was a Paramecia, and its ability to control the rocks looked like a lower branch of the earth element logia.

Willian noticed the monsters gathering behind him but they didn't dare to interfere in the fight, as if they were afraid of him and the Bear Emperor as well.

That was fine for Willian, he didn't want to be bothered now and he also didn't want to kill all the monster kings here, it would be great if he managed to subdue them but he had to kill their current emperor first.

The fight and collision between the two beasts continued, the bear tried to bite William and rip part of his flesh but his fangs were broken in the process, it looked as if he had bitten steel, not meat.

Willian's Dragon scales had received a massive reinforcement after his first evolution, all of his dragon body had become stronger, Willian felt the immense power within his body and roared excitedly before pouncing on the cursed Bear and tearing it apart with its teeth and claws.

Their fight was very primitive and chaotic, at one point they looked like two beasts battling for dominance, but soon the Big Bear started to feel weak, he lost a lot of blood, after all, Willian not only tore his arm but also mutilated his eye and bit his right shoulder and he tore a large wound to his stomach and unlike him, Willian was completely fine.
