Ice Execution!

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The Bear Emperor managed to escape from Willian's sharp claws and looked at him in hatred as if he wanted to tear him into a thousand pieces.

But however that, Willian kept provoking him and trying to drain his strength, Willian also struggled in fighting this beast, he had been on his nerves since the start of the fight, this bear was really tough, and even now it seemed like he was planning something bad, His sharp instincts of the Dragon and the High Human within him are already feeling it.

The rocks madly condensed, enveloping the bear's entire body, and the ground next to him began to shake violently.

"Not good!"

Willian opened his wings and fled the cave at breakneck speed, the moment he walked out of the large cave the cave collapsed.

"Son of a bitch!"

Willian was indignant, had it not been for his sharp instincts, he would have been buried in the cave collapse, with the bear there.

This malicious bear was really something else, the ability of a devil fruit was amazing, it was a waste for such a powerful fruit to go to just an animal.


In the next moment, Willian was shocked by the bear reappearing from the midst of the ruins, seeming absolutely unaffected by the previous collapse.

"Is it because of this rock armor, or because the rock fruit is not affected by the damage from the rocks at all?"

The bear looked hatefully at Willian, his shape now was like a real wall, no, it would be more correct to say that it looked like a small mountain, completely covered in brown rocks, only its eyes, mouth, nose, and ears which were not covered.

"Animals will remain animals, no sane human being can develop fruit abilities in this way"


The Bear seemed to understand Willian's sarcasm and roared loudly, showing its broken fangs.

"Well, I'm tired of playing with you, bye... Ah, I need to check something first, so you're lucky you won't die now."

Willian spread his wings in mid-air and got closer to the bear, at this moment terrifying Icy energy seemed to condense in the front of the wings.

Willian's wingspan had had a huge growth spurt and had become like the wings of a huge Boeing plane, the length of a single wing becoming 20 meters.

Both wings are 40 meters terrifying!

At his current size, Willian was a monster that would cause the people of Dola to urinate on themselves in pure terror just by seeing him.

The joint of the front wing, just like the place where the engine of the plane was located, consisted of an ice bump in the form of very hard ice crystals that looked like crystals that run down the length of his spine and the end of his tail, his shape was very badass.

But the function of these Icy crystals is not only to decorate his shape but...

Ice-cold energy began to condense at the front of the two wings in front of the solid crystals and transform into a white energy ball enveloped in a cold mist, Willian felt a horrific drain on his physical strength but eventually succeeded in forming his super attack that was definitely more powerful than an Ice dragon's breath.

These beautiful ice crystals in the front of his wings act like high level energy conductors! In short, he's got two cool laser-pistols.

Willian was excited to see how devastating this attack he had decided to call the Ice Execution.


The Bear Emperor felt uneasy and started running towards Willian and the rocks around him were trembling, the Cursed Bear succeeded in making hundreds of meters in his surroundings tremble and shake as if it was the end of the world, but Willian didn't care about the struggle of the beast, because it would be over soon.

Willian's body began to spin at a tremendous speed like a hurricane, and the two Ice energy balls converged to form a huge energy ball. The air around her began to freeze.

The newly formed white energy ball was 4 meters in size!

Like a soccer shot from a professional player's header, the moment Hurricane Willian touched the energy ball, the terrifying energy ball shot out at breakneck speed and descended from the air like a death sentence!


The moment it hit the galloping bear it seemed as if time was freezing on the island, the bear felt as if the world had lost its color and white became the only color in the world.

His body lost heat at an alarming rate, he quickly lost the feeling of his limbs and his blood turned cold, the moment the attack hit him the surrounding rocks were turned into ice very quickly.

His heart was the last organ in his body to freeze, before his eyes turned dark he saw a sight he would not forget even in his next life as a polar bear perhaps.

The world in front of him was completely frozen!

Willian looked from above and opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

"My God, what power is this!"


When the shaking finally stopped, the three assassins could relax, the entire time the fight was going on between Willian and the Bear Emperor, the three assassins felt as if they were sitting on hot coals.

"Finally, things settled down."

Paulo was the first to speak, wiping the sweat on his side.

"This world is so terrifying, you guys."

Fred looked at the two and jokingly commented, but inwardly he was extremely terrified, only from the sounds coming from the center of the island could one imagine the scale of the monsters causing chaos there, after all, this island was as big as two city, like the diamond city size.

"Will his highness be okay?"

Kalgar was really worried about the Prince, but his face was showing otherwise as he continued to play with the cute crab he found hiding under the sands of the beach.

"His Highness said that as long as the spatial portal exists then he is fine, so there is no need to worry…"


Paulo didn't finish until he saw something that made him pale.


"Oh my God, what is this?!"

"This!!!" (Fred)

"What are you talking about... my God!!"

The little crab fell from Kalgar's hand and opened his mouth in shock, the moment the little crab managed to break free from the human claws it escaped with lightning speed back into the sea.

The trio was staring in amazement at an iceberg touching the clouds that appeared out of nowhere in the volcanic mountain located in the middle of the island.

Such a scene could incinerate the brain cells of such simple assassins.
