Conquering Monster Paradise Island

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[12 Chapters ahead Webnovel] BH


Returning to Willian, his Dragon's eyes were trembling and his pupils continued to shrink and dilate as he looked at the scene below.

"Is this my power?!"

The entire open area turned into Ice and the Ice rose to cover the volcanic mountain forming an extremely high Iceberg, it seemed that if the attack had been a little stronger, the entire island would have been frozen.

The central area was completely frozen, the monsters and monster kings who didn't manage to escape towards the forest early were frozen in Ice statues, the bear emperor was completely frozen into position in a piece of very cold blue ice, he couldn't be dead more than that.

Willian sighed in horror at the scene in front of him, he really didn't know that fusing two energy balls from both his wings could produce such a devastating large-scale attack, this doesn't lose to Admiral Aokiji's "Ice Age" attack at all!

Of course, that doesn't mean he can face the Admiral at this point, but it doesn't change the fact that he has similar attack power, and maybe even stronger if he can use his mouth to produce a similar energy ball, and fusing the three white energy balls in one energy ball, he can actually freeze half of a small island at that time and not just a third of it.

Willian canceled his transformation and fell on the ice causing it to crack a little, he walked into the ice field marveling at how much damage his attack had done, he saw a lot of icy statues scattered here and there beside the big bear statue, it's a pity he couldn't get these powerful monsters to act under his rule.

He also felt unwilling to lose a powerful Devil Fruit like the one that fucking Bear had eaten, he didn't want to kill the Bear Emperor, he thought that he would only succeed in freezing it and it would take some minutes for it to completely die from frostbite, at that time Willian would collect a lot of fruits from the forest and leave them in front of the big bear and waiting for his death so that he can try his luck, maybe the devil fruit will move to the nearest fruit it really has!

He was planning to give it to one of his subordinates and get an elite power by his side right away, in addition to the colossal combat power, he would get a strategic weapon for dividing the land, gathering resources, and even participating in construction, it would be like hitting two birds with one stone!


The more Willian thought about it he got angry, there was nothing more precious than devil fruits in this world for Willian, one loss that was so close to him made him feel bitter.

Willian arrived at an open field near the forest and was surprised by the dozens of monsters and their kings that surrounded him, causing him to immediately raise his guard.

When he prepared to fight and crush these monsters, something amazing happened.

The animals and monster kings bowed to him as if bowing to their Emperor, the monsters of the island continued to gather from everywhere and encircle Willian in a circle, they were sure that he was the one who defeated the emperor.

The tradition of this island was clear that whoever defeats the current emperor of the island will become their new emperor.

Willian looked at all of this with a smile and felt happy.

[234 intelligent animals want to become your subordinates, would you like to accept them and appoint them as the protection forces of your first settlement?]

"Huh, are they also going to be considered subordinates in the Conqueror organization?!"

[Yes, host, when a living being fulfills the requirements for intelligence (however it low) and the real desire to be subordinate to the host will naturally be accepted into the conquering organization, but the choice to accept or reject will remain with the host .]

[Confirmation all!]

Willian didn't hesitate anymore to accept them all, what a joke, who would be refuse the benefits without harm except an idiot?

Monster Kings and ordinary monster felt their bodies sinking into a surreal feeling and their eyes became more purity as if their intelligence had increased by a large amount, and they also became stronger. They bowed even more deeply to Willian, their eternal loyalty to Willian and the conqueror organization was instilled in their souls, they could have no other Emperor but Willian from this day forward.

Sensing the astonishing changes in their bodies and their bloodlines after being strengthened by a tiny portion of Willian's spatial body they roared excitedly expressing their gratitude, they instinctively knew that everything was because of their new king.

[The Host has successfully reached the requirements for setting up his organization: 237/100]

[You can start creating the Conqueror Organization now!]

[Name: (You can choose what you like)

Objective: Conquer the world (It cannot be changed)

Main World: The diamond city (officially owned by the host.)

Foreign World 1: The monster paradise island {In the west blue} (officially owned by the host.)

Organization Path: Pirates(Can be changed before confirmation)

The threat bounty by the foreign world:

*Personal Bounty: None

*Organization Bounty: None

Organizing Elements:

* Organization crew on the interface: The host + 7 people (Can be changed always)

* Organization crew in the background: (You can define the main roles of your crew as you like) ]

[Once the organization is defined, it will act as one body with the help of the system, the host can always add people if they meet the necessary requirements even after the organization is created]

Willian drowned in thought, the organization's structure was very clear and simple, and its goal was also clear and written in bold, matching his goals as well, and this made him sure that the system worked based on his internal desires, he really wanted an organized crew that could work on multiple aspects and the spatial system had given him exactly what he wanted.

That way, he wouldn't even need to be a pirate, but he could get his path! Organization path!

Willian quickly began to define everything according to his ideas, speaking of ideas, he was a born king and had been groomed for the throne since he was a child in addition to his rich ideas from his previous life he could not fault the creation of a cohesive organization at all.

After a while, the confirmation icon appeared in front of him, as soon as he clicked on it, the members of the organization would be stigmatized and introduced to each role of their own, and they would automatically know what they were doing from now on, Whether they were humans or monsters, it would appear as if they had received a heavenly order and would gain amazing abilities, skills, and even innate talents that would help in their fields that Willian had predetermined.


A/N: For those who ask, the main point of the novel is to build the kingdom and expand the lands, don't worry, the protagonist won't be a pirate.