The Conquering Organization: Dragon King Beginning of the World

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[13 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] _ BH


[Name: Dragon King Beginning of the World

Objective: Conquer the world (it cannot be changed)

Main World: The diamond city (officially owned by the host.)

Foreign World 1: The monster paradise island {In the west blue} (officially owned by the host.)

Organization Path: Governmental Organization (Can be changed before confirmation)

The threat bounty by the foreign world:

*Personal Bounty: None

*Organization Bounty: None

Organizing Elements:

*Organization crew on the interface: Dragon King Organization: Willian Bluewight (Leader) + 10 other people (Generals)

* Organization crew in the background:

- Soldiers: 0

- Security Guards: 0

-Security Guards Partners: 234 (Island monsters)

- Workers (all manual labor from construction to felling trees and many more): 0

- Carpenters: 0

- Engineers: 0

- Overseers (Accountants): 0

- Spies: 0

-Teachers: 0

-Ambassadors: 0

-Chefs: 0

(It can always be modified)]

[Once the organization is determined to function as one body with the help of the system, the host can always add people if they meet the necessary requirements even after the organization is established]

[The crew in interface of the organization with the host will automatically get to know how the organization is run, and they will know how to act like real generals]

[Background crew will have the formal skills for each job they are assigned to, the system advises selecting people who are competent in the chosen fields because they will become much more competent]



Without waiting for anything, Willian press the confirmation icon and after few moments, he feel like thunder was exploding in his head, not only him but the monsters kneeling beside him and the three assassins on the beach felt the same!

After a little headache, the situation soon returned to the way it was, but this time the systen window in front of him changed to red and the name of his conqueror organization appeared large in the middle. He felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge regarding the running of the organization and how to act as a real leader in this world and even he had acquired the temperament of a serious leader but he could control all this and use it for him.

He looked toward the monsters in front of him that had become like disciplined police dogs, they quickly formed into steadfast ranks and stared at Willian with unwavering respect, they looked just like dogs that had been trained to guard for years!

"Just like I thought! This system is not simple at all."

Willian was dumbfounded at this moment.

"Sit down!"

The monsters sat obediently just as Willian commanded.

"Leaders advance!"

Thirty-five monsters of various sizes including black, white, and striped tigers, gray and brown wolves, giant monkeys, snakes, and mantises, even Willian saw 10-meter turtles advancing as well, all kinds of huge monsters obediently marched forward and they were all mighty monster kings!

They stood in line in front of Willian and sat down at Willian's first order.

"You can totally understand me, right?"

They all nodded their heads.

It seemed their intelligence had broken through to officially become human level.

"You know your roles from now on, right?!"

All of them nodded again, which means they know that their job from now on is to obey the orders of the security guards to protect the citizens and workers who will settle here or in the diamond city or any other place to which they will be transferred in the future.

In short, the organization's security guards would from now on become like monster tamers in the Xianxia realms! for a moment Willian wanted to laugh when he imagined how terrified people would be of his security guards in the future, he really wanted to see that day.

Dragon King Beginning of The World!

Willian exclaim in his heart, once he repeated his organization's name internally it made his heart pump blood with excitement, he was so excited, he would be a dragon among men subjecting worlds to his rule and deciding the laws he wanted, anyone standing in his way would see the dragon's wrath.

The beginning of the world from the name of the organization means the end of the previous world and the beginning of the new world that he will build by himself.

The celestial dragons of this world weren't dragons at all, just human scum that had received too much authority, for this kind of scum, it would be an apocalypse dragon.

But for the simple inhabitants, his organization, just like its name, will be the beginning and dawn of a wonderful world.

From this day onwards a very mighty cosmic organization was born.


Willian ordered the guards' monsters to deploy to the island and guard it until he summoned them again.

After the guard monsters dispersed, Willian quickly moved towards the southern shore, he didn't go deeply into the forest until a strange fruit caught his attention.

He stopped in his tracks and approached the brown fruit with spiral swirls hanging on the fruit tree, the moment he saw it he felt endless excitement, how could he possibly be so lucky?

He was sure that this fruit incarnated here after he killed the bear, and it is the same as the paramecia fruit, for controlling the rocks!
