The dilemma of human emotions?

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[13 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


Willian moved with lightning speed and plucked Devil Fruit from the tree, then looked deeply at its strange and familiar shape.

He wasn't 100% sure that this devil fruit was from the bear's but given its brown color and proximity to where its previous host had died, he instinctively sensed that it must have been it.

Willian was excited to get another Devil Fruit but he quickly controlled this kind of emotion through logical reasoning.

Yes, it was understood that the devil fruit appeared here after the death of the big bear, and, yes, he was lucky again, but he was who killed the bear, so for that reason this Devil Fruit appeared here.

Willian felt the change in him, yesterday, when he was an ordinary human, he felt extremely excited and overly excited when he obtained his first devil fruit.

But now that he had become a high human, he felt that this kind of emotion could be controlled!

His worldview has completely changed.

Willian put the devil fruit in his bag, then looked at the tree bearing pear-like fruits, picked some of the fruit, and tasted it, he found that the taste also resembled a pear.

After enjoying a bit by this little desire, Willian returned to his path towards the south shore, his steps getting faster with each step.

The trees, plants, and various terrains of the forest were accelerating and disappearing in his vision, looking like a ghost flashing here and there.

While running, Willian was thinking about a very important matter.

To whom will he give this Devil Fruit?

Of the three, Paulo was credibly his favorite, so he decided in his heart to give it to Paulo.

But this would only cause a headache for Willian who only had one Devil Fruit at this moment.

Yes, the friendship of the trio who has served the same young master for years and shared a lot of positive feelings is a true and solid friendship.

They've fought with and protected each other countless times, so it's only natural to develop such emotions that are needed to build trust and loyalty.

But in front of the superpower, all this is nothing but a joke!

Willian, who had become a high human and whose mind had become much more powerful than that of an ordinary human, could see the flaw in the structure of an ordinary human's mind at a glance.

An ordinary human cannot control his instincts and desires that his mind demands, but the higher human can!

This is the difference between the two.

If he went like an idiot and told the trio how useful the devil fruit was and finally gave it to Paulo while promising the other two that he would give them the devil fruit too when he found it, he would cause undesirable negative feelings to arise among his subordinates no matter how small.

They were just normal human beings who couldn't control things like jealousy and desire to have the best for themselves, these are instinctive things that the average human can't resist and whoever says otherwise is a damned liar.

Such emotions could be relatively controlled if the value of the thing on the table was not too high, but if it was something of human imagination like a devil fruit, then not even a human monk could leave it to others even if it was his father or son.

That was the reality and Willian who possessed a mind much stronger than the human mind did not want to see hatred or jealousy erupt among his most loyal subordinates.

Then what should he do?

For a moment, he really wanted to hide this Devil Fruit so he could get two more and end this conflict at its root, but he needed an elite by his side urgently.

For other people, giving them a Devil Fruit to instantly become an elite is a fantasy. The fruit's ability needs years of development and hard work for the ability to become truly powerful and worthy of an elite name.

But for Willian's subordinates and generals especially, they would only need a few days or months at most to become a powerful toast after eating the devil fruit, the system had guaranteed that to Willian.

After all, they also obtained the benefits of the spatial body no matter how small!

This means that he will get a elites from the admiral level in the future if nothing goes wrong.

Willian doesn't want to waste his precious time looking for other Devil Fruits before giving them to his generals, but he also doesn't want to see any negative feelings, no matter how small, generated between him and his generals.

Willian thought carefully and finally decided to give it to the person who would win in the end among the three.

Yes, he decided to organize a small combat contest between the three assassins or the three generals as they are now.


As Willian was rushing to the southern shore his three generals were in ecstasy as they had just received a heavenly command!

As they stared dumbfoundedly at the newly formed iceberg, they suddenly felt as if thunder was exploding in their heads and then a lot of information about the organization and how to act as true generals of the organization under their leader Willian flowed out, it seemed like a true heavenly matter to them.

So much so that they prostrated themselves to heaven and began to speak to themselves, to worship, and to swear like fools.

They didn't stop this childish act until they fully comprehended the true general's mood, then the air around them changed and they started talking to each other seriously about how to develop the organization from now on.

They fully understood the amount of trust Willian had placed in them and also the magnitude of the task they had been given.

They were destined to become the face of Dragon King Organization in this world, so they promised each other that they would be up to the task and would never disappoint His Highness.

The only thing they can't understand until now, is why did the heavenly command say that they would be a government organization, didn't they come here to become pirates?

This is really too strange.
