The Pirates World Truth!

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[13 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


"Your Highness, you are kidding aren't you?!"

Paulo looked at Willian seriously, this issue is not to be joked about.

"I'm not kidding, whoever eats this fruit will become an able person like me."

While saying this, Willian put his hand on the beach under his feet and froze the area around him in a very smooth Icy floor.

The trio's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets after seeing the magic firsthand, this view was no less shocking than the last time when he showed them the spatial portal at all.

"Well, it seems like it's time for me to tell you a little bit about the real world of pirates we've come to, guys."

Willian seriously looked at his three generals and the air around him turned extremely oppressive and cold, sparks of powerful conqueror haki appeared in his eyes which arbitrarily affected the trio and made them focus with their entire being, even their appearance turned cold after sensing their leader's power, they no longer had the time to be shocked anymore, according to their level they didn't think that there was an oppressive aura that could make them feel afraid, even King Villian Ninth couldn't frighten them!

"Here you guys, it is the pirates' world, the world is full of superpowers that can destroy the world, what is in my hand is called Devil Fruit, it is said to contain Devil power, and this is didn't unacceptable, given the magical power that the eater of this fruit gets..."

Willian began to tell very seriously everything he knew about Devil Fruits and the reality of the pirates' world, the more the three listened, the more pressure they felt.

For a moment, they felt like their previous planning was just child's play in front of this gigantic world, they were like three young mantises trying to divide a world with their tender claws.

The world government that rules the world and does whatever it wants.

The four emperors who rule the New World with an iron fist.

The Three Admirals of the Navy who would intimidate anyone in their name alone.

The revolutionary army that causes trouble and rebellions everywhere.

And the disgusting Celestial Dragons who consider humans less than pigs and do whatever they want.

The supernovas that appear from time to time and cause tornadoes in Heaven before entering the New World.

In short, what the three heard from their young master changed their attitude to this world by 180°. They no longer regard this world as Dola anymore, but rather they must act carefully in every step they take from now on so as not to cause trouble to the organization.

Willian told them everything they needed to know about the world and it would be their turn from now on to educate the newcomers.

The good news is that they are now in the four seas far from the true monsters of this world and can silently grow until they have the power to battle giants, and the other good news is that they possess the spatial portals!

Even if something went wrong, they could safely retreat to their original world, but they wished they never reached that point.

After he finished the lengthy talk Willian left them to absorb what they had heard for a while, in addition to the great powers of this world he also told them about the Devil Fruits and the types of Haki and the martial arts and swordsmanship in this world , although everything was so magical to them, they succeeded in grasping everything strictly.

"Well guys, since you have finally learned a little about the truth of this world, you naturally realize how important this little thing is in my hand right now right?"

Willian was still using his powerful aura to affect the emotions of the three assassins so that they wouldn't show any greedy thoughts now.

"This exact fruit can make its eater control rocks and soil and cause earthquakes and landslides, its power is very obvious, but unfortunately only one of you will eat this fruit for now, until we find more Devil Fruits."

Willian sternly looked at the trio's faces before he nodded.

"To be fair, you will fight each other and whoever wins will get it naturally, is that okay?"

"We will obey Your Highness."

"We will obey Your Highness."

"We will obey Your Highness."

Contrary to what Willian thought, the three of them felt pressured at this moment, because they knew that whoever was going to eat this fruit would be under great pressure and responsibility especially at this point since the Conqueror Organization had not yet begun to consume this world .


Well, without any surprises, both Fred and Kalgar get whipped by Paulo and get the right to eat the Devil Fruit.

Willian looked at Fred and Kalgar lying on the ground with a huge bump on their heads and was not surprised by this result.

Before entering this world, Paulo was already the number one assassin in the empire and a Capital-Level Knight above that, he was stronger than Willian himself previously, so there were no surprises, organizing this fight between the three is only a move to protect Fred and Kalgar's feelings so that they do not have any negative thoughts and admit their loss in all objectivity.

"Here, cheek"

Willian threw the Devil Fruit at Paulo and the latter instinctively grabbed it.

"Before you eat it, you have to mentally prepare because your training by me from now on will be even more difficult than them."

Paulo nodded to Willian with a stiff expression and took a bite of the hell.


"...What is that, Your Highness!! Didn't you say it was delicious?… Why does it taste… like shit?"

"Hahahaha… that means you ate shit before."

Willian laughed as he looked at the miserab le scene of his poor general.

Delicious taste? What a cruel joke.
