Rocks Rocks no Mi

One Piece : Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[13 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


"So how do you feel, Paulo, can you control the rocks now?"

The laughing mood went away, and Willian's expression turned to serious again as he looked toward his future rocks general.

Willian wanted Paulo to find out his true ability now so that he could help him develop his fruit and choose the best path to develop his fruit abilities, he had a lot of rich ideas about it.

"Ah… Yes, your highness, I feel a strange force source in my body, as if a new instinct has been added to me."

Fred and Kalgar had woken up a long time ago and were earnestly staring at Paulo, they wanted to know what kind of power their elder had, maybe they would get similar power in the future, so they had to absorb any idea that might be useful to them in the future.

Paulo's face turned red as he tried to summon the new force into his body, but nothing happened yet.

Paulo kept trying until he almost stopped in disappointment and embarrassment, but at the last moment a rough-looking, light brown rock appeared in his hand.

"Huh! Hahahaha, your highness I finally succeeded, look, I can generate rocks, hahaha…"

Paulo was very excited by this sudden success, even though the rock he created was very small, he managed to extract the rock out of thin air, a magical and unprecedented feat for him.

Before today, he was just an ordinary human, despite his high-level assassination skills that put him first in the empire and his amazing sword arts put him at the peak of knights on the continent level, yet he was just an ordinary human after all, an ordinary human couldn't create rocks and controlled it, so in his eyes, now he was no longer a normal human being.

But the general's instinct within him quickly suppressed these redundant thoughts and brought him back to reality.

"Your Highness, this performance is so poor I'm sorry…"

"Don't worry Paulo, You just ate a devil fruit after a moment ago. It's normal for you to didn't release its power now, so you have to train hard, this fruit you ate can make you very strong in the future, don't disappoint me."

"And you must be careful of the sea in this world from now on, because it will become your natural enemy until I find a suitable solution, but the seawater in Dola will not affect you."

Willian had tried to drown in the seawater in Dola world but it didn't affect him at all, his diamond city is a coastal city so he was able to do this experiment, only seawater in Dola world makes him feel weak, it seemed like a universal law for this world only.

"Your Highness, I will never disappoint you."

Paulo was grateful to Willian for his encouragement and swore in his heart to follow His Highness until he died, that even his children would-be followers of Willian.

He also understood how dangerous the seawater in this world was to Devil Fruit eaters so he would warn of the sea from now on.

"Okay, that's fine, come with me. I'll take you to the place where you will train from now on, and you too, follow me."

Willian referred to Fred and Kalgar as well...

They also need extensive training from now on, Willian will give them the basics and they will follow after, they will also be the trainers of soldiers and security guards who will work here, for Willian they will save him from a lot of troubles, after all, he will be very busy from now on.

"Yes, captain."

"Yes, captain."

"Yes, captain."

For the first time the trio entered this strange trees world, everything was so surreal to them, they didn't even feel the flow of time throughout their run journey until they reached a cold area. They felt like they had walked out from a Green Paradise, that filled with fragrant fruits and cute animals and they entered to a Frozen Hell, that made their blood cold down.

"Acho! So cold..."

"Oh my God, what is this place!"

"Why is everything frozen here?"

The Icy statues were especially prominent in this frozen hell.

"It was me, this is the battlefield between me and the previous emperor of this place."

Willian pointed at the Icy statue of the bear emperor in front as he spoke.

"By the way, Paulo, the power you now have for that bear before."

The three instinctively looked at where Willian's finger was pointing and felt as if their eyes were deceiving them.

They saw a gigantic statue over ten meters high showing a huge black bear with a horrified expression inside.

Had they not become true generals because of the system, their legs would have been soft against the dead monster's corpse.

"Captain, did you really do this with your Ice power?"

Paulo who had just eaten a Devil Fruit was extremely excited, if he could obtain that kind of power then wouldn't that mean he could face even admirals without fear!

Doesn't that mean that he can protect their organization with this kind of overwhelming power!

It will make enemies urinate on their clothes in pure terror.

"I don't want to brag, but I really caused this shift in the terrain, well I'll correct it a little bit because it doesn't fit to train you here like that."

Willian waved his hand and the ice around him started to melt and disappear in his hand as if he was entering a black hole.

This amazing sight fell into the eyes of Paulo, Fred, and Kalgar and they were terrified, they wanted to worship and praise the God before them.

Oh my God! What do they see now!!

Half of the icy central area had disappeared, turning from white and blue to green and brown!

And how big was this half? It was at least 5 miles long.

It was exactly where they were.

"Okay, I'm done guys, here we will train from now on, the other side will be where I will train myself, the cold environment suits me better.

But for you, you will train here.

What Willian did earlier is something very simple and did not consume any amount of his physical strength, all he did was cancel the ice, it is an innate skill that the ice dragon possesses since he can create ice he can also cancel it and this is the point that Willian will utilize to train on recalling more natural elements.

He felt that he could reduce ice to snow if he tried, and perhaps he could reduce snow to water in the future and this would be a huge surge in his power!

If he could control the water then he could just rule the world without any effort!
