Entry of soldiers and security guards into the strange world

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[To Chapter 50]



The thing worth noting is that Willian gave a lot of ideas to Paulo on how to develop his fruit abilities which made the latter very happy.

The first task Willian gave Paulo was to make his rocks hard enough to destroy the wood, and Willian allowed Paulo to use the shell of Darty (The Tortoise Queen as Paulo called her) to harden his rocks attack up to the task.

After the infernal physical training he had gone through, Paulo felt that his strength had increased by a lot and even his affinity for the Devil Fruit had become more and more obvious, it was easier for him to create rocks now unlike what it was in the beginning.

Willian gave him the idea of developing the rock forms he creates into weapon forms such as rock spear, rock ax, rock sickle, hammer, mace, halberd, whip, sword, and other rocky weapons, because this will make his control of the fruit ability smoother, and by mastery this, the fruit ability will become also more powerful.

Although it was very difficult for him in the bignning, he could actually see his progress, at first he was making a rough stone but each time it looked more and more like a spear.

Willian also suggested to him the idea of creating a rock shield to strengthen his defense but advised him not to collect rocks on his body randomly as the big bear had done before because that would be too bad for his agility.

Willian especially advised him to focus on agility above all else, after all as a rock-fruit-eater, the agility would be his weakness from now on.

When he succeeds in all of this, it will be much easier to create large-scale attacks then.

After getting these rich ideas from his young master, Paulo got excited about training and became almost obsessed with training, just thinking about the divine power his highness wielded made him train hard to become like him, he got the chance to become the second strongest expert of the Dragon King organization so he won't waste this chance.

No matter how hard and infernal the training was, this would not shake the resolve of the trio, after all, they were classified assassins. And had previously trained in the true hell called Death Accord, they were going through true torture as a training!

Something like going over burning coals and cutting their flesh and pulling out their nails... This is how assassins are trained to resist torture...

After their bodies were fortified by the system, their life level automatically increased to level 4, so their power received a surge, their stamina, strength, agility, and resilience all elevated to the level of ordinary marines soldiers in an instant.

But since they had been blessed by the system, their training speed would be insane, and they could only be compared to ordinary marines soldiers on this day because in the coming days they would not remain ordinary anymore.

The life level of ordinary people in the Earth world is Level 1.

The life level of ordinary people in Dola's world is between Level 1 and 2.

The life level of ordinary people in the world of One Piece is between Level 3 and 4.

Willian himself after obtaining his spatial body had reached his life level the first time to level 6 since he had obtained the peak talent of physical strength in this world, his life force was rich from the very beginning, so once he fought strong fights and was subjected to the necessary pressure and in addition to being blessed the system, did not find any problem in evolving and transcending the life level in this world.

(A/N: Anyone can evolve, but no one has a system for showing the level and choosing the appropriate development path.)

That's why Willian knew that it wouldn't take long for his organization to become a true dragon that would bring terror to the local tyrants of this world.

After Willian had evolved into a high human, regardless of his lifespan, which has become 500 years, he felt that he had become much stronger perhaps his physical strength could be compared to a rear admiral in the navy, but if he added a Devil Fruit he could fight vice-admiral peer to peer but he would eat dirt if the vice-admiral used his armament haki.

Willian still didn't feel safe, so he trained like a madman in the frozen area of the central forest, the ice in that area had increased intensely but cracked hard in other areas of the ice field, even the three generals felt a chilly cold despite their distance from their young master's training place.

Willian eventually transformed into a huge blue dragon that made the three generals prostrate in awe, then he spread his huge wings and soared into the sky, but before he flew away the dragon's face looked toward the three men.

"Hi, guys~"

The strange dragon spoke by Dola language which made Paulo and the others tremble and instinctively searched for their young master's back to hide again but they couldn't find him anywhere.

(A/N: Dola language is the international language in the world of Dola and it is almost similar to English with some differences. Each continent has a different dialect, but they are generally understood by each other.)

"Hahahaha~ Whom are you guys looking for, I'm here in the sky, don't you see your strong young master's body?"

The trio's eyes trembled as they heard the familiar accent in the raspy beast's voice.

(That flying beast couldn't be their young master, could it?)

"There's no need for this fuss guys~ As I told you earlier, there are three types of Devil Fruit, the strongest type is the Logia, the natural forces that give its eater an indomitable natural power, and the second type is the Paramecia, the unfathomable kind just like the one you ate, Paulo, the third type is the Zoan that allows its eater to transform into a creature or monster and is the same as the one I ate, exactly I ate the most powerful type of Zoan, the mythical zoan that allows me to transform into an Ice Dragon~"

"Then you can transform into such a terrifying flying beast, Your Highness?!"

Fred looked at Dragon Willian with even greater awe and held back the shock in his heart for the question.

"Of course, I can transform… This is not a flying beast but an Ice Dragon~ Remember this, that's why our organization was named Dragon King because I am a dragon now~"

"Okay, you guys can go back to Dola and bring the soldiers and security guards through the spatial portal, I'll go get some sea monsters to prepare a welcome feast."

"Oh, and before I forget, bring the team of chefs too, and protect them all until I return, and before you let them in through the portal, explain everything to them as I told you in detail, I don't want any mistakes."

"Tell Sania and the rest that they are allowed in too."

"Hear and obey Your Highness"

"Hear and obey Your Highness"

"Hear and obey Your Highness"

Previously, Willian had opened the spatial portal in a vast and clean plaza that had been organized and cleaned up by the three generals, and monsters.

When the three of them disappeared into the spatial portal, Willian looked at the sun that had not yet set and hurried towards the sea, he needed to quickly catch a sea monster no matter what.

In the sky of the island, a western dragon spread its huge wings and soared under the red glow of the sun.
