The expedition to the strange world begins.

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[To Chapter 53]


Paulo walked out from the spatial portal and moved away slightly to make way for the newcomers before looking seriously towards the portal.

Yes, everything was in its place for the beginning of the expedition, only he felt aggrieved when he received looks of contempt and pity from the expressions of the soldiers, security guards, and team of chefs, earlier when he told them the destination of the expedition in the other world.

Previously, His Highness Willian had appointed the trio as general leaders of the expedition delegation in public, so it was not difficult for them to lead the delegation and talk about everything according to what His Highness said.

Although the first part of the delegation consisted of Empire soldiers who knew nothing but sword and fighting was the easy part, even so the soldiers and security guards looked at them as if they were looking at mentally retarded when they told them that they were going to another world.

Well, now they knew why Willian left this matter to them, just experiencing the looks of disgust and pity from the inferior soldiers made them feel like crushing them all, but because they had obtained the aura of the generals which affected even the bravery of these elite soldiers, they endured it, but their aura it did not work in front of the senior leaders within the army who were not inferior to them in stature.

Well, somehow they persevered and succeeded in bringing the soldiers, security guards, and team of chefs appointed by Willian to the huge palace hall, where the spatial portal was.

The moment the soldiers, security guards, and team of chefs saw the silver portal that looked like a spiral galaxy appearing in another world, they felt as if the world in front of them was spinning from shock.

For some reason, Paulo and the others felt as if they had scored the equalizer against these damned ones, and from here on they would rain down their goals.

Well back to the present moment, after all the information required for the first part of the expedition delegation had been given, Paulo entered the spatial portal to prepare to receive the new arrivals, and Kalgar and Fred remained to organize the entry of the delegation one by one, before that everyone was already warned about the strong attraction that would make them kiss birt at first, so they won't panic at first.

In fact, up to this point, these simple men and women did not comprehend what they had heard and seen until now, because it was far beyond their little imagination, but because it was His Highness Willian's order, they would throw themselves into hell for him.

Under the excited gazes of Royal Concubines Sania, Rosa, Gracia, and Rebecca, thousands of soldiers and security guards began to enter through the strange portal in groups.

Soldiers first entered under Kalgar's supervision. Within 20 minutes 1,000 soldiers(knights) and their commanders entered through the spatial portal in awe and fear of the unknown, these soldiers were among the elite forces Willian had under his sleeve, all of them carefully selected from his huge army totaling 20,000 knights.

These 1000 soldiers used to go on expeditions organized by His Highness Willian and fought many battles and wars with His Highness Willian, fighting alongside His Highness Willian was their pride for life, and that is exactly why Willian chose them to be the first to enter the world of pirates and participate in direct way in the massive revolution that is about to hit the two worlds.

On the other side of the portal, a very funny scene happened, every time a stunned soldier enters, he falls hard on the ground with strong gravity, but to avoid swarming and crushing each other, Paulo pulls every soldier who comes out of the portal away from her and lets him kiss the ground in other places.

The situation continued like this until 1000 soldiers completely entered, they were scattered in the arena and couldn't move at all, the worst part of it was that they could see a lot of huge monsters surrounding them to protect them but they thought that they would become food for them, so many urinated on themselves out of pure terror actually.

Then it was the turn of the security guards, and Fred and Kalgar put 500 of them in groups, just as they did with the soldiers.

Then 20 cooks Including men and women were brought in, and the royal concubines enthusiastically accompanied them as well.

When everyone entered through the spatial portal as planned Kalgar and Fred sighed and followed the team as well.

Willian who was flying in the form of a dragon over the sea back to the island received successive notices of his subordinates entering through the spatial portal.

When the stream of notifications ended, he accepted them all as subordinates and recognized the first 1,000 people batch as soldiers, the second 500 people as security guards, and then recognized the last 20 people as cooks.

And finally, he appointed his beloved wives as his generals, of course, he appointed them as his generals because of the benefits of the position and not because he really wanted his wives to be his generals, after all, he would not really allow them to enter the battlefield or be harmed but he would teach them how to be strong to protect themselves in their time of need.

Even if he was in control of his emotions as a high human being, it didn't mean that he didn't love his rabbits anymore, quite the contrary, his love for them had increased a lot.

[Name: Dragon King Beginning of the World

Objective: Conquer the world (it cannot be changed)

Main World: Diamond City (officially owned by the host)

Foreign World 1: Monster Paradise Island {in West Blue} (officially owned by the host)

Organization path: government organization (it cannot be changed)

Threat bounty from the foreign world:

* Personal Bounty: None

*Organization Bounty: None

Organizing Elements:

*Organization crew on the front: Dragon King Organization

Willian Bluewight (leader) + 10 other people (generals)

*Organization crew in the background:

- Soldiers: 1000

- Security guards: 500

- Security Guard Partners: 234 (Monsters Island)

- Laborers (all manual work from construction to logging and many more): 0

- Carpenters: 0

- Engineers: 0

- Supervisors (Accountants):0

- Spies: 0

-Teachers: 0

- Ambassadors: 0

- Cooks: 20

(Can always be modified)]

... ...

In front of the spatial portal, the delegation falling on the ground felt their bodies becoming more sprightly as if they had been freed from a curse. They finally managed to move and the first thing they did was stand up and look at the world around them in astonishment. For a moment, an unrealistic silence fell on the huge field. All that could be heard was the rapid breathing of thousands of people.
