The Army Generals!

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[To Chapter 56]


"Oh, God of stars what is this world for the sake of the heavens?!"

A young soldier looked at the strange world before him, tall, bushy trees lined up in a circle.

A vast field of flowers, exotic plants, and ruined rocks.

An iceberg whose height touches the clouds and huge birds are flying in the sky around the top of the iceberg.

In order not to go far, there are monsters the size of buildings a few meters away from them, when the young soldier first saw them he felt maybe he was hallucinating and nothing more, or why is he still alive and kicking?

If they were real, they would already be in their stomachs now.

The same thoughts of the young soldier were running through the minds of most of the soldiers and security guards present.

Clapping~ Clapping~

Suddenly the sound of clapping caught the attention of the young soldier and the soldiers around him.

"First of all, I would like to tell you all..."

"~Welcome to the world of One Piece!"

Paulo looked with a smile at the crowd as he spoke. He felt that he had already avenged the disgusting looks these simple people had given him in the past so he would not be so hard on them anymore, after all, these men would be his soldiers and above all, they would be his brothers in the organization, all one of them is a very precious person.

"Now, I think everyone has received the heavenly order we told you about earlier, right?!"

Paulo looked toward the crowd and waited for an answer.

"Yes! I have already received the heavenly order…!"


"Me too!!"

"...Oh, Stars God! Is what has fallen into my mind now a heavenly order!!!"



"Oh, my God, punish my ignorance. I didn't think that one day this miserable servant would receive a heavenly order!!"

"Noise!!" "Noise!!" "Noise!!"

"God said that I will be an honorable soldier of the Dragon King Organization from now on…"

"Oh God of the stars is this real~" "Scream!!"




From what Paulo picked up from the excited crowd he thought that everyone had already received the heavenly order, so he applauded again to catch the crowd's attention before he spoke again.

"Since everyone has received the heavenly order, it means that everyone here is loyal to His Highness, the Heavenly Apostle, wholeheartedly and without any other ideas, yes, just as we told you before and I think everyone has already believed this order now… Your Highness Willian, He is a true Heavenly Apostle chosen by a true God to another honorable mission for humanity."

"Here there is no place for hypocritical churches, but here is the place of a true and holy heavenly apostle who will take us to true prosperity."

The delegation who had just entered the portal felt that the world they knew had been turned upside down, they didn't think that what they thought was false nonsense earlier was 100% real and they are now experiencing it physically!

The more and more they listened to the general, the more their blood boiled like a volcano eager to erupt.

"Now, you know what kind of heavenly honorable mission you were chosen for it, right?"

Paulo continued his words in a loud voice, the aura of the esteemed general gleaming from his body.


The voice of thousands of people shook the island at this moment it sounded as if the ice-capped volcano in the center of the island had exploded.

1000 soldiers became, true soldiers with indomitable mentality with the blessing of the system, as well as 500 security guards, obtained solid mental power and even the cooks and chefs on the side were able to absorb the reality they were engaged in very quickly and shouted with the crowd to let out the enthusiasm that had built up inside them at once whether they were men or women, knowing that they have been chosen by the gods is not a simple fact that they can accept so easily and transcend it completely.

"Now, let the soldiers line up in neat lines, and let the non-commissioned officers advance to the front of their ranks, the commanders advance before the non-commissioned officers, and the generals come by my side."

"The security guards also lined up according to the military organization and for the police officers to advance to the front of their ranks, the security deans came before the officers, and finally the generals went to the side of General Fred."

"Cooks and Chefs line up in order too and let the master chefs come out on the front."

As soon as Paulo finished his orders the soldiers and security guards lined up very quickly, if they were wearing military earth clothes instead of the harsh medieval armor they would have looked like super trained earth soldiers.

The knowledge that the system instilled in them was the pinnacle of human civilization in the previous host's world, so they became like veterans in an instant.

Paulo, Fred, and Kalgar looked at this with great satisfaction, these super soldiers would be their pride from now on.

Suddenly two men from the crowd of one thousand soldiers and one man from the crowd of five hundred security guards came out and headed toward Paulo and Fred before giving a proper military salute.

The first man to walk out from the ranks of the soldiers was two meters tall and with curly black hair, he had a tan body and was extremely muscular, he also had a scar along with his right eye but it gave him a wonderful aura to his heroic figure, he also looked young like Paulo.

Having greeted Paulo with a solemn expression, he announced his name.

"General Rogerdo of Soldiers' Camp Salutes The Bigest General Paulo"

Next to Rogerdo was a man a little shorter than him but not unlike him in heroic aura at all, he had short blond hair but his expression was fierce, he seemed quite the type of resolute leader, unlike Paulo and Rogerdo, he was not young, he was in his forties, but his body is still very strong.

"Rodian Volto, General From Soldiers' Camp Salutes The Bigest General Paulo."

Paulo gently nodded at them and greeted them closely.

On the other side, the man who came out of the security guards camp looked very energetic, he was only 170 tall but that didn't matter at all, the important thing was that he had the same commanding aura as the two generals from the soldiers' camp.

He stood in front of Fred with an energetic smile on his beaming face before giving a military salute.

"General Helan From Camp Security Guards Salutes The Bigest General Fred."

For Helan this day was very unrealistic, up to this point he still thought he was dreaming such a strange dream but he didn't care and he would go along with this pleasant dream until the end.
