Is that flying beast is His Highness?

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[To Chapter 57]


The atmosphere was extremely calm after arranging the ranks, no one dared to breathe, this scene transmitted to the eyes of the royal concubines who were watching everything in astonishment.

Rosa, Sania, Gracia, and Rebecca knew that they had become generals under Willian as well, but all of this was very surreal in their hearts.

From entering another world to receiving the heavenly order, everything was so amazing that their little minds were blown away.

They completely believed in Willian even before entering this world, but hearing something and experiencing it personally were two completely different things, without a doubt the experience made them feel utterly in awe.

Their beautiful faces would show shocked expressions from time to time every time they saw something new from the huge monsters beside them to the iceberg hugging the clouds and the beautiful flowers in the field on the other side, in short, everything in this world made them so happy, they wish it wasn't just a passing dream, but the most important question is where is His Highness the Prince?

Where is their man?

When the quart wanted to ask about Willian, they saw Paulo already starting to organize the soldiers and receive the generals, so they had to wait until they finished organizing.

Back to Paulo and Fred, they were presently telling the camp generals about the pirates' world and what they should know, and what they should teach to their subordinates.

The more Rogerdo hears the more pale his face becomes, not only him but even Volto and Helan, the last one seems not to treat this reality as a dream anymore, since he received a hard slap from Fred that brought him back to reality and made him wake up to the true reality.

The expedition this time was on another level, not what they were used to, because this time they really entered another world, very big, much bigger than they imagined.

The good thing was that they had received a great heavenly gift that made their bodies and mindsets even more powerful, and they even gained a true commanding aura that not even royal generals had!

Once standing in front of the soldiers, they can sense that they can steer as smoothly as moving their limbs.

They are the generals and these soldiers are not just knights anymore!

They now know why His Highness the Prince has been working all these years to change the mentalities of his knights and turn them into real soldiers, this means that His Highness the Prince has been preparing for this great event many years ago!

All along, generals like them were thinking about why Prince Willian rejected the Knights Army and imposed it on the Soldiers Army and introduced so many ideas and comprehensive change policies to the war structure, but only today did they know that the reason for this was that His Highness had already received a Heavenly Order a long time ago!

Yes, now that they assimilated the army structure from the system itself, they understood just how strong and organized the soldiers were than the knights who looked like barbarians.

Once Willian gets the firearms from this world they will become real soldiers who will bring terror to the battlefields of the Dola world.

Unfortunately, firearms in the pirates' world can only be bullied on civilians, so they have to become super-soldiers if they want to be of real use in the future battlefields, and that's exactly what the gracious generals were discussing.

The Big General Kalgar was on the side of the cooks who seemed out of place at present.

Just the day before yesterday, Willian had ordered the killing of the master chef who was in charge of cooking his poisoned dinner. So the chefs and the master chefs were terrified by their shadow the whole time. They were the least trusted people in the Palace of City Lord. Where a unknown prince always managed to buy someone from them, but even so, Willian always succeeds in punishing only the responsible person and does not kill all the cooks as local tyrants do. So for them, they love such a kind and generous ruler like His Highness, and they hate disgusting people who cause them troubles. Why not just let them cooking quietly to their young master without looking for who is poisoning the food?

Today when they heard the news of the expedition trip that even chefs like them would take part in, they were very excited that they would use this opportunity to clean their name and win the affection of His Highness the Prince once again, but no matter how wild their imaginations were, they never imagined that they would enter another world and be chosen by the gods to serve as official chefs for a Dragon King Organization.

They had received so much culinary knowledge that their previous knowledge was just gravel on the side of the road, and the seemingly endless road was exactly that knowledge they had received from the system.

Kalgar was talking to a group of chefs who were passionate about cooking and telling them about the pirates' world and what they had to do from now on, their role was very simple, to cook the food.

The beauty Senior Chef Gisley she was chatting enthusiastically to Kalgar, who told her how good the fruits were in this world.

Gisley was 30 years old not much different from Kalgar, she had purple hair styled in a bun and purple eyes to match her hair color, her milky white skin looked like a violet flower with an excited smile, the foodie Kalgar was interested in this beauty who always fed him the most delicious meals for a long time, and even Willian knows it.

In the Palace of the Lord, there are a lot of master chefs but only two have had the honor of experiencing this now and Gisley got this chance because of Kalgar only.

When she was chatting excitedly about every new thing she saw with Kalgar and the young chefs, she suddenly looked up at the sky to see something that made her freeze.

"This… What is this in the sky?"

Everyone who heard her scream instinctively raised their heads toward the sky, even the regularly lined up soldiers raised their heads and stared at the sky in awe.

The majesty of the being in the sky was too great to ignore it.

"Don't worry, this is His Highness Willian, he has returned from hunting, and it looks like he has come back with a really big catch."

Kalgar eyes was so shiny when he looking the gigantic hunts that Willian was clutching his claws, his saliva almost overflowing, he was the only general whose commanding aura didn't seem to work when he was talking about food.

But when his voice fell into the ears of the others, they felt as if he was joking.

"Is that flying beast is His Highness? You must be kidding."

She was Senior Chef Gisley who spoke up this time as well.

"It is not a flying beast but a dragon, it is an ice dragon, this is the power of our king."

Kalgar, Paulo, and Fred spoke with great pride in their voice.

At this moment, the eyes of the Royal Concubines were heart-shaped as they stared at their divine dragon in the sky.

The moment he appeared they instinctively knew it was their man Willian, oh how strong he looks, just looking at him from such a distance literally made them wet.


Dragon Willian stopped in the sky above the large plaza, flapping its huge wings, as it secretly looked at the organized group of soldiers and security guards.

(Everyone here seems to have accepted the situation, that's well.)

These were Willian's inner thoughts as he looked toward the crowd of people looking at him in astonishment.



At this moment Willian knocked down the sea monsters he was carrying by his claws on his legs and hands, he had succeeded in catching two sea monsters.

The first is a sea monster resembling an eel with a length of 40 meters, and the second is a tuna fish with many sharp fangs and the size of a large whale with a length of 20 meters. He managed to catch them and somehow transport them, and here he finally drops them in front of the unbelieving eyes of the crowd.

The ground shook, dust flew, and the guarding monsters moved away from the scene when the corpses of the sea monsters fell from the sky.
