The Meeting

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


The meeting has already started, and many important points were raised and discussed.

Since the dragon king organization had already got an island under its control, Willian put the issue of developing the island first on the table, this island would be linked to the diamond city and resources would be moved to and from the two places constantly.

And if he wants to keep pace with this project successfully, he needs a lot of laborers.

Of course, the problem does not lie in his lack of manpower, but rather in who is worthy of trust among these laborers.

Willian does not want to introduce wolves in sheep's clothing into this world, nor does he want to become a murderous butcher who kills anyone who does not meet the requirements of the system to be his subordinate.

Yes, Willian needs permanent subordinates who can work nimbly and plenty of them!

A non-subordinate could not even move under the strong gravity of the pirate world let alone work.

Of course, he will kill the spies who can succeed in reaching this step, but he does not want to kill those who do not wish to be subordinate to anyone in his heart.

Included here is that he does not want the secrets of the other world to leak so quickly from the mouths of non-subordinates.

The problem is that anyone who Willian has registered in the system can enter the portal but no one can become his subordinate, any member of the conquering organization, only those who have a certain loyalty to him can be his subordinate.

That was why Willian had to be careful in choosing the people who could use the spatial portal.

But the good point was that only his subordinates would get the benefits of the spatial system and non-subordinates wouldn't get anything except the right to enter and experience the gravitational force of 20 times Dola's gravitational pull.

"Your Highness, you said that those who have no true loyalty to you will not obtain any heavenly orders which means that they are not qualified to join the organization, then how can we find out who has true loyalty and who does not before entering them through the portal?

Fred brought up the important point and focused the rest on hearing the answer, even Rosa, who usually only cares about Willian's dragon, put her little head near Willian's mouth to be the first to hear the answer.

Willian smiled and asked a question to the group.

"Do you know why we've been registering our people in the city's population registry books and making the verification cards all these years now?"

The generals looked at Willian with confusion, none of them from the Ministry of Housing to see why, but they did know the main points of being easy to know exactly how many people were and the usefulness of a verification card when trying to tell the difference between their own townspeople and strangers... Yes, that's the point!

Their eyes all lit up as they discovered the idea of His Highness at the same time.

"Your Highness, you are truly the genius of your generation! Imperial Teacher Rudolph did not lie when he said this."

Volto looked at Willian with a gentle smile and said with unmistakable praise.

All the generals at the meeting table had the same idea.

"Yes, just as you guessed, we have registered all our population of about 5 million, since they are the inhabitants of our city and we know them well, there will be no problem. I know that the majority of the population greatly appreciate me and will have a certain loyalty to me, and the desire to serve under my wing will perhaps be their greatest wishes."

"So we will not need to worry about this problem, we have among our residents all kinds of workers and artisans, we also have our loyal merchants, of course, we also have bad beans among these residents but we will not choose them to participate ."

(A/N: The bad bean here is a metaphor for the not-so-good or bad people in society)

"We will follow Your Highness's thoughts."

The meeting went smoothly and Willian told them about the guards monsters and that he was going to the north side of the island to recruit more monsters because he wanted all the 500 security guards to have a partner monster so they could start their training from now on .

Another date was set after three days to bring in the second batch of soldiers and security guards, and tomorrow will be the day they will start recruiting all kinds of workers they need to work on the island and fortify it.

Willian wanted to see what a prosperous city looked like here in Monster Heaven in a month at the most.

Willian has already drawn up the list of workers he wants and it is now with the Minister of Housing himself and he is working on it tirelessly with his assistants.

Eventually, Willian finished the meeting and went out with his wives to wander outside.

Most of the soldiers were camped outside, they formed a lot of groups and sat next to the torches that had been lit, they were very disciplined and the mood of the previous knights was gone, the system corrected their thoughts which in turn corrected their behavior and this made them like the competent soldiers.

Willian couldn't be more satisfied than he already is, when he saw this, and the thing that made him even happier was that the delicious smell of food was already seeping through.

Looks like dinner will be ready soon.
