Rich intelligent life types in the pirates world!

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreing Ice Dragon

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


The scent of the ripe food pervading the camp tickled everyone's olfactory senses, like this heavenly scent they had never smelled before.

Even the soldiers and security guards started wondering what kind of food the chefs were preparing.

"How can the mere smell of food make me feel an unbridled craving for food!"

Willian almost laughed out loud when he saw Rosa trying to keep her serious expression but her saliva starting to leak to betrayed her.

"Well, that's because the food in this world is so wonderful, especially the meat of the sea species, and that's exactly what is being prepared at the moment."

Willian answered his girl's questions.

"Why is there such a big difference between our worlds?"

As usual, Sania still asks all kinds of questions, since entering this world she has been asking a new question almost every minute, Willian was in awe of this inquisitive wife, she learned a lot more information from him than any other General has known so far, just because she asks so many questions.

"I don't really know why the food here is so much more delicious than the food in our world, but the obvious thing is that the structure and magic of this world are much deeper than ours, even the path of evolution of living beings took a much higher path than ours…"

"How is that?!"

Sania wondered curiously, even Gracia, Rebecca, and Rosa blinked at Willian with their curious eyes.

"...For example, here there are not only humans of intelligent species but many different species."


Willian could swear that he saw golden stars shining in the eyes of Sania and the rest when he said that.

"Yes, there are many intelligent beings in this world besides humans."

Willian sighed and spoke, but since he was not speaking in a low voice, a large number of people from the lowest soldiers to the generals heard him.

When they heard His Highness's words, they felt absolute dread.

How can there be intelligent beings other than humans?

This does not mean that they do not believe in their existence, because they know the existence of devils, angels, and gods from their sacred books, but these beings are considered mythical despite their belief in them because they have not seen them before!

And now what?

His Highness said that there are other intelligent beings in this world besides humans, not one or two but many of them.

Although the smell of fresh and aromatic meat spread more and more in the camp, this time no one paid any attention to it because they focused all their senses on what Willian was going to say next.

"Well, Sania, all that I have taught you about the origin of humans, such as evolution, coexistence, adaptation, etc., for a long time, should suffice for you to conclude that humans cannot be the only intelligent creature that can result from the equation of evolution in its entirety, is not it?"

Willian looked at Sania with a smile and thought internally that she looked so cute when she was drowning in thought, she always reminded him of Tsukuyo from Gintama in her every move.

"Ah~ Yes, I remember all of that, and of course, I find that human can't be the only intelligent creature that should produce all these infinite possibilities in the process of evolution, but in our world human is still the only one, why is that?"

Sania still surprises him with her superior intelligence in everything.

Listeners to the duo felt stupid listening to them.

What evolution and infinite possibilities are they talking about?!

"In our world, humans were born only intelligent creature from the process of evolution, but here in this magical environment rich in life force, countless forms of intelligent beings were born and many also became extinct, here are humans, Fishman, minks, giants, little humans, and long-handed humans, and long-legged humans, even long-necked humans are here, perhaps even dragons and demons are here, though they are rare."

The listeners were shocked by the multitude of intelligent creatures present in this world. Even the guards monsters on the side who had obtained high intelligence recently were only shocked by the reality of their world that they themselves did not know either.

Willian continued to answer Sania's questions, Rosa's, Rebecca's, Gracia's, and even the other generals and soldiers, he told them about the Fishman race who lived in the sea and he told them about the beautiful mermaids who were also legends in the world of Dola and that made them feel with absolute awe and a great desire to see these beautiful creatures.

As Willian told them about the minks race in this world, the minks race were half-humans and animals, they were also very interesting to these curious men and women.

But what shocked them the most was the fact that there were real giants and little humans in this world, just imagining the presence of these kinds of creatures made them feel inferior to their existence, it was good that there were humans in this world also and apparently they are the absolute rulers here.

The fact that there were different types of humans such as long legs, long hands, long necks, and three eyes was also interesting.

Willian told them about the inhabitants of the sky, who called skypian, who also resembled angels, just the fact that there was an island in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters in the sky made them feel a huge shock and the same was true of the fact that there was a living island of Fishman 10,000 meters under the sea.

What their prince told them made them so excited to see this world, the enthusiasm that was newly born in them was much greater than ever before, they felt like they had been frogs at the bottom of a well all their lives until now.

The camping night in another world was very exciting, everyone enjoyed delicious food from this world and high-quality wine from the world of Dola.

When they first tasted the meat of the sea monsters that Willian had hunted, they felt as if they had been eating dirt all their lives and now this is what one might call real food.

The voices of jubilant laughter spread among the thousands of soldiers, guards, and even the chefs. It was so fun on their first day in this world and everyone wished that it wasn't all just a passing dream.

In Willian's tent, far from the hustle and bustle of the camp, Willian and his women had just finished enjoying their very delicious meal and it was time for bed, but when everyone was overexcited, it would be very difficult to sleep.

"Rosa, are you looking for punishment?!"

Willian saw Rosa looking at him with a hungry look while searching for his little brother and wondering what kind of punishment she needed.

Beside them, Gracia, Rebecca, and Sania all chuckled and pounced on Willian wanting to eat him.

Well, maybe they are the ones to be eaten tonight.
