Out of the island for the first time

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon ❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]



The next morning, Willian woke up very energetic before his women, who sleeping deeply beside him.

Willian looked gently and lovingly kissed their foreheads before getting up and getting dressed.

Willian went to a lake near the camp, found in the northern forest, that was large enough to be an essential source of freshwater for the camp.

Willian came across many soldiers and security guards on the road who greeted him with unwavering respect and he responded with a kind gesture.

The guards, accompanied by their chosen monsters, and the soldiers were also transporting fresh water to the camp from the lake.

Willian used his ice ability to separate a small area from the lake in a place out of sight of the soldiers and used it to take a shower, although the water was cold, it didn't affect him at all but quite the opposite, it was very refreshing.

After taking a shower and a quick breakfast, Willian met the group of generals who were already training the soldiers and guards and gave his following orders and told them that he was going to get off the island and turn in the West Blue and that he would also designate some hidden access points to the other islands, as important strategic nooks, and he would also buy some maps and means of sea travel before returning.

Willian also ordered the generals to begin bringing in the groups delegations of the chosen ones through the portal.

Willian didn't want to waste time anymore and transformed into his dragon form before flying in the sky at a high speed, he had no way to travel other than using his wings.

Willian was now like a blind person because he just flies randomly and doesn't know where he's going, unfortunately for him, he doesn't have any map or information at the moment so there's no trick in his hand, but at least he knows how to tell north from south and east from the west, using the position of the sun, and most importantly, he already knows that the calm belt is in his south, like yesterday when he was hunting sea monsters, he accidentally entered the windless region, he almost fell into the sea due to the sudden change of the air around him, but he succeeded in the sea froze below at the last moment.

After that little accident, Willian knew that the monster paradise island was very close to the Calm Belt.

So at least he wasn't 100% as clueless as yesterday.

This time Willian was delving deeper into the western blue, wanting to discover which islands nearby would help him get the information he needed.

But before he finds any island, he finds something really interesting.

Willian was flying relatively high in the sky so as not to attract any unwanted attention, for those below would see a small dot in the sky and think it was just a seabird.

Willian saw a black flag with a white human skull in the middle so he knew that this was a pirates ship, his current eyesight was so powerful that he could see the pirates who were on the ship, their shapes really looked like pirates so he didn't think much and pounced on them with lightning speed.

For the pirates on the ship, all they could see was a point getting bigger and bigger in their eyes until the ship shook and cracked from the violent claws attack.

Willian in dragon form didn't even give them a chance to see his majestic form, as most of the pirates were sent out to sea from the shockwave.

After getting off the ship, Willian returned to his human form and finished off the remaining pirates, they were just random scum so he didn't bother to talk to them.

The miserable pirates did not know what hit them as most of them were frozen with the sea and died freezing, and whoever remained on the ship Willian gave them a quick end, the screaming started in one moment and ended the next moment.

After that, Willian searched seriously for the pirates stuff and found a map of the West Blue and also found a compass that allows him to travel smoothly through the West Blue, and also found five million Berries and some gold and jewels, he took the Berry and left the gold there, he didn't need it.

After this short interval, Willian chose an island near the map, followed the path described there, and transformed into a dragon before taking off into the sky again.
