Toroa Island

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon ❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


The map he had seen earlier showed a large area of water and many islands, some large enough to be considered a kingdom and some small islands that met the requirements for establishing a village only at best.

Every island and archipelago was named on this map, but he didn't find the name of Ohara Island anywhere, Willian knew that it was already destroyed many years ago because the current year is already 1518 but he's still looking for its relics or something.

If Willian's guess is correct, he believes that Robin is still in West Blue at the moment, working undercover in the Underworld, and she could leave for the grandline towards Alabasta at any time.

Willian desperately wanted Robin under his wing and protected her from now on as one of his subordinates, not only because she was one of the female characters he loved most, but also because she was very important to his future plans for this world.

For Willian who had no idea where she was right now, he would leave it to fate.

Before Willian left the pirates ship that he had already frozen it into an ice sculpture, he had decided which destination he would go to first.

Toroa Island, a medium-sized island in the western blue, was the closest to him from his current location, so Willian chose it, he had a vague idea about the name of the island because he remembered hearing its name from the anime in the Sabaody Archipelago, all that was mentioned was the name of the island and no other information was mentioned, but Willian can see it with his own eyes soon.

The fierce wind was violently caressing the dragon's face but that didn't affect his high speed at all, Willian was already used to flying in the form of a dragon, this was also a form of training, but his comprehension speed was extremely high so he didn't find any problem to reach master level in flight.

Willian enjoyed the experience of flying over the amazing blue sea in the early morning, it was a fantastic sight for anyone to see.


On the island of Toroa, life was just beginning its usual motion, for the sun had only risen some time ago.

On the banks of the island a human figure descended at a high speed causing the ground below to crack, Willian had canceled out the dragon's transformation in the sky and fell to the ground from a relatively safe height.

Now it was time to explore, it wasn't too late for Willian to locate several safe access points on the island, most of which were on the island's shores, as this was the place to avoid sight anyway.

Toroa was a very grassy island and very rich in nature and there were also a lot of exotic trees along the way that Willian came down.

Willian walked out of the grassy area after a while and entered the urban area, in front he saw a sign indicating that this was Toroa.

On the island, there are many villages and one big city, Toroa City.

Willian roamed the town for a while. He had 5 million Berries so he bought a regular fit pair of black jeans and a jacket of the same color and wore them in the shop after removing his old clothes, Willian was glad he finally bought good clothes especially, the trendy clothes were here in the world of One Piece is much better than his old clothes from the world of Dola, although it has its own characteristics as well.

After paying 50,000 berries and saying goodbye to the owner woman of the clothing shop who was still stunned by the handsomeness of the blue-haired man, Willian left complacently toward his next target.

The sluggish city in the morning was satisfactory, but finding a restaurant to fill his stomach was more satisfying.

With this, Willian decided to go to the most famous restaurant in the city. Along the way, Willian noticed that Toroa is not much different from the cities of Dola in general form, but in terms of the organization in it is more organized, only Diamond City can compare with it in this regard.

Finally, Willian found the most famous restaurant on the island of Toroa, after entering he went straight to an empty table and asked the waiter to prepare a meal of grilled fish and the best juice in the restaurant.

Eating in this restaurant was already satisfying for Willian, but the most satisfying thing was the information that revolved around the customers.

Willian's senses had reached a stage where he could hear anything in his surroundings very well plus he had already succeeded in obtaining the beginner level of Observation Haki because he focused on training his enhanced senses for quite some time and this was the best thing he had ever had for Willian since obtaining the Devil Fruit.

Willian focused on the news and was able to get a lot of information about famous pirates at present, such as the Wooden Shield Pirates, even though he knows nothing about them.

He also heard a lot of information about the Navy, the achievements of the Branch 80 Navy base, and nonsense like that, Branch 80 was the most famous branch in the Blue West and the most Navy Branch killing pirates.

The real thing that really caught Willian's attention was hear ing a familiar name.

'Demon Sheriff' Laffitte!
