Nico Robin!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon ❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


"It's really tempting, Chief Karl, it seems I need some time to think about this matter, how about this, give me the information I need and when I'm done cleaning up the pirates, you can then introduce me to Chief Caesar. "

At first, Karl was disappointed, but after listening carefully he felt like it was very logical, it seemed like it would be a good test, even if this guy didn't manage to catch all the pirates on the list, in Karl's eyes he could definitely catch at least half of them, and that It will be great news for the family.

At that time they wouldn't even need to test the strength of the newcomer, this big test would be enough.

At this point Karl felt like a big boss within the family who could test, accept and reject new recruits as he wanted, he was already daydreaming.

Seeing his dreamy expression, Willian felt the urge to laugh, it would be a piece of cake for him to invade this world if its inhabitants are as stupid as this man.

"Uhm... Are my words acceptable, Mr. Karl?!"

Karl returns to reality after reminding Willian, the more he looks at this young man, the more and more satisfied he feels, if this strong young man will join the family and it will be thanks to him, and all his future achievements will be thanks to him.

While no one noticed it, a little ear in the corner of the room was listening and trembling from time to time.

"Okay, okay, I can testify to you that after you finish hunting the pirates you can take them back to me and I will be the one in charge of withdrawing your reward from the Navy and I will personally accompany you and make sure you receive glory and revolution, after that we will go to the family headquarters to officially join you in us ranks."

Whenever Willian listened to this man's nonsense and dreams he felt the urge to laugh, this man had already considered him a mafia member, what a joke.

Well, he will still follow this fat man in his dreams for a while, until he at least gets the information he needs.

Willian nodded as if he did agree, but inwardly he was laughing at this fat man's stupidity.

Karl laughed profusely and was pleased with Willian's attitude, the more he looked at him the more satisfied he was, so he didn't delay any longer and called his trusted secretary.

"Robin, come here!!"

The moment she heard the fat bastard calling her, the human ear disappeared into the pink flower petals.

Willian was shocked after hearing Robin's name, it couldn't be the same Robin he had in mind, could it?

Robin who serves as Karl's personal secretary entered the office, her former trembling already gone and she regained her formal expression as a secretary.

She stood next to Karl before she spoke.

"I'm here, chief."

"Good, Robin, I want you to give our esteemed client here, Mr. Willian, all the information we have about the pirates on their head more than 10 million Berry currently active in west blue."

"Also give him the latest information related to that annoying clown demon sheriff Laffitte."

"Okay, chief."

Finally, Robin raised the hat a little so that she could see well the man sitting on the other side.

The moment their blue eyes met she felt a little infatuated but she hid him well.

As for Willian, he felt the waves crash into his heart, what a shock, he met Nico Robin!

Willian was deeply shocked inwardly, but his outer expression didn't show even a single slip, he was professional at keeping his expressions intact despite the great shock.

Fate was truly a strange thing, he had not expected to find Robin so quickly the moment he felt the desire to meet her.

"Follow me, sir."

Robin led the way, waiting for the man to follow her steps.

She was going towards the room designated for storing the information.

Willian asks Karl's permission and follows Robin silently, maybe he has to change his plans now, once he gets the information he needs he will move to include Robin in his crew, he crushes Karl and steals his devil fruit and leaves from here with Robin.

This would be like hitting three birds with one stone.

But he's not sure if Robin would want to join him or not.

Well, he'll try his luck first, maybe he can lure her with the Poneglyph secrets.

This is the only bait that can work with this woman.

The moment Willian and Robin came out of the chief's room, Karl took the den den moshi and called the head of the family to get the news early, he was so excited after all.

Willian continued to follow Robin silently, Robin was really a very beautiful woman.

Since she hasn't been to Alabasta yet her skin is still milky white, her neck was very smooth and she has silky black hair but it is short.

She is 24 years old since there are still 4 years to the beginning of the plot line, she looks a little shorter than Willian since Willian is 2 meters tall and she is only 184 centimeters tall, but Willian is confident that she will become a few centimeters taller in the future.

Robin felt his constant staring at her back, she felt a little bad but didn't say anything, after all, she had already gotten used to other people's gazes.

Nor did she feel any lust from the gazes of the other party, it seemed as if he measured them like an art worthy of appreciation.

She herself knew she was beautiful, so in her deep down she did not hate his appreciative looks.

"We are here, Mr. Willian, please wait outside."

Robin pushed the door of a small room and she entered.

Since Willian wanted to talk to her, there was nothing better than this little room, so he didn't take her words seriously and went in behind her and shut the door discreetly.

The room was a little dark but he could still see what was inside, although the room looked small on the outside but was very spacious inside and contained many rows of logs.

Just as Willian Robin noticed at the end of the room looking for the information he needed, Robin noticed him too.

"Didn't I ask you to wait outside, Master Willian? It's against the rules, you know."

Robin said with a rather lukewarm expression.

"Ah, don't care about me, Miss Robin, please carry on with your work, I will stand here by the door and wait for you, don't worry, I won't do anything out of line."

Willian looked like a gentleman at this moment, but he was indeed a nobleman.

Even though she feels bad, Robin continues to search for the information he needs.

Ten minutes later, she came back with piles of information and wanted posters, and presented them to Willian with a slightly cold expression.

When she wanted to get out of the room Willian closed her way and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Willian, why are you blocking my way?!"

Robin felt nervous at this moment.

Willian put the posters and documents into his wallet before looking into Robin's luscious eyes.

"I want to talk to you a little Nico Robin."

The blood in Robin's body turned cold and her heart started beating wildly at this moment, she hadn't expected the other party to recognize her.

Her eyes turned cold and her white hands moved lightly, two hands emerging from Willian's shoulders and grabbing his neck like two sharp knives.

"Who are you and what did you want to do with me?!"

Robin's tone turned cold and faint killing intent appeared in her eyes, after all, Willian had locked her in a corner and she could sense the horrific power from his aura alone.

She knows that if he is an enemy, she may not be able to escape from his claws unless she succeeds in killing him.



I'm not going to drop this book, just because I have another book, so don't worry, this book will continue to download as usual a chapter a day here at Webnovel and at P@treon as well. Even the other novels will be return to published soon.