Robin Joining!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel]


"Oh my God, you're so scary, Robin-san."

Willian's expression was still calm even though he had two of her hands choking on his neck. He wanted to imitate Admiral Kizaru somewhat, he always saw this kind of behavior as a very funny point in Kizaru's character and wanted to try it now.

Robin felt as if the other party was making fun of her because she didn't see even an iota of fear on his face contrary to what he had said.

"Speak who are you and what you want from me? Don't test my patience."

"Oh, Robin-san you're kidding right!"

"I know you are a very gentle girl on the inside, Miss Robin, although you have suffered so much that even gentle angels can be turned into cruel devils, you still keep the light of goodness within you, so in fact, I admire you very much."

Willian spoke in neither slow nor quick manner and said every word from the bottom of his heart to explain his own feelings, this woman in front of him was one of the most characters who had suffered from an extremely tragic past, but even so, she was still very kind woman inwardly.

Although Willian feels an intent kill on her, he's sure she can't really kill him, maybe she will make him suffer from neck pain for a month, but she won't kill him... That If he's weak, but he's not .


Robin was shocked by what she had just heard.

Does this guy confesses to her now?

Well, even though he's very handsome, and looks strong, it's not an easy deal if he wants it.

"What do you know about me! Don't talk nonsense, no one in this world knows how much I've really suffered, only me alone knows that."

"Miss Robin, don't be angry, I really don't intend anything bad against you, I just want to talk to you a little bit, I'm not someone from the World Government as you think, I'm not your enemy."

This time she urges Willian to lower Robin's suspicions at least a little.

Robin looked deeply at Willian's expressions and felt that the other party was not really lying, as for Robin who has lived in the underworld for dozens of years and dealt with so many people, she is a professional at reading their expressions.

But she was wrong if she thought she could read the expressions of a high human like Willian, but anyway he wasn't really lying.

Robin lowered her guard a bit but was still holding Willian's neck which gives her a little bit of safety anyway.

"Okay, speak up. I'll listen to you."

Robin became a little curious about what this man who said he liked her wanted to tell her.

She was planning to leave for the grandline this week after taking everything she could from her disgusting boss and she didn't think anything could disturb her plans.

This guy here is planning to enter the mafia of the Caesar family, so he's definitely an evil person.

Willian looked at Robin with a smile and thought seriously about what he should say in this situation.

He wanted to recruit the main character after all, not any main character, but the only one of his kind.

He already knew that including her at this point would bring him trouble, but he didn't care, he needed a few days or a month at the most to become an admiral-level strength and he was sure of that.

"Actually Robin-san, I want to include you in my crew, I can protect you from the World Government and help you achieve your dreams, all I want from you is your loyalty and your expertise."

Robin was shocked as she listening to what the man had to say.

"Your crew?! Are you a pirate?"

"No I'm not a pirate, we are a deep-rooted organization and nobody knows about it, but don't worry, we have the power to protect you and make your dreams come true, all you have to do is join us ."

Willian used the mysterious organization leader's aura to affect Robin a bit and seemed to succeed because he noticed that Robin's expression became even more shocked after feeling the suffocating pressure, even the power of her fruit disappeared and Willian felt a kind of loss after the feeling of the softness of her jade hands disappeared from his neck.

"You… Are you the leader of this organization?!"

Robin was really shocked, to think that such a deep organization actually existed and its boss himself had gone out to recruit her.

I have already started to think seriously about the pros and cons of entering such an organization.

"Yes, I am the leader of the organization, here, I will show you what our organization can do."

Willian waved his hand and a spatial portal shimmering with silvery light appeared inside the darkroom, a vibrant island appeared on the other side of the portal and the room ambiance lit up.

Robin was absolutely shocked at this moment.

"Devil Fruit with space ability? And extremely high proficiency at that!!"

Willian didn't want to correct her now, she could think whatever she wanted, all he wanted to show her was that he could keep his word by protecting her from any situation.

"As you can see on the other side is my organization's headquarter, and it's already on a different island, I can't tell you the name of the island because you haven't joined us yet."

"I have shown you this ability to tell you that if you join my organization the safety and ease of escape from any life-threatening situations... will be in your hands. I can give you the ability to open the same portal if you join me, not only that, but I can help you get a lot of poneglyphs, I know where some of them are."

This time Willian threw all the bait in his hand at once to catch this stubborn fish.

Robin felt waves of shock crash into her heart at this moment.

"Is what you said about the poneglyph is real?!"

"Do you really know where they are?!"

"I assure you that in my name, Willian Bluewight, I am not lying, I promise that if you join my organization I will help you gather all the poneglyphs I know where, and even those I don't at present."

Robin fell into deep thought, she had always wanted to join a force that could protect her and help her achieve her dream, but she didn't think that there was such an organization in this world, except for the four Yonko, but those giant forces were already beyond her reach.

"Okay, I agree. I will join you, but if what you said is not true, I will back off."

Joining a force? She has always been doing like this, and the same thing now, no problem.

"Deal! Hahaha, don't worry Robin-san everything I said is already true, you are now one of my people."

[Nico Robin wants to be one of your subordinates, do you accept?!]


[In which crew do you want to put her?]

(The front crew, rank of general)


Robin felt a mysterious rush entering her body, a lot of information flowing into her mind, it was as if she had entered some kind of enlightenment state, everything was surreal.

Willian was thrilled by this situation, he hadn't expected that leaving the island today would give him such a surprise.

"What are you doing here, you bastards?!"


A/N: Please take a look at my new fanfic, it's cool and it's going to be the coolest!

"Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!"