Crush the guild chief

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] tar_BH


Several burly men burst into the room with the angry Karl at the front.

Willian had already abolished the spatial portal, so those men didn't see it when they broke into the information storage room, all they saw was the strange man and the chief's secretary chatting to each other like acquaintances.

"Mister Willian… What is the meaning of this?! Why do you want to kidnap my subordinate?!"

Karl's chubby face was convulsed with anger right now, to think that he would include such an ungrateful bastard into his family and go back to stealing his beautiful secretary, isn't that just too much?

Karl felt a kind of cruel betrayal.

He was already considering Willian as his brother in the family at this point, but he couldn't allow him to steal his beautiful secretary, he hadn't touched her yet, how could he give it to someone else?

"Oh, Mister Karl, why are you so angry?! Robin-san has already agreed to be my subordinate from now on so sorry, she is now my subordinate…"


Karl's face turned redder as he pointed his finger at Willian, he regretted calling the Big Boss and telling him about this bastard at this moment.

If he had known this, he wouldn't have done it, he would have peeled this damn fox's skin.

"Well, don't be angry Mr. Karl, we can already settle this matter, all you have to do is defeat me and I will obediently accept my loss and leave Robin-san behind, but if you lose, you will not pursue this matter anymore… Oh, and I see that you have brought so much of strong men."

Willian was making fun of Karl at this point.

"Well, no problem, you can all come to me."

Karl was really afraid of Willian, but after hearing that they could all fight him he felt a little confident.

"Hmph, don't regret it, you guys, all attacked him, don't kill him just beat him up for me."

"Hai, boss!!"

He had 100 men who all walked into the room and surrounded Willian and Robin, and he the Chief stood behind them to see the situation.

Willian looked toward the still daydreaming Robin and turned his gaze back toward the men with fierce expressions surrounding him.

Well, they were all trash he could crush in an instant, but he didn't want to accidentally hurt Robin.

Willian bore Robin in carrying the princess and took her away from the siege to the end of the vast room, and he was returned to the center of the siege, he was so fast that these men did not even notice when he moved.

The physique of a high human was really impressive.

The moment Robin was removed from the danger zone, he spurted into the crowd like a wolf entering a flock of sheep.

Screams were heard here and there, Willian did not use any ice abilities, only his hands and his legs, every time someone hits the latter the latter is sent out like a shell and loses his fighting power unknown dying of his life.

They were just weak thugs, in front of Willian they were like insects.

Karl watched all of this with a terrified expression, he didn't think the amount couldn't crush this guy, he started to think that he should step in now and fight this bastard too or he'd lose miserably later.

Willian didn't take much time to crush them all, the room became luminous because Willian had opened many human-shaped holes in the guild walls by the mafia men.

Only cries of pain could be heard inside the room, the noise here caused many idle pirates hunters, to gather to see what was happening.

Chief Karl is so angry that he doesn't think of Willian as a member of his family anymore, all he wants is to crush this bastard, who dares to cause chaos in his union and try to steal his beautiful secretary.

Karl didn't think logically anymore, and he didn't think that this bastard could break his iron defense after all.

"The metal body!"

Karl's chubby body turned into a gray metallic body, and it had doubled in size, previously being 3 meters long, but now 6 meters tall, he looked like a steel giant that could crush anything in his path.

"Oh, what a respectable devil fruit, to think that I'll find another elemental Paramecia fruit here, aren't I so lucky?!"

Willian felt really happy, this was a rather strong fruit, it could turn an eater's body into strong metal, if the owner of this fruit possessed a strong Haki, who could cut it?!

Maybe Mihawk is the only one who can do that.

"Don't be so conceited, today I will make you taste the pain of being crushed by a metal wall.

Karl pounced on Willian with his steel hand wanting to crush him, but in Willian's eyes he looked slower than a tortoise, he could literally walk the other way and would avoid this steely man.

But Willian didn't want to avoid him, he wanted to crush him, so that he could see the strength and weakness of this devil fruit, at first sight with his devilish eye Willian knew that this fat man was far from the correct use of the true abilities of the devil fruit.


Willian used his right leg like a whip and struck the metal body in the abdomen.

Karl shot up like a cannonball and came out of the guild roof, Willian was ready to crush this guy now and take his Devil Fruit, then leave with Robin.

He didn't want to waste time with trash anymore.

He quickly walked out of the guild through the broken wall and saw the huge steel man fall from the sky like a meteor, he attacked him with a really powerful kick. If he didn't die with this kick he would lose at least half of his life.

Willian didn't want to destroy the city houses, so he leaped into the sky under the stunned and terrified eyes of the residents of Toroa city and the pirates' hunters from the Guild, and he punched Karl so hard in the chest that his steel body buckled inwardly.

Then he grabbed the metal man who had fainted so that he would not fly out of the terror of the blow again and lowered him smoothly to the ground.

"Oh my God!! Isn't that Chief Karl?!"

"How could he be in this situation."

Everyone knew Chief Karl after all, he was the Guild Chief and a notorious person from the Caesar family!

Even the Navy in west blue doesn't want to provoke him, let's not forget that he is an extremely powerful Devil Fruit eater!

Karl who was in Willian's hand had already lost consciousness and the Devil Fruit ability had disappeared as he returned to his human form.

Willian, not wanting to see his disgusting look anymore, took a banana apple out of his purse, then made a short, sharp spear out of ice and plunged it straight into Karl's heart, ending his li fe.

Willian was so decisive in killing, when he decided to kill, no one could escape his grasp.
