Getting Another Devil Fruit!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] tar_BH


The moment Karl was killed, Willian used his Devil Eye to notice the changes in the mysterious energy on Karl's right chest.

And as he thought, after a few seconds, the mysterious energy started to act chaotically as if it was going to break free from the shackles of a dead body.

The moment the last drop of vitality vanished from Karl's body, the mysterious energy was completely liberated, looking like a ball getting smaller and smaller and turning into threads that no one could see except for the devilish eyes of Willian.

Instinctively Willian placed the fruit over the right chest of the dead Karl's body, just above the mysterious threads that were beginning to break free from the body as if he was blocking her escape route.

This was just an instant thought, but Willian wishes it would work because he had no other way at the moment.

The moment all the strings came out of Karl's body it looked like they were fishes being released into the sea but they hit the net right in front of them.

In front of Willian's eyes, an extremely magical scene occurred.

Those magical threads gathered around the fruit in Willian's hand like a group of fishes gathered around the bait, the mysterious threads began to take the shapes of swirls and merge with the fruit.

At that moment the fruit in Willian's hand started to beat like a heart and change shape and color very quickly, becoming gray with swirls and mysterious marks adorning it.

It was definitely a devil fruit.


"Hahahaha, I succeeded, I finally have a sure-fire way to obtain devil fruits to strengthen my organization."

Willian was very happy, he wasn't sure earlier that this method could work, but now he's sure and this was extremely wonderful news for him and the Dragon King organization."

Willian finally noticed the crowd around him, who looked at him with terrified looks.

Willian sighed and wanted to disappear from this place quickly, but the moment he wanted to use his high speed to get away, he spotted a small book that had fallen from Karl's jacket pocket.

Willian took the little book and saw something that made him startled.

{Six Styles: Iron Body}

Willian opened the book and found that it only showed how to train the Iron Body Technique.

Willian hadn't expected to find one of the rokushiki's techniques here in West Blue, it seemed he really underestimated the Mafia since they had the Iron Body, could they have the rest of the skills?

Looks like he needs to pay a visit to their headquarter.

After putting the devil fruit in his bag, Willian also hid the skill book in his bag like a treasure that was no less important than the devil fruit.

He felt as if he was picking up drops from a boss monster he had killed.

Then, very quickly, he disappeared from the crowd.

Willian noticed Robin in the crowd and walked over to her with a happy smile on his face.

As for Robin, she seemed to have absorbed everything at the moment, and Willian himself hadn't expected that the process of converting people from the One Piece world into his subordinates would be so long, but the most important thing was that it worked.

Without saying anything, Willian grabbed Robin in his arms and used the power of the Devil Fruit for partial transformation, two huge dragon wings appeared from his back and soared into the sky holding a stunned Robin in his arms.

Regarding the commotion he had caused in Toroa island, he didn't really care about it, it was just that he had caused a bloody feud with a mafia family, so what's wrong with that?!

He could crush them all with his current power, as simple as that.

Robin was completely stunned by everything that happened today, she had never expected that the decision to join a mysterious organization that she thought would be like she had always done would be so big.

After all, Robin used to join pirates, gangs, and mafias to protect herself, but she always betrayed them in the end, and that's what I thought this time too.

But it doesn't look like it will be that simple from now on.

Because she knew very well that she would die if she had any thoughts of betrayal, the majestic and heavenly voice that exploded in her mind was not simple at all.

That voice told her that from now on she would become a general under the Dragon King.

She cannot betray the Dragon King.

She could sense an immense strength she had never had before in her body from the moment she accepted to join this man flying over her now.

Clarity returned to her eyes and she smiled bitterly, never thinking that one day she would fall into such a mysterious swamp.

She knew that she couldn't escape from this man's grasp from this day forward, she just hoped he wasn't an evil person.

"How are you, Robin-san, are you feeling good?!"

Willian, who was enjoying carrying such a sexy woman in his cuddle, finally asked her how she felt about her present situation.


Robin didn't know what she say.

"I just hope you keep your promise to me..."

"Are you sad that your fate is not in your hands anymore?!"


"Well, don't worry, later you'll find out that you've finally got a real family that will take good care of you, Robin-san."

Robin stopped behaving so bitterly and inwardly she wished that what this man had said was true.

"A real family?! How would a person feel with a real family?"
