Gracia's Innate Skill

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] tar_BH


The road was wide, orderly, and clean as guards monsters, soldiers, and guards participated in its creation.

Well, although it is still in the stage of flattening and removing obstacles, as construction workers and engineers will later modify and finish all the roads on the island.

Of course, Willian will keep the forests and nature intact but he will build a big city in the middle of the forest, and roads and paths through the forest will be necessary, as a network of roads through the woods will cross the entire island from north to south and from east to west.

Willian plans to invent cars later, so having roads is absolutely essential.

The system makes subordinates of Willian as efficient as the professionals of the 21st century on the earth after all.

Willian would be a complete idiot if he didn't use all of their potential to build a civilization empire stretching across worlds.

The system told him that he could employ Willian's previous life acquaintances because the host had interacted with her before, and also told him that advanced technology from any advanced world would be employed as well if Willian could obtain his spatial coordinates.

If Willian wanted to make cars, for example, he could set up a new branch in the name of Cars Engineers or Mechanical Engineers and he would get mechanical engineers right away, just like he got well-trained soldiers and adorable animals like sniffer dogs.

He was very excited about the idea, the most important thing was to have the technology and the system had already given it to him, for Willian this wasn't a spatial system anymore, it was an omnipotent system.

All Willian has to do is obtain resources such as minerals and oil and process them from ore to usable using the same technology he has obtained and he can start the industry right away!

Drenched in these exciting thoughts, Willian didn't feel the time at all until he and Robin finally walked out from the forest and entered the central area.

Robin was stunned seeing so many people wearing armor and looking like warriors from an ancient kingdom.

"Your Highness, welcome back!!!"

The resounding voice of thousands of soldiers and guards welcoming the return of their King spread across the entire island.

Robin was shocked by all of this, what unparalleled organization and loyalty.

"You guys can go back to work."

The generals came out of their tents to greet Willian as well, and four beautiful women came out of the royal tent in the middle.

In public it is still for the royal concubines to act as royal concubines who can take care of their Master.

These are habits that are inculcated in a women's soul and cannot be easily discarded, even Willian had no trouble getting rid of them, he still loved his wives whether they were his maids or not.

What made Robin even more shocked was seeing four women who were not inferior in her beauty, dressed in maids' clothes adorned with a beautiful red robe, they gathered on Willian and wiped his sweat, and changed his upper garments into a very majestic golden royal robe, and then took the position of silent maids behind him like obedient maids.

This was a new sight for a history-and knowledge-loving Robin, who was already beginning to take in the fact that she had entered an ancient kingdom hidden from the world.

This made her feel the thrill of exploration.

After the girls finished serving him, Willian turned his gaze to Robin, gesturing with his hand.

"Here, I guess you are already feeling the general's bond, yes, this is my new general, Robin come and introduce yourself."

Willian turned to Robin and gave an encouraging smile.

This woman hasn't had any home whatsoever since her original home was destroyed, and not even her original home had felt any warmth in it, it was a miserable and difficult childhood, Willian could not help but feel more and more pity whenever he saw those blue eyes that looked like a cold abyss.

In the anime, Robin was represented as a lively woman who always had a nice laugh on her face, but here Willian sees only the shadow of sadness and gloom, he was a high human being who could feel the true feelings of a human being.

In fact, ever since he had evolved into a high human, nothing was hidden from his sight anymore.

"I'm Nico Robin, I think you've heard of me at least once. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all, take care of me from now on."

In current Robin's belief, these people will surely know her because she is a fugitive from the World Government and she is somewhat famous in West Blue as the Devil's Child, although it's a negative fame.

Robin wasn't nervous at all, she was used to joining the groups and presenting herself just like this, but inwardly she was wishing for a little warmth from this group that she hadn't had before.

Paulo, Kalgar, Fred, and the other three generals nodded to Robin kindly, they could see that their leader liked this woman so much how else could he give her the general position?! What a joke, they all know that an Female General= The Leader wife.

"Hello, big sister!"

"Big Sister Robin is very beautiful"


Robin was surprised to see a girl with the pink hair and the maid's dress she hugging her as if they are an old acquaintances.

"I am Rosa, a royal concubine, and also a General in the husband's reign, will you be our fifth sister?!"

Willian felt the urge to laugh, this prickly rose already knows how to make friendships, no one can rival her in that, deep in Willian's heart he had already considered Robin his fifth wife, no, his sixth wife! after all, Crista is the first, well, If nothing goes wrong this lovable sweet will definitely fall in love with him, Willian is not really cocky but he is too rude to allow the opposite to happen.

"Royal concubine?! Fifth Sister? What is this?!"

Robin was stunned to hear the terms used in royal families.

As for communication, there was no obstacle at all, because the moment they entered this world they were all taught the world language automatically by the system, they could speak Japanese as smoothly as if they were speaking Dolan, which made Willian even happier.

"Little Sister, you are embarrassing Sister Robin."

Robin looked at the olive green-haired woman and she was amazed at how beautiful and delicate this woman was, looking like a sculpted gem.

"I am Sania, a royal concubine, and also a General in the husband's reign."

"And I'm Rebecca, a royal concubine, a General in the husband's reign as well."

Rebecca gently held Robin's hand and smiled happily at her, Rebecca was excited to have a new sister who could slowly teach her the sweetness of future husband service.

"I am Gracia, a royal concubine and also a General in the husband's reign since the husband has chosen you from this world, it means that you are strong and have a good heart, I can sense it, your heart is kind though torn by many hardships, you are like me."

Gracia's eyes were shining with a watery glow as if she was going to cry the next moment while patting Robin's head, Robin she was taller than them so it was a strange sight as Gracia tried to pat Robin on the head.

"Huh!" (Robin)

"Huh!" (Willian)

Even Willian he was taken aback by Gracia's words as if she could already feel Robin's heart.

Willian searched Gracia's record and he was surprised to find that she had acquired an innate skill the moment it combined with the characteristics of the pirates' world.

[Name: Gracia Bluewight

Age: 19

Gender: female

Race: human

Occupation: General, Royal Concubine, Professional Maid, Grand Knight

Gift: Medium Reinforced Body (Without Level), Spatial Portal (Can only be used to enter the camp)

Original World: Dola

Life Level: 4

Loyalty Level: 99 (Max 100)

Special Powers: Innate Observation Haki (Heart Eye)]

Willian was shocked after seeing the innate skill that Gracia had, he then saw the cases of all his generals and discovered that she was the only one who had an innate skill, it was the same ability as the late Queen of Fishman Island, Otohime.
