Return To Diamond City

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] tar_BH


The second day on the island in the New World had already passed and this time Willian personally supervised the introduction of a new batch of people into the new world.

Regarding Gracia's innate skill kept shocked in his heart, and he would train and study it with her in the future.

As for Robin, Willian especially enjoyed her wonderful reaction when she was told the truth about Dola's world.

When Robin learned that the organization she joined was not even from her original world, she felt the world revolve around her in shock.

The fact that other worlds existed was enough to make her go crazy, as her knowledge of reality was turned upside down.

After she finally calmed down and understood the situation well, she felt as if she had become a traitor to her world, but the general's newly acquired instinct suppressed these thoughts, and Willian with his cunning and insolent nonsense succeeded in removing the idea from her mind completely.

As he told her that her own world had betrayed her, everyone considered her a devil and she had been chased for her whole life, bit by bit Robin began to believe in Willian's words and regained her initial determination as her loyalty points for Willian rose and broke through the 80 point barrier, that was good enough for Willian.

He spent an hour explaining everything to her, even using the nonsense of being a heavenly apostle to persuade her, and he didn't lie on her about his noble targets of cleaning the world of One Piece from the evils of celestial dragons and evil pirates , and in the end, he was able to convince her because she didn't feel he was lying to her. And the fact that she had already fused with Gracia and the others and became friends was enough for her.

When she spoke to Gracia for the first time she couldn't stop herself from crying, for the first time she felt that there was someone in this world who could understand her true suffering, and when Rosa, Rebecca, Sania, and Gracia comforted her with a loving hug, she felt like she had the family that Willian had told her about before, it was the kind of warmth she has never felt before.

Even the girls liked her very much, Robin at the age of 24 was very likable to Sania and the others, and because she was strong in their eyes when she showed them the flower fruit trick they practically felt worshiped, she became their big sister seamlessly .

Willian could sense the unbridled curiosity that was exploding every second inside Robin, yes, Robin was extremely curious about the other world and everything else about Willian and his consort.

That is why he took her with him to Dola when he was supervising the new batch of people who would enter the world of pirates.

When Robin first entered the strange world, she felt as if everything had become different, just as it feels like a fish that lived in a salty sea and was carried into a fresh river.

She couldn't describe it, but the feeling of entering a different world was so surreal.

This time Willian used a spatial portal near the beach in Diamond City, in order to let Robin wander a bit and satisfy a little curiosity.

The fact that they came out of a dark time and entered a world illuminated by sunlight made Robin feel in awe, in the world of One Piece the sun had already set, but in the Dola world, it had just risen.

All of this actually made her believe that Willian was indeed a Celestial Apostle as everyone in Diamond City believed him.

After the return of the people who entered the other world with the first batch of exotic fruits and vegetables from the world of One Piece as well as the security guards who are roaming the huge monsters of the world of One Piece in Diamond City, they spread the truth of the other world according to the specific orders ordered by His Highness.

The diamond city entered in an atmosphere full of awe and worship that has not decreased yet but continues to rise.

Robin was surprised to see the people who passed by them prostrating themselves in awe and fanatical worship, chanting "Long Live The Heavenly Apostle" and something like that.

Even the kids were doing the same, Willian had no reaction other than awkwardly greeting and rejecting them all, these were the side effects of bragging that he had to put up with from now on.

Even before he obtained the system, Willian was like a god in the eyes of these lowly residents because he not only protected them but also took care of them carefully, not to mention now when real and illogical evidence emerged confirming the fact that their city lord and next king was indeed a heavenly apostle.

Even the spies deployed in different parts of the city were stunned by the circulating news and the items they saw with their own eyes.

Throughout the journey back to the City Lord's Palace, Robin was curiously looking at everything and using a small book to record anything of interest while chatting with Gracia, Sania, Rosa, Rebecca, and Willian from time to time.

Willian noticed that Robin was looking at him with a kind of reverence as if touched by the city's atmosphere as well, he only chuckled at her gentle demeanor, in Willian's eyes every move Robin made seemed so cute.

Even Sania and the others beside her were letting out a stifling air of cuteness that made Willian feel the satisfaction of being his loving wives.

When Willian arrived at his palace, he noticed that the front yard was filled to the brim with people, they were in the thousands just as he had expected.

They were all regulated by the ministry of housing and the ministry of inner security.

All of these people are candidates to enter the pirates' world in order to work in the Dragon City that is being created at the moment.

For Willian, he had the wealth and resources to support such a large-scale expedition so there was no problem.

From these people, he can get construction workers, engineers, merchants, teachers, teachers of training, supervisors, fishermen, and even someone who can play the role of pirates, pirate hunters, spies as well, and many specialists in various fields as Willian desires.

Of course, organizing them all needs a lot of careful planning and that's what Willian actually did because he had plans ready for everything.

Willian came up to the stage with his concubines and Robin, and the clamor ceased completely, the minister of housing Charlie and the minister of inner security Rydal and their lieutenants bowed wholeheartedly to Willian and his concubines and went to the side, since the head here the parties could take their place and be silent.

"My dear people, today will be historic because from now on the stage of development our city will be raised by several levels to an imaginary level that your little minds cannot even imagine…

Willian started his usual speech in an unusual way this day because he really wasn't wrong, before everything was low in development, but now things would go up so many levels it would be very surprising, so Willian himself wanted to make them understand the point quickly.

It's just like a player who started the game from level 1 as usual and slowly but surely leveled up to level 2, but he suddenly malfunctions and finds himself at level 50 of the game without even knowing how he did it, but he has to adapt to the situation in any way possible because there is no way back to level 2.

The more the chosen ones listened, the more dumbfounded they were. They had already heard before that they were going to enter another world, but internally they didn't really believe such a thing unless His Highness told them about it himself or saw it with their own eyes, it was impossible to believe such rumors, yes , they saw those the fearsome monsters also saw the strange fruits, vegetables, and even exotic and delicious meats but that wasn't enough to believe the reality of another world existed.

As for the spies in the crowd, they only sensed that the head of His Highness had been kicked by an donkey.
