Declaring war on the princes

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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[20 Chapters Ahead Webnovel] tar_BH


"...Since you all know that our expedition this time is a very big and very sensitive thing, I will ask those of not good intentions who have lived in my city for a long time to come out of the crowd and go away. "

"...This will be your last chance or else don't blame me for being ruthless."

Willian was looking at the crowd with cold gazes that could freeze anyone's blood.

The spies among the crowd were terrified by the First Prince's gaze that seemed to be looking exactly at them or it was just their imagination, they had a bad feeling rising in their hearts.

But should they just give up and show themselves for a small threat? Won't they show themselves to die at that moment? Wouldn't they just be meat on a cutting board?!

"Spies?! So there are spies among us!"

"This is really dangerous!"

"His Highness is really smart."

"Can someone who harbors hatred for the gentle his highness exist in this world?!"

The whispers of a crowd of thousands of people were like an endless noise at this moment.

As for Willian, even if those spies didn't come out on their own he could take them out by himself anyway, nothing could escape his sight, he can see an individual's true desires with just one look, only through their reactions and movements.

Ever since he stepped on this platform to begin his speech, his eyes had been searching the entire crowd and had already found dozens of black sheep.

They all had an identity card and had been in town for years!

For Willian, this was no different than a slap in his face.

They were spies from his cute little brothers, his royal father and the goddamn Dukes from the ancient famillies, and many with special interests.

With his current power Willian, he really didn't care if One Piece World information or any other information about his power were leaked, after all, they were just ants in his eyes now, even if the ants knew the secrets of the humans house next to their burrows, what could they do to them?! Nothing.

But Willian does not want to show the image of a disinterested and indifferent person to his subordinates.

If he could see the spies why would he let them pass on information freely while inwardly mocking the stupidity of the First Prince?

And is the first prince stupid?!

What a funny joke.

"I will not repeat my words again. Get the hell out of my city, or death will be all you will get, and your death will not be as ordinary as you think at all."

A wave of conqueror haki shot out from Willian's body as a center and caused everyone present to intimidate.

As if a bomb had exploded in their minds, they felt as if they would pass out if His Highness had not been merciful enough not to do so.

The crowd was completely silent, even the soldiers and security guards maintaining the organization of the crowd felt in awe, the aura coming out of Willian's body was full of power and grandeur, it was the aura of a king!

No, even the King, Imperial-level Knight couldn't release such a murderous aura at all!

As for Sania, Rosa, and the rest, their gazes at Willian became more and more adoring, this was their man, he was so dominant, much more than he is in bed, Willian's dominant aura literally made them wet.

Robin, on the other side, felt that Willian's aura was somewhat familiar as if she had read about her before in a book.

This time even the spies among the crowd froze and couldn't move or say anything out of pure terror!

If they could move, they would have already run away, this Ice Prince was simply terrifying.

"... No one wants to quit, what a great spirit of loyalty, hmph, so don't blame me for being tough."

An icy flicker flashed in Willian's eyes and he pointed his finger as a frozen breeze escaped from his body and transformed into 22 ice arrows.

As soon as she saw the cold ice covering Willian, Robin came back to the memories of that fateful day, when that scary admiral who seemed as tall as the heavens itself he was freezing her only friend Saulo in an ice giant. Robin began to shiver more and more until she felt a warm hand covering her head, and I heard the sound of So warm, it made her former fear go away.

"Don't be afraid, Robin san, I'm not that person."

Once he calmed Robin, Willian back to face the trembling crowd.

The cold air was getting colder and caused the people around him to shiver, even his concubines and Robin were no exception.

The arrows shot through the air at an extremely high speed, heading towards different targets among the thousands of people.

The moment the arrows hit their bodies, they turned into ice sculptures, the ice surrounding them became their coffin.

Their last expressions were well kept inside the ice.

As Willian promised them, they died in such an unusual way that no one before them in this world had died, this alone was a kind of honor, as they would be recorded in history as the first to be turned into ice sculptures by the Ice Dragon King Willian.

Those people who were near the ice sculptures fell on their bottoms in shock.

The jaws of everyone present also fell as they saw the strange magic directly in front of them.


"We are here, Your Highness!"

The centurion and two commanders of the Ten, from the guards, came out, and they bowing in reverence.

"Take those 22 ice statues and hang them on the city wall, don't worry you can touch them, nothing will happen to you."

"At your command, Your Highness."

The three leaders vanished at an inhumanly high speed in front of Willian and many of their subordinates followed towards the ice statues among the crowd.

They picked them all up and disappeared from the front courtyard of the palace.

They were among the guards who entered the Pirates World in the first batch, so they knew everything, they weren't affected by this show much unlike other people, after all, they had seen Willian's dragon form, could this little show be more amazing than seeing a huge dragon flying in the sky?

"Since my dear brothers give me no face and always cause me trouble in my peaceful city, do not blame me for being cruel…"

"Here and now, I solemnly declare war on the 2nd Prince, Lord of Santia City, Gary Bluewight. The 3rd Prince, Lord of the Hills City, Oluo Bluewight. And the Fifth Prince, Lord of Reidan City, Raj Bluewight."

"My dear brothers, if you have the courage, gather your armies and all come to me!"

No doubt, this news came like a thunderbolt to the crowd who were still shocked by the previous magical event, and when this challenge reached the ears of everyone in the Empire, it wouldn't be as simple as just challenging a war between the princes back then.

It was a direct and final war for the throne, the Blueren Empire would be shaken.

Willian didn't even want to think about how his royal father and royal mother would feel about this, he just hoped they wouldn't think badly of him.

"Scarley, come here!!"

I'm here, Your Highness!!"

A fat man came to Willian shivering in terror.

"What do you want me to do, Your Highness? I can crawl into the depths of hell or walk on a million swords for your highness."

This man was very funny.
