Dragon City construction begins!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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"Wipe your dripping sweat first."

Willian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the image of the dominant prince was now gone because of this lump of flesh, but Willian could not hate this man no matter how hard he tried, he had been a loyal subordinate to Willian for a long time now.

"Under your order, Your Highness"

The fat man Scarly took a soft cloth and wiped the sweat dripping down like a straw from his chubby face, always bringing many of them with him when he was near His Highness because he knew he would need them.

This is because His Highness is too scary! He was scaring him even in his dreams, but now he was even more terrifying, he even dared to declare war on so many princes at once, what a soul you possess, Your Highness.

"Scarley, go and send letters of war to the second, third, and fifth princes to their cities."

Willian said nonchalantly.

"Huh!! Your Highness, about the war, are you serious?!"

Scarley who was the general writer under the First Prince, he wasn't the only who wanted to ask this question, but everyone present.

"What? You think I'm joking?!"

Willian's eyes became colder as he looked toward the fat man who was getting more and more sweaty.

"No, no, your highness, I am the one joking, I will go write war letters at once."

Scarley disappeared faster than usual in front of Willian.

Willian turned his gaze toward the crowd who were still dumbfounded and incomprehensible to everything that had happened so far.

They were just simple citizens whose only concern was to make a living, something like the war they didn't even want to hear that name, let alone take part in it.

Willian sighed as he saw their terrified expressions.

"Don't worry, my people. I guarantee in my name that any harm wouldn't happen to you and your families in diamond city. This is my war, not yours."

"What do you say, Your Highness…"

Noise! Noise!

"How is your war different from ours?!"

"We are not ungrateful cowards..."

Noise! Noise!

"Even if I have never held a sword in my life, I will carry it for your highness…"

"That's right, Your Highness, we will definitely fight for you…"

Noise! Noise!




Willian felt warm as he heard his people's responses, that alone was enough for him.

He waved his hand and a huge spatial portal opened in front of the empty plaza, leaving the crowd silent again and immersed in a stupor.

This show was so magical that the previous one seemed so ordinary.

"I told you that the war I declared a little while ago is not your war, your real war will begin after entering through this gate."

Willian's aura turned into a commanding aura and affected everyone present.

"As I said before, from now on everything will be different and this will start as soon as you cross this gate with me."

"As you have heard before, I am already a heavenly apostle now, and this ability here, is something the heavens have given me, for the good, of course, I understand that everything will be surreal to you and hard to believe and easily coexist with, but once you go through this portal that leads to another world, everything will be easy and simple."

Silence fell over the crowd, their little minds were already at its end, but they were still listening to their city lord's words.

"Now, all you have to do is hand over your identity cards to the soldiers who will hand them over to me in turn and wait for you to be called to enter… Of course, whoever doesn't want to participate can leave too, no problem ."

For Willian, he could not force anyone to enter the other world, because the system would only accept those who met the standard loyalty criteria of 50 points.

If someone among those had less than that, he would not be included in the organization and would have to return.

The citizens did as their city lord had said and presented their identification cards to the soldiers who were walking through the ranks to collect them.

The process of enrolling all these people in the system took an hour of Willian's time, but this was necessary and could not be bypassed.

Willian himself made sure that this time everything was going well, and on the other side of the portal Paulo and the others were already ready to receive the newcomers and protect them from being piled on over of each other by the force of gravity, since they had suffered from it before a more experienced understanding to deal with that.

On their identity cards, there is their full name, date of birth, occupation, and various other information, but Willian chose people as groups with similar occupations very carefully before letting them pass through the spatial portal.

He allowed a group of 2,000 construction workers to enter first and assigned them to the system as construction workers, once he did, on the other side of the portal the men who had just entered the pirates world were freed from the overwhelming force of gravity and were able to stand on their feet, as they obtained knowledge of the construction workers from the modern age and it had become like their instinct.

It was very magical and indescribable, the system did not change anything in their personalities, but rather replaced their previous knowledge of construction and handicrafts, which was very primitive, with modern ones rich in possibilities.

In the eyes of these simple people, it was a heavenly order and a divine blessing for which they thanked the heavens abundantly.

The same thing happened with engineers, merchants, fishermen, cooks, servants, technicians, supervisors, industrialists, even artists, and all kinds of other professions.

They were in the thousands and Willian made sure to add all kinds of professionals from all kinds of fields who he really needs right now and can still add what he needs later.

Now on the opposite side of the spatial portal, the central area of the island had become crowded with humans, it was time to speed up the construction of the Dragon City.

Willian ordered the soldiers and guards of the Diamond City to start transporting the selected resources from here towards the Dragon City, such as food, weapons, and raw materials such as iron, copper, diamonds, and gold because the Diamond City has a lot of rich mines that produce resources day and night, that is why it was called the diamond city.
