The Useful Uses Of The Spatial Portals!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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Willian and Machvice have already fought for quite some time now, the port has been completely destroyed.

From away, the residents of Ballywood kingdom could see ice flying everywhere and blasts of shock spreading here and there.

This was the first real fight to Willian with a strong person who could use two types of Haki and what could he say about that?

He was extremely wrong to look at this man with disdain, yet he hadn't found a way to bring him down.

When he's done with this fight, he has to find someone to teach him Haki as soon as possible!

This man was as heavy as the sky in one moment and as light as a feather in another.

Despite his massive form, he was as fast as lightning, and could even rival Willian in speed when using the devil fruit.

Willian was really angry inwardly, this man's devil fruit was extremely terrifying, even with a dragon's body, Willian wouldn't dare to receive the 10,000 tons weight of this fat man.

"Not bad, not bad, your icy walls can withstand my weight that's really impressive, Da-yin!"

To Willian, it looked as if this bastard was making fun of him.

Willian didn't want to show all his cards yet so he was late to bring down this bastard, he had learned a useful lesson from this fight and that was not to underestimate anyone from the world of One Piece from now on.

This guy right here who was beaten by that giant Hajrudin in the anime was especially terrifying. If he didn't transform into his dragon form and use everything, he had then just wouldn't have confidence in bringing him down to his current state.

Willian was currently standing in the sky with dragon wings as he thought of how to bring down Machvice without having to fully display his strength.

"You have a good devil fruit, kid, I admit, but without Haki, you are just a frog at the downhole, yiin!"

Machvice patted his thick beard as he spoke with a deep look as if he was just telling the truth.

"Even though you have good strength, boy, but the power of the Donquixote family is not something you can imagine, clashing with us will only be detrimental to your future."

Machvice's eyes flashed as he continued to speak.

"How about that, we can forget everything that happened here up until now as if nothing happened and join our family, the Young Master would be glad to have a young man like you join in, maybe you could even become an immediate member of the family."

Machvice was not stupid he realized the great potential of this boy because he can compete with him so far with his full strength he was really cool knowing that he looks like he is only 18 years old!

A person like this cannot be allowed to be an enemy of his young master! Bringing him into the family would be a good choice.

Willian's eyes lit up as he heard Machvice's words, if he was not mistaken he had found a suitable solution to eliminate this man.

The system window appeared in front of Willian and he registered Machvice's name in the list of people who could use spatial portals, and it really worked.

Then he looked toward the nearby and unfrozen sea and he used the two places above the sea and inside the sea as coordinates to open two temporary spatial gates.

After he finished these steps, he turned his gaze toward Machvice with a provocative smile, this fat sheep would die and he wouldn't even know how he died!

"You idiot, you want to include me in that scum family, well, maybe if you give me Baby 5, Moniet, Violet, and all the pretty women in your family as gifts to have some fun, I might think of that... Maybe hehehe!"


As soon as he heard that, veins appeared on Machvice's forehead, he was extremely angry at the rude words the naughty bastard said in front of him.

To think that he would be so insolent, what was he treating the Donquixote family, a brothel for example?

Machvice didn't speak anymore, he shot like a missile into the sky and was preparing to crush the other party with his final attack.

"Haha, he seems really pissed off at my little provocation, that's fine, go on, go on, show me what you can do."

"Ton Ton no Mi, +10,000 Ton!"

This was the maximum he had reached in developing his ability so far, no one could stay alive if that hit him.

Willian looked at the meteor-shaped man who was directly falling on him with a deceitful smile on his face, now with such an intense rush, he couldn't stop right?!

"Hehehe bye fat man, your devil fruit will become strong in the hands of my organization, but I will remember your contribution don't worry."

Willian waved his hand and a large-sized spatial portal appeared right above him and in front of the meteor man's path so that the latter couldn't change his course or stop at all. All he could do was obediently pass through it.

"What is that!!"

These were Machvice's last words before he passed through the spatial portal.

Willian turned his gaze toward the sea as another spatial portal appeared at the same moment the portal above his head disappeared and a human meteor exited before exploding the sea with its heavyweight.


"Oh my god!!"


"The captain fell into the sea!!"

"We're dead, we're dead"

Willian didn't care about those weaklings screaming from away.

Soon, another spatial portal opened from which the huge body of the meteor man exited and fell to the ground in front of Willian like dead meat.

This time he was no longer a meteor but an unconscious man.

Willian's plan was a bit simple as he created two portals standing above each other, one above the sea and the other in the sea and in the path of the meteor man who was sinking and had already lost his combat power.

This was a fatal method that this man absolutely could not avoid.

Willian looked at Machvice whose eyes had turned white as he lost consciousness due to drowning in the sea and the reverberating force of his attack, which was canceled by the seawater and came back with a violent reaction instead.

Willian took out fruit from his wallet and pierced Machvice's heart with a sharp ice spear without hesitation or delay.

Just as he did with Chief Karl, Willian obtained a new Devil Fruit.
