Doflamingo's wrath!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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In Willian's hand, a purple devil fruit with spiral patterns and swirls appeared. This was a ton devil fruit that could lift the weight by thousands of tons and reduce it to featherweight in an instant.

The potential of this Devil Fruit is truly amazing, Willian put it in his bag with a big smile on his face before he turn to the group of men of the Donquixote family who still couldn't comprehend the fact that their powerful leader had died right here and right in front of them.

Willian didn't want anything that happened here to leak out too quickly so he quickly and easily killed them since they didn't even have the will to fight.

After he finished, he took a small box that was in one of these men's hands and opened it to find a red devil fruit sitting inside.

With this, he now has 3 Devil Fruits and the fourth will come soon after he cleans up the mess he created here.

Willian looked at the chaotic battlefield and canceled out all the scattered icy on the battlefield.

He then transported all the corpses to the Donquixote family's ship before pushing them through a spatial portal and sending them to the shore of Diamond City.

The people there who already had orders to receive whatever His Highness sent would actually take care of everything.

This was Willian's way of scanning clues, if Doflamingo had a way to trace the ship to another world, well, he could do it.

After all of that was done, Willian opened another spatial portal and entered, the destination this time being to the place above that sea cliff where the wooden armadillo pirates ship was hiding in the cave below.



Sawdust and broken glass flew everywhere from the force of the blow that tore the table in front of a blond man with bright red glasses.

Veins were throbbing on the man's forehead and a frightening aura shot out of him that made his subordinates urinate in terror.

"What happened? Ne! Ne! Doffy?!"

From Doflamingo's hand, the last ashes of Machvice's life card flew.

"Dead! Machvice is dead."

This news fell like a thunderbolt to the Donquixote family members who were inside the hall at the moment.


Disgusting fluids flew from Trebol's nose as he screamed in terror.

The little girl who was next to him stopped eating her grapes and her eyes widened in bowls of pure terror, this girl who looked like a child she was Sugar.

"Ne! Ne! How did such a thing happen?!"

"I don't know, but I will know for sure, I swear I will bring real hell to whoever killed my family."

Doflamingo took out a small Den Den Moshi's phone and used it to call.

"Diamante! Tell me where the hell did you send Machvice?"

Doflamingo was so angry that his face turned into an angry demon's face.

"He went to West Blue for the Devil Fruit deal… What happened Young Master Doffy? Why do you look so angry?"

"Machvice died, tell me all the details, and don't forget anything, I'm going to West Blue now."



Unaware of the chaos he was causing for the current Dressrosa Royal Family, Willian was currently laughing at the group of Wooden Armadillo Pirates searching everywhere and finding no trace of the ship.

(Okay, let's finish this fun comedy show.)

Willian clapped his hand and the group of pirates with ferocious expressions were instantly attracted to the attention.

"Who are you, you bastard?!"

"Could this person have something to do with the ship's disappearance?!"

"Oh, what a lovely kid, you guys I'll go first, don't worry I'll get all the information he has out of him nicely and easily hehehe…!!"

Before he could even finish speaking, the perverted pirate was split into two by the waist and no blood appeared at all because Willian used thin and sharp ice to cut him off.

"What!!! How was the Eye-Eater cut off without any sound?!"

"Someone with ability, this is someone who ate a devil fruit!"


The pirates shivered at this moment when they saw the horrific death of their colleague, their trembling more and more.

All their courage vanished at this moment.

"Who are you?!"

When the pirates heard this voice, they immediately regained their courage, because the person who had spoken was their own wooden armadillo captain.

"I am your death all."

Willian was not interested in these weaklings, his only interest was the Devil Fruit in the captain of these pirates.

"What big words, let me see…!!"

Before he could even finish speaking, he felt an enormous force galloping through his guts, to the point of vomiting everything he had eaten today.

With astonishing speed, Willian punched the wooden armadillo in the stomach and sent him flying toward a nearby tree.

The moment the wooden armadillo felt the tree behind his back, a happy smile appeared on his face despite the pain.

{Damage Absorption!}

It seemed as if the tree behind this man was becoming very lively and was starting to absorb all his pain and damage, when it finished the tree exploded and a part of it turned to dust.

"Oh, what a good devil fruit you have there! I had a very good luck today!"

Willian was really satisfied with his harvest so far.
