Observation Haki Intermediate-Level!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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"That is our Captain, not someone you can easily beat him!"

"Our Captain is the god of nature himself."

Willian looked at the Wooden Armadillo Pirates who exciting to see their captain standing unharmed from that frightening punch.

Willian felt he had enough of the pirates bullshit and he turned all of them to ice sculptures.

All the pirates felt cold and deadly breeze enveloping their bodies. before losing their sense of reality.


The wooden armadillo's eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets after seeing this scene, only now did he become frightened of his wits.

"Don't worry, you'll catch them soon."

Willian said indifferently.

"I am the wooden armadillo with 17 million berry on my head, stay away if you don't want to die!!"

The moment he finished speaking, his body turned to wood and merged into the tree next to him.

"Hmm, really interesting."

Willian observed with an interesting expression how the wooden armadillo turned into a human-shaped piece of wood and fused into the tree without any rejection.

It seemed as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth.

In front of Willian where a lot of trees far apart, if Willian had been in the same condition before fighting Machvice he wouldn't have been able to say for sure that he could find the wooden armadillo among so many trees.

But now, that was relatively easy, because in his previous fight he had formally mastering the Intermediate level of Observation Haki.

The world slowed down in Willian's gaze, it seemed as if the world had become a black and white color, and he could sense any vibration in his surroundings no matter how small!

Willian looked as if he had become a probe that picks up sound waves!

This feeling was so surreal that he could sense anything within 1000 meters, fighting with someone who mastered both types of Haki allowed him to tap into his abilities and master Observation Haki completely automatically without the need of a teacher!

Now he only needs an Armament Haki to become a Master of three Haki!

Willian digs deeper into the strange sense of Observation Haki and he felt as if he has many phantom eyes that can see everything, that even if he loses his sight he can see!

Among the field of distant trees, Willian felt a certain tree tremble a little from time to time, not the branches but the main body of the tree!

"I found you!"

Willian now confirmed that this man's Devil Fruit could conjure and fuse with the Wood element and possibly even control the outer wood, this was a wonderful Devil Fruit, It moves from tree to tree dimensionally, as long as there is a wood element nearby, so he didn't hesitate any more and unleashed a lethal frost attack from his mouth that caused the tree in which the wooden armadillo was hiding to freeze.


The wooden armadillo let out one last shriek before turning into an icy tree.


Willian finished cleaning the battlefield once more and threw all the corpses into the sea.

Since he had obtained the Devil Fruit from the body of the dead wooden armadillo and the 90 million Berry that they had obtained from the deal to sell the Devil Fruit to the Donquixote Family, he had completely finished what he had come here for.

His only regret was that he couldn't find Laffitte.

Well, Willian will keep looking for him any way he's not leaving West Blue Laffitte anytime soon.

With this, Willian opened a spatial portal and entered it.

The easiest thing for Willian and his organization was to travel.


After 5 days.

In a palace no less luxurious than the Willian Palace, a blue-haired youth man was sitting in a spacious hall with a refined medieval appearance, reading a certain message while smiling contemptuously.

This boy looked a lot like Willian, he seemed in the same age as well, but he was much shorter than Willian, after all, Willian became even more longer even than his royal father after he had evolved into a high human being.

"Does this message really come from Brother Willian City Palace? If it is true, then he is very stupid."

This young man was Garry Bluewight, Willian's brother and Lord of Santia City, the same second prince that Willian had declared war on 6 days before.

"Young master, I beg your pardon but I think the First Prince is not a stupid person, you should be careful what he has in store for you."

The person who spoke was the first counselor under Garry just like the fat Scarley under Willian.

"I know, Rudy, that clever bastard can't give his neck to his cute brothers to cut it off without taking a bite out of their bodies, but I'm really interested to see what he's up to this time to have the courage to oppose the father and go to war directly with the 3 princes."

"Or could it be that he finally got tired of our little tricks and went into a frenzy of rage?!"

"Tsk, if this is real, so that's disappointed, after all, Willian wouldn't be the older brother I had hoped to crush under my feet."

"Young Master Garry, I think you are the best!!"

"And I also think so, the First Prince cannot be compared to our Second Master at all."

In Garry's arms, two beautiful chicks were entertaining him all the time.

Their words sounded like a spring breeze and heavenly music in Garry's ears.

"Oh, you also think so! I'll reward you then."

"Oh, Young master, be nicely please... Ahn!!"

"No, no, harder, please ahhn!"
