Supernatural abilities of all kinds and shapes

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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At the island shore, all the generals in the organization gathered, to see the devil fruit powers demonstration that Willian organized today.

Today, all the generals who have obtained a Devil Fruit will show their new abilities.

Only generals are allowed to attend.

"Except for Sania and Gracia, I think you all have gotten a little used to the powers of a Devil Fruit now, right?!"

Willian took on the organization leader's stern and temperamental expression as he spoke to the group of generals under his command at this moment.

They gathered here today not only to show their abilities but also to know the level of progress of each one of them.

Before giving them the Devil Fruit, Willian had given them valuable advice on the path of the training of their abilities from now on, as long as they followed him well they would definitely become powerful elites.

"Yes, your highness."

"We have some progress already."

Paulo spoke confidently, after all, he was the first general to obtain a Devil Fruit and was the most advanced in his mastery yet.

"We are also your highness."

Fred, Kalgar, Rogerdo, and the others all spoke with some confidence as well.

"Good, now, you're Paulo, go show us your progress."

Willian returns to the side of the girls, and he leaves the vast beach to Paulo to demonstrate his abilities.

"With pleasure, Your Highness."


{The Rock Wall!}

A rock wall rose from the sandy ground and sunlight covered the group of generals.

The rock wall was like a small mountain, 100 meters high and 50 meters wide.

In terms of size, he was good, but in terms of his defensive strength, Willian had to try it out to find out.

A ten-meter-long ice fist appeared over Willian and his girls' heads and slammed into the rock wall with an enormous force that reverberated in the area.

The rock wall was severely cracked but still stood and was not destroyed.

"Defensive strength is OK, there is still a lot to improve… but the progress is already noticeable, you can continue."

Paulo was satisfied with his king's assessment, after all, he knew it too.

{The Earthly Collapse!}

Paulo lifted his leg that was covered in rocks and crushed the ground so hard, that the area around him collapsed heavily damaged as if an earthquake hit the area.


"Good Paulo, you can come back and get your stamina back, Fred and Kalgar go guys and show us what you have."

"Yes, your highness!"

Kalgar and Fred's mastery of the abilities of the Metal Fruit and the Wood Fruit weren't quite as good as Paulo's mastery of the Rock Fruit, but the progress was still obvious, at least they couldn't be considered complete beginners.

The same goes for the other generals Rogerdo, Helan, and Volto who ate the Zoan Devil Fruits.

They could easily transform into their monstrous forms, but they still had to train to control the consumption of physical strength.


"Now, it's your turn, Sania, come here, try to lift your weight by one ton."

"Yes, my dear."

Sania started exercising the power of a Devil Fruit for the first time since obtaining it, she had a strange feeling that she could become heavier or lighter at will, so she followed that strange feeling and the surprise happened.

Her body had grown so much heavier than it had originally been, she couldn't even lift her foot that had been planted in the ground due to the heavyweight.

"Looks like you have to work harder to master this fruit, my dear, well, your first challenge will be trying to move under the heavyweight."

Sania couldn't even reply, her face turned red as if she was under a lot of pressure, the overweight condition vanished after her stamina was almost exhausted.

Sania didn't feel that kind of exhaustion even while having sex with Willian, it was exhausting as hell.

"Alright, it's your turn, Gracia, show me the power of the Mythical Zoan."

"Yes, my love, I won't disappoint you."

Gracia tried to communicate with the strange power within her body and a great surprise was that her body started to burn like a fire Logia devil fruit, the flames surrounding Gracia were extremely crimson that looked extremely red.

A small tail appeared above her butt, consisting of flames and similar to the tail of a bird, then two wings of flames, and her head was covered with a flame in the form of a bird's head.

Everyone around in the place looked at this with astonishment, was this the power of the Mythical Zoan?!

Only the heat from them made them feel dehydrated.

Willian was delighted to see this kind of power, his wife's strength seemed like Marco's Phoenix's, but the Vermilion Bird's fire was obviously stronger than Marco's healing attribute Phoenix flames.

The Vermilion Bird's fire seemed like hellfire that would burn everything once a certain level of strength was reached!


Willian took out 10 small notebooks, resembling a notebook, and gave one to each of his generals and wives, including Robin.

"This is a powerful physical technique called the Iron Body, it can make a person's body as hard as metal if it is mastered. It is one of the six advanced martial arts techniques used by the Navy and the World Government in this world, but I only got one…"

"I simplified the skill I gave you after you successfully trained it and wrote you my own inspiration for the skill in a way that you can quickly perfect it."

A week ago, after Willian obtained the Iron Body skill book, he had been training to master it vigorously, since he had the talents of the Supreme Race, he had easily mastered the skill within four days of training.

"Here, I will show you the results of this skill."

Once Willian wanted it his entire body turned into steel like iron but his body on the outside still looked without a difference, his mastery of the iron body ability was absolutely perfect.

"Come on, you can hit me as much as you want."

Under Willian's terrifying glare, the generals shrank in fear, they didn't dare step up to hit him really, who would have the courage to strike His Highness? Only if they wanted to die.

Two hands appeared out of the void on Willian's neck and they tried to strangle him forcefully, but no matter how hard she tried it didn't work it looked like she was trying to strangle a metal wall.

"With my current strength I can even bend metal, but I couldn't hurt you, World Government skills are really good."

The generals looked at Robin with much more respect than they had before at this moment.
