Stopping an army of 80,000 knights alone!

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon !


Willian returned to Dola yesterday and he is now waiting for the huge army to appear.

"Your Highness, the scouts are back."



"Your Highness, they are close, that huge army will be here at four in the evening, that is, to say the least."

The Scouts' back was drenched in sweat, he saw the size of the army that was attacking this time, it was on a completely different level from the previous wars.

"No need to worry even if they are twice their current number they are still easy to deal with."


As for the people of the diamond city, they were not aware of the storm approaching their city little by little, and if they had known it, they wouldn't have been so calm.

This time, Willian is back alone from the world of One Piece to face this crisis, although the generals asked to mobilize their armies for the fight, Willian orders them to focus on their real work in the pirate world.

He will take care of mobs and princes alone.

Willian sat on his throne within the palace hall, waiting for the right time to act.

He didn't even want this huge army to see his city walls.

Time passed, and less than an hour remained until they reached the city walls.

Willian opened his eyes and stood up from his seat, today he will kill many more people again.

Much more than he ever killed before.

This was war, if he didn't show his enemies what he had, he would be bullied again and again.

His enemies are now in a happy mood because they are sure that their combined army will easily wipe out Willian's army, after all, the abundance defeats courage.

If Willian has 20,000 knights, they have 45,000 knights, well, maybe their army looks a lot more than that because they all put out their secret armies.

So their current army was 80,000 knights... How could Willian get out of this alive?!

Today they will definitely behead him, even if it makes their father the emperor sad for a while he doesn't care about losers, so after a little while, he will forget about Willian completely.

This was the truth of the current emperor, and it was widely known that he didn't care about losers even if they were his sons.

They just have to kill Willian before the Emperor arrives and everything will be fine.

Then they will devote themselves to fighting each other.

These were the daydreams of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Princes at this moment.

They were sitting on their wild horses and silently following the army from behind.

Of course, they were surrounded by their most loyal and powerful generals.

Perhaps they wouldn't even need to participate in this war, even the generals wouldn't have the chance.


Willian stood in the sky like a god overlooking the world, the dragon's blue wings kept him standing in the air with ease.

The expression on his face was cold as he waited for the army to appear in a plains area outside Diamond City.

For Willian, this world would sooner or later belong to him, so he would become a different person from what this world used to know about him.

In his eyes, he was the most powerful being in this world, he wouldn't need to be patient or act wisely and intelligently to get what he wanted.

Before, he had to act like that because he didn't have real strength.

But now, he wouldn't need that at all.

Because he is simply the most powerful in the world.

A fiery smile appeared on his cold face as he saw the appearance of human waves rising from afar.


The grassy plain was green and a great place to camp in any season of the year, so Willian decided he wouldn't stain it with blood.

"What is that in the sky?!"



"This looks like a human with wings?!"

"No way?"

"Maybe my eyes deceiving me?!"

The first knights who reached the grass plain could see Willian standing in the sky.


"Why did the army stop?!"

"Who the hell gave the stop orders?!"

The princes were enraged by the sudden halt of their armies.

Three people came out from the rear of the army and each headed toward a certain prince.

"Your Highness, there is a stranger standing in the sky blocking the path of the army in front."

"Thousands of people fainted just by approaching his surroundings."

"So there is no way to pass."

"What?! Are you taking me as an idiot!?"

"Behead this idiot and follow me, we see the real reason these idiots in the front stopping."

The second prince's decision was the same as that of the other two princes, the knights who returned to deliver the message were beheaded for having said nonsense to their masters without fear.

They didn't know whether it was bravery or stupidity.

The army split and formed a way for princes and generals to pass.

They were on their way to see the one flying in the sky and thousands of people fainting with just a look.

What a joke!!
