New Beginnings

At sixteen being the only child of a single mom is kind of fun if you think of it. My mom is a business woman, she travels a lot, we don't really have time for each other, she thinks she can make up for lost times by making sure she stuffs me up with money but sometimes I just wish she could understand that no matter how rich we get, my happiness will never be complete without her. We just moved to California it's a big mansion, kind of creepy though but what can one do? Today is my first day in Westfield High, am a bit anxious about the new faces am about to see. Right now am just standing in front of the mirror, dressed in a white big off-shoulder sweater, tight black jeans with a pair of white Balenciaga, my long blond wavy hair in which of course I got from my mom, coupled with a set of dark blue eyes from my late father, and small pointed nose. Mom was right I do look like a Barbie collection.

"You're going to do great Tessy" I say to myself as I smiled to myself revealing a set of white teeth.

"Tessy! You're going to be late." My mom bellowed from downstairs.

"Coming mom" I replied grabbing my iPhone x with my backpack, I took one last look at myself in the mirror and rushed downstairs.

"Good morning"

"Good morning dear, have you had breakfast?"

"Nope, not hungry, aren't you late for your flight to L.A?"

"Nah, I have got another hour to go, hurry up the driver is waiting for you " my mom said as she gave me a hot kiss on my forehead.

"K, bye mom" I said as I ran outside the house and hoped into the red limousine that awaited me.

" Good morning Mr. Tom" I greeted the driver whom is more like a father to me since I lost mine, his wife is late also, and unfortunately left him childless so he is like family to me, I don't know what I would have done without him.

"Good morning to you too, looks like someone is nervous"

"How did you know?"

"I have known you since you were a child, so I can read you like a book" he said smiling.

"Am just having some butterflies in my stomach that is all"

"You will do great" he said encouragingly.


"Anytime sweetie".

The rest of the drive to school was spent in anticipation of what lay ahead.

"We are here!" Mr. Tom announced as we pulled up in front of a very magnificent school with lots of kids loitering around.

"Mm, impressive " I said.

"Okay see you later kiddo" he said as I got out and started waving him good bye while he drove away. As I turned to go, that was when I noticed that everyone was just standing and staring at me, it didn't really freak me because am actually used to it.

"Hey" someone said behind me, as I turned I saw a really handsome tall guy with brown hair and cute grey eyes, he flashed a killer smile at me.


"You must be Tessy McCain, am Tyler" he said as we shook hands.

"Oh, nice to meet you " I said still baffled at how he knew my name.

"So, I was asked to show you around" now that explains it.

"Here is your locker and your locker combination, and lets not forget this" Tyler said handing me a paper slip that contained the extra curricular activities I would be participating in.

"Well, looks like I will be having an English class right now" I said looking at the paper.

"Yup, same here, lets go" he said fondly holding my hands like we have been friends ever since, I found it strangely comforting.

"Mr. Derek, your late" the teacher said immediately we entered the class.

"Sorry Mr. . Smith, I was asked by my father to show Mrs. McCain around"

"Then am sure Mrs. McCain won't mind introducing herself" the teacher said suddenly breaking into a smile.

I smiled back as I faced the class.

"Hi, am Tessy McCain, nice to meet you all" I said as they all murmured a nice too meet you too in unison. I walked over to my seat which thankfully was next to Tyler and a red haired girl that once in a while gave me mean look. What's her problem?

" Can we have lunch together?" Tyler asked as I was about heading to the cafeteria.


" You okay?" He asked once we were sat down.

"Yah, why?"

"You seem down" he said with concern written all over his face.

"Wow in just a few hours you already know me" I said letting out a little laugh.

"Not really, it is just that you were frowning just a second ago"

" Oh, well, I just feel awkward and lonely, am new here"

"Don't worry, that is why you have me, besides in a few hours you will be home so you won't feel awkward " he said reaching out to hold my hands, that one move made heat go up my cheeks. I blushed.

"Ahem!" I looked up and saw the red haired girl standing beside us with a cup of strawberry smoothie in her hand.

"Hey, Chloe" Tyler said gently letting go of my hand.

"And what the heck are you doing with her?" She asked angrily.

"Am just keeping her company and I don't see how that is any of your damn business " he replied.

"We will see about that " she said just as she was about leaving she "accidentally" tripped and the smoothie she was holding poured on my sweater.

"Shit!" I said getting up.

"Oooops, my bad" she said as she feigned surprise.

"Oh my gosh" Tyler said rushing to my aid.

" Am so sorry" he said.

"Nah, it's okay" I said smiling, I just reached for my backpack, brought out a leather jacket then removed the sweater, I heard some boys whistle as my white half top showing off my belly button was revealed, I could feel all eyes on me, Tyler mouth was gaped, Chloe was shocked, and I just grinned as I wore my black leather jacket, folded my sweater and put it back inside my backpack now looking like a James Bond the girl version.

"See, all done" I said still smiling as walked out of the cafeteria.

"That was totally AWESOME!" A pretty girl who looked like a diva or something with long black hair said as she walked up to me.

"Am Cherry Sanderson by the way" she said giving me a surprise hug.

" Tessy"

"Dang girl, you're so lucky, you've got the hottest, most popular boy in school in your good books" she squealed again.

"Oh, you mean Tyler? He doesn't look like a bad boy to me, he seems nice"

"Uh..uh girl he is nice quite alright but he is actually a really bad boy, I mean for crying out loud he is the heir of this school, his father built this magnificent building, so he can actually get away with literally anything"

"That's nice"

"But let me warn you, now you're in the "Red Dragon's" bad books" she said trying to make a menacing face, it made me laugh out loud.

"K, Cherry, I will be very careful" I said as I held her by her arm and went to my last class for the day which was history.

So I invited Cherry over for dinner today, she totally freaked out when she saw my house. But like I said totally used to it, my mom won't be back till the next 2 months, I told her, she pitied me and promise to ask her parents if she could come keep me company and I told her it would be cool.

The butler served us some ice lemonade, then we both went up to my room to watch Netflix till the cook was done with dinner.

"Your room is so HUGE!"

"What a bed" she continued as she hoped on my king sized bed and started jumping on it, it made me giggle inwardly. She behaves really like a child, I went into the bathroom, when I came back she was already sorting out the movie we were going to be watching.

"So what are you going to do about the "RED DRAGON"? She asked looking up at me.

I just chuckled and told her that I don't really have time for desperate girls like her, once I said that I saw a smile spread across her face like she was impressed with me or something.

Then there was a knock on the door as the maid came to announce that dinner was ready. We had a very nutritious meal of chicken salad with a glass of pineapple drink, then we went back to watching our movie, after that I dropped her off at her house then I went back home.

The next day, woke up, I think a bit late, I skipped breakfast and went to school, once Mr. Tom dropped me off I was immediately greeted by Tyler.

"I am so sorry about yesterday" he said apologetically.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked wearing a smile as I walked to my locker.

"Nah ex"

"Looks like she hasn't figured that part out yet" I said faking a frown.

"Look am sorry okay? Let me make it up to you.