Unexpected Visit

I raised an eyebrow and asked "how?"

"Come with me" he said offering me his hand.


"Just trust me.....please"

I rolled my eyeballs and took his hand, he immediately pulled me close to him with so much force that his face was just inches away from mine, he then smiled.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

"Jerk!" I managed to whisper as he pulled me a way in a hurry, I was still trying to catch my breath when we reached the school parking lot.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa we're ditching school?!"

"What? Are you a scary cat?" He asked in a mocking tone, now that was enough to shut me up as he opened the passenger door of his sport car.

"Get in" I gave him a mean stare and got in.

"Better buckle up" he said as he got into the driver seat, I obediently complied.

"Where are we heading?" I asked curiously.

"Don't know" he said as I shot him a bewildered look. The rest of the drive was driven in a comfortable silence until we pulled up in front of a Mexican restaurant.

"How did you know I love Mexican food?!" I asked.

"I guessed, besides you look like a smoking hot Mexican" he said with a smirk. I blushed.

"Am an American stupid" I said playfully hitting him on his arm as heat went up my cheeks. Jeez! When was the last time a boy made me feel this way?

When we got out of the car, I felt giddy and all like a 4 year old.

"Someone looks happy" Tyler said with a smile, holding my hand as we walked into the restaurant .

"So what will you like to eat my sweet cupcake?"

"Cupcake!" I said surprised even though I kind of liked the fact he called me sweet.

"Yah, your my cupcake from now on" he said authoritatively.

"Sweet, okay, cupcake, hell no!"

"Hell yes! Now what will you like to eat? He asked again not caring about my objection, I just rolled my eyeballs.

"Tacos" I replied.

"With onion dip?"


When the waiter came to take our order, I notice that she was fluttering her lashes at Tyler, I don't even think she even knew I was there and when she was about to go she squeezed his shoulders and said she will be back, he was just stupidly smiling at her.

"What?" He asked.


"Jealous?" He asked as I could feel color going to my cheeks, he is so foolish for asking me that question.

"Don't be a jerk!" I said and as if right on queue the brunet waitress waltzed back in with our food, when she arranged the food on our table, she just stood there, like she expected a tip or something.

"Need a tip?" I found myself angrily asking, I could feel Tyler looking at me.

"So, could we meet up sometime?" She asked Tyler, totally ignoring me, I felt like smacking her right across her face.

Tyler in response just smiled, took my hand and kissed it.

"Sorry, as you can see I already have a smoking hot girlfriend" he said with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile to myself, then I said.

"Sure you don't need a tip" I just got a mean stare from her before she stalked off, I couldn't hold myself any longer as I busted into fits of laughter, in a few seconds Tyler whom was trying not to laugh joined in, we were laughing so hard that my tummy started hurting.

"Come on, let's eat and get the hell out here" Tyler said recovering from the joke.

"You're right am starving" I said wiping the tears that were in my eyes, before I dug into the food.

"Damn, your one hungry beast" he said amazed at how fast I finished my tacos.

"Skipped breakfast" I managed to say as I almost nearly belted out loud.

"Oops, nearly came out" I said giggling to myself, I was so full, I thought my belly would burst open any moment from now. Then a moment of silence passed between us, when I looked up, i was caught off guard by his gaze.

"What?" I asked as he leaned across the table and removed some strands of hair from my face, his hands stayed there for a while, I couldn't breath, his touch was so electrifying, i felt safe in a strange way or so.

"There is something about you that makes you so different from all the other girls I have met, I can't really tell, but I am going to find out what it is" he said in a whisper, all I could do was stare back at him, he still stroked my cheek, and I was still caught in its beautiful trance.

"Come on let me take you home" he said standing up, I was still stunned but I stood up quite alright. The drive back home was done in silence until he reached over and took my hand in his and gently stroked it, his hands were warm.

"We are friends right?" he said smiling at me as he brushed his soft lips against my hand, I swallowed, then managed to nod my head.

Our hands were still entwined when we reached my house, Mr. Tom was surprised to see me, when he saw Tyler he just smiled and went into the house.

"Who is that?"

"The person who drives me around and who is like a father to me"

"What of your mom?"

"Travelled, won't be back till the next 2 months"

"Oh, your dad?" He asked as we started walking to my front door.


"Oh, am sorry" he said.

"It's okay, it was his time"

"But you weren't ready for it" he said looking into my eyes, I looked away, I didn't want him to see the pain I felt or the misty tears that started to gather in my eyes, it was actually the truth.

"Yeah, I wasn't ready for it but he left anyways not caring about the 7 year old girl he left behind, not caring if she would survive or not, the girl who always went to the hospital begging him to come back home with her, and everyday she comes back home crying, crying for herself, him and her mother" I said not noticing the tear that slipped out and ran down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey.....don't cry cupcake, it would be alright" Tyler said engulfing me in a tight hug, I have been keeping a lot of pent up emotion for 9 years now, I loved my father so much, when he died, my mom told me he went on a trip to heaven and would be back very soon, I never knew what that meant until I grew older but it was already too late to think of mourning the great loss. Tyler swept me off my feet bridal style, the maids already saw what happened so before he reached the door it was already opened for him. I didn't want any of them to see me cry so I just buried my head deep in his neck, he carried me upstairs, he was led to my room. He sat at the edge of my bed, with me still in his arms and rocked me to sleep, telling me how ugly am looking with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, he kept telling me everything will be okay. I finally slept off.

I awoke late in the night, and found myself tucked into bed, I stood up, without switching on the light, I started to undress, I can't really sleep well without taking a bath and thank God tomorrow is Saturday, when I was stripped of my main clothing I was left with only my underwear, that was when I notice something turn on my bed, it was someone! The person then got off the bed and stood, it was a male figure, there is a man in my room, I dared not turn on the lights for fear he would see me. Oh shit! He is coming towards my direction, I always hated anything sports but my mom forced me to learn martial arts so now as a 3rd degree black belt this should be easy enough. When he was just inches away from me, I hit him in between his legs, I heard him gasp in pain, then immediately grabbed his arm and threw him painfully to the floor, pinning him to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"Jesus, Tessy it's me! " Tyler said in a coarse whisper.

"Oh my God, Tyler" I said suddenly realizing what I have done. I immediately went and flipped on the lights and rushed back to him, he laid sprawled on the floor.

"What are you still doing here? You scared the shit out of me!" I said just remembering that he was here today.

"When I put you to bed yesterday, I was about to go but you told me to stay back, so I stayed" he said finally recovering himself.

"Am so, so sorry" I said hugging him then looking at his face then hugging him again.

"Hem, Tessy?"

"Yes?" I answered still holding him, still shocked that I hurt him this way.

"Why are you in your undies?"

I shrieked and ran inside the bathroom not minding the fact that he toppled back to the floor again, I completely forgot I was only wearing only underwear , I came out of the bathroom with my robe wrapped around my body, he was lying on top of my bed, wearing a very stupid smile across his face.