" You looked hotter with the bikini" he said pouting.
"Don't be stupid" I glared at him as my cheeks went red with embarrassment.
"Please turn your face I want to change to my nightwear" I said angrily, he saw that I was serious so he obeyed.
"You can turn now" I said as I transferred some pillows from the bed to the floor.
"What are you doing" he asked confused.
"Don't expect me to sleep on the same bed with you" I answered.
"But I don't bite" I didn't even respond to that.
"Okay then wherever you sleep am sleeping" he said hopping off the bed.
"So now, either you get comfortable with me on the bed or all hard, cold and cramped on the floor" he said with the stupid smile of his, jeez, I hate this boy!
I stalked over to the bed as he transferred the pillows back, I just buried my face under the covers and let out a very deep groan. God do not let anything that I will regret happen this night. He switched off the lights and jumped on the bed.
" Jeez, do you have to break my bed before you sleep on it!" I exclaimed. Then there was dead silence, suddenly I felt a pair of warm hands come in contact with my skin. I became stiff with dread.
"Touch me and you die!" I said harshly, then he let out a wicked laugh but thankfully backed down.
The next morning I was awoken by the stupid alarm I forgot to turn off the night before, I started to stir from the bed when I noticed something, oh shit! Tyler had his hands wrapped around my waist while mine was around his body, my head was settled right on top of his chest! Oh my God! I and Tyler are tangled together on my bed! I started untangling myself slowly so not to wake him up because I didn't want him to see us like this, as I raised my head up, to my utmost shock I saw him grinning down at me.
"Good morning to you too, damn you look just like a doll when you are asleep" He said to me and all I could do was just blink at him. After a few seconds I regained my composure and started to pull away from him but he just tightened his grip.
"And where do think you're going this early, it is still 6'o clock"
"Let go of me Tyler" I said using my hands to push his broad chest away from me. All my pleas fell on deaf ears as he yanked me even closer to him, I just held my breath for my face was just inches away from his.
"What do you want from me?" I asked him almost in a whisper, in response to me he just brought his face closer to mine, for some stupid reason, I really wanted him to kiss me, to know how he taste like, so I leaned forward also, then our lips brushed against each other. I tried to reason what was happening, tried to tell myself that this is wrong but my thoughts kept going back to the tantalizing way his lips kept brushing up against mine.
"Damn bunnie, if you really want me to kiss you, you've got to go brush, for your breath still smells like the onion dips we had yesterday" he said, now at this point he was trailing kisses down my neck, but that sentence was enough to jerk me back to reality. I gathered all the strength I could muster and shoved him away from me, the force of the push made him fall over butt first at the side of the bed.
"Who said I wanted to kiss you? That will be the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my entire life on this planet earth" I spat out as I stalked away into the bathroom and slammed the door.
"Oh, come on cupcake, don't tell me your mad at me" he said as I felt him lean against the bathroom door.
"Am not I just want to take my bath"
"Really? Without your bathrobe?"
"Then be a gentleman and get it for me" I said not wanting to come out.
"Sure, if you would open the door so I could pass it to you" he replied I could feel him smiling, I let out a sigh and opened the door.
"You know what you said back there was kind of hurtful" he said as he held my robe, I was about to make a grab for it but he raised high above his head, I just looked at him and then folded my hands across.
"So, what? Did I hurt your bad boy ego?"
"Oh, come on, am not a bad boy, why would you say that?"
"You made me ditch school, took me to the restaurant, flirted with the brunet waitress, came to my house and won't agree to sleep unless I slept with you on the same bed, woke up the next morning and tried seducing me into kissing you" I said nearly out of breath.
"Which almost worked!"
"I..... it......it didn't" I stammered.
"Come on, go freshen up, we are going out" he said as he let out a little laugh.
"Go out?"
"Yep, like a date" he said and before I could open my mouth to object he pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door.
"You little rascal!" I said behind the already closed door.
When I came out of the bathroom Tyler was already dressed to my utmost surprise.
"How are you dressed without taking a shower and where the hell did you get fresh clothes from?"
"Let's just say you sleep like a dead log, I awoke early this morning, went home, had a shower and came right back"
"Isn't it too early? "
"Look who is talking" he said letting out a scoff.
"Nah it, won't be too early for the boys" he continued.
"Yah, after whooping my ass yesterday night, am quite sure they will be happy to see you, its a boxing studio were I normally go there to train, yesterday you were lucky"
"Lucky?!. Boy, I whooped your ass clean and good, so there is nothing lucky about that" I said with my hands on my hips.
"I also don't see any reason why you want me to go" I continued.
"Do you have any other plans for today? You know.....something interesting.....worthwhile.......not boring" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Jeez I hate it when he is right.
"On one condition" I said
"Am driving" I said, he just stared at me. "Remind me never to let you drive, your insane!" He said once we were packed in front of the studio.
"Oh, stop it, it wasn't that bad"
"You nearly killed a man, that was on the other side of the road!"
"Ok, maybe it was a lil bad" I said in defense as we got out of the car, he just walked up to and snatched the car keys from me. When we entered the studio, I found out that Tyler was actually right, boys were everywhere. Worst am the only girl there too.
"Hey big T" a very, let me just say smoking hot boy, with blond hair, matched with a pair of green eyes walked up to us and greeted Tyler, they both did their guy handshake.
"What's up Justin?" Tyler said
"Am cool bro, but first introduce me to this hot chick over here" Justin said making eyes at me.
"This is Tessy my friend in school, Tessy this is Justin my childhood best friend"
" Nice to meet you" I said extending my hand for a handshake, all the boys have started gathering around us by now. Tyler just greeted all of them.
"Nice to meet you too senorita" he said taking my hand and kissing it.
"Hey no flirting" Tyler said immediately slapping Justin hand away.
"Jealous?" I whispered in his ear.
"Don't push it cupcake"
I just smiled to myself.
"Gather the boys Justin" Tyler said, once the boys were huddled up, I kept hearing some boys making complimentary and some dirty remarks about me, some even whistled, I felt very uncomfortable.
"The girl is off limits" he said in a loud voice, that shut them up, I shot a grateful glance at him.
"She will be here once in a while to teach you all you need to know about martial arts" he continued. I was shocked to the marrow. He never even informed me about this. And wait, how is he able to call shots around here? Unless......unless he is the owner of this huge place. Nah, that can't be possible.
There were series of boys who strongly objected to his proposal.
"You can't be serious Tyler" a big boy from behind said.
"Am not bluffing guys, you told me to find you someone who will train you professionally, I got you one"
"But she is just a girl, she doesn't even look like she can do any shit" the big boy said again stepping to the front and scanning me from head to toe, it got me really pissed.
"What did you just say?" I asked stepping forward also, trying to control my anger, Tyler tried to grab my hand but I yanked it away.