"You heard me, so just go back home to your crazy daddy who probably didn't teach you not to interfere when boys are talking" he answered, I could hear some laughter go round. The asshole think its funny.
"Oh, shit Johnny, you shouldn't have said that" I could hear Tyler mutter behind me.
I immediately ran and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his neck, then with full force did a back flip bringing him to the ground heavily, I hurriedly stood up while he was still in pain raised him up by his arm to a kneeling position, bringing his arm to his back, then lastly using my knee to kick him very hard on his back forcing him to lie down flat on his tummy, with me still gripping his arm i sat on his back and twisted his arm, he screamed in pain.
"I bet your mama didn't tell you not to fuck with a girl's feelings did she?" I asked twisting his arms the more, he yelled again.
"Cupcake its enough" I heard Tyler say as he came close to me and touched my arm.
"I think he got the message" he continued, I let go. The boy scurried up to a standing position, obviously scared of me now.
"Oooo....one more thing" I said turning and gave the boy a quick kick to his middle, he gasp for air.
"Jesus Christ Tessy!" Tyler exclaimed behind me but I ignored him and walked away, some boys rushed to assist him while some scurried out of my way. I was confronted my Justin
"Girl, I love you!"
"I love you too" I smiled as I walked past him and headed straight for the car.
Today we will be moving. When Nathan whom I call Nate first announced our moving lots of things began running through my mind that even I can’t explain in context. He is a type of person everyone would love to have around, kind caring and very intelligent and he has a whole lot of other good characters.
Now Nicholas whom I call Nick also is the exact replica of Nathan, yeah in case you haven’t guessed they are twins. He always have a brooding aura around him, he is speaks less, has a bad temper but it has never been directed towards me, he has sharp facial features, his handsome face is always graced with a frown, although his twin are of the same build he is slightly bigger in stature. Our tickets were submitted as we went in.
Well back to me, being 17 and the only child, I don’t have much to say about myself, pale in complexion, graced with platinum hair which was terribly long, it went past my butt. My face was paired with forest green eyes which was unfortunately inherited by my shitty father but the rest was gotten from my mom, my little nose, my small luscious lips etcetera, at least that was what I was told. I never met my mom. She died bringing me to this Godforsaken world, my dad was heartbroken but that didn’t stop him from taking care of me, that is until I started growing into the exact replica of my mother, my face was a constant reminder of his lost wife. Around the time I was 8, nothing I did seemed to please him….he started coming home late at night completely drunk, he had yell at me that it was my fault my mom was dead, he had wish that I died instead. Then the beating started, he had beat me within an inch of my life for little slip ups or for no reason at all, he stopped sending me to school too, saying I had no use for it. When I was 13, he invited his friends over, that morning I had just received another round of whooping, I felt numb then…he had asked me to serve his friends drinks, one of them had smacked me on my butt making me drop the cup of glass I was holding, my dad was oblivious of his friend’s action, he already had his gaze on me silently telling me I had fucked up. That night while I was asleep apparently his friends had gone, I was awoken with a blow on my side, he held a huge plank in his hand, he proceeded to beat me with it, telling me I had embarrassed him in front of his friends, because of my stupid clumsiness, he whacked me twice on the side of my head that was when I realized something, I had lost my hearing! He later left me after a couple of blows but I was already numb of pain, I rushed to turn on my radio but it was silent, I opened my window to see if I could hear the sound of cars or anything but I was greeted with silence. I made up my mind to run away that nigh. I tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen. I packed some snacks and immediately took off. I ran, I kept on running till I couldn’t feel my legs but the smell of freedom urged me on, it had started to rain but I kept on running unaware of the fact I was about to encounter death for the first time, I had ran straight in front of a moving car and I was out.
When we landed at John Kennedy International airport, we flagged down a cab which took us to a measly part of town to our new apartment, it was a nice apartment but cramped, at least It was better than what we were used to, it was painted light green and white with two couches that looked like has been here for centuries, a little coffee table was in the middle, the living room lacked a TV, I was cool with it though, it’s not like I could hear what they will be saying. “So what do you think?” Nick asked as he came to stand in front of me. Yeah I am good at reading peoples lips in case you were wondering.
“It looks nice”.
“Really nice” I added.
Dragging me to a room, it was little but really cozy, with a dark dressing table with a mirror opposite a little bed which was covered with black colored bed sheet that had red butterfly patterns all over it, the room had a black color concept.
I looked at Nick.
“You like it?”
Black was my favorite color, it describes me as a person, empty….void….emotionless.
“Well it’s yours”
“Oh thanks” I was happy really, I have never had my own room before since I ran away from him but I couldn’t bring myself to show any emotions. Not wanting to seem like I was ungrateful I did the first thing that came to my mind, I stood on my tippy toes and planted a kiss on Nate’s cheeks cutting him off guard. An emotion flashed through his face but then it was gone before I could register it. He looked at me with his grey eyes, yes he and his twin have the same color of eyes but while Nick’s was darker and harder like it held lots of secrets yet to be revealed, while his twin on the other hand had soft grey eyes, he reminds me of a teddy bear. He smiled at me and left.
I unpacked my things arranged the books I would take to school tomorrow which will be my first day as a senior, one more year Skyler, you can do this. It was difficult adjusting in school considering the fact I stopped in elementary school, but the twins made sure I attended since I crashed into their lives. The car I ran into that fateful night that I escaped from my father was owned by the owner of an Orphanage, after I was rushed to the hospital, the man should have been around his fifties kept on coming to check on me. The doctors found out about my hearing disability but they couldn’t do anything about, saying it was completely damaged beyond repair, every day the old man brought me food with little snacks to accompany it, when I was asked about my parents, I told him they were dead, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him about my abusive father. I ended up in the orphanage after a week in the hospital. On the first day in the orphanage on my way to the room I was assigned, I was roughly pulled by my hair.
When I turned around, I was immediately shoved to the ground.
Looking up, I saw a lanky tall boy staring down at me, he had two
other boys beside him. Bending down he fisted the front of my shirt and lifted me up. He looked furious.
“Am talking to you” he seemed to have said. Before I could respond he was suddenly shoved away from me, because of the impact I landed on my butt again.