Mirik's POV
Receptionist: Name please?
Mirik: Mirik Synther
Receptionist: okay, Killer will be here for a while!
Receptionist: Please wait in the waiting room!
Mirik: okay!
Mirik: *heads to the waiting room*
Mirik: wait, Killer?
Mirik: As in, Killer Lockshot?
Killer: damn, so close to getting him…
Killer: I'm just going to check the waiting room…
Redwolf: ok…
Killer: *enters waiting room*
Killer: you new here?
Mirik: y-yes!
Mirik: no way it's him…
Killer: follow me for your training…
All 2: *heads to the range*
Killer: let's see your accuracy, if you pass, you can proceed to the second course!
Mirik: *grabs AM-X2*
Killer: fire when I say so!
Killer: Fire!
Mirik: *shoots*
After 1st part
Killer: Decent, but you can improve if you want!
Killer: follow me for the 2nd part of training…
All 2: *heads to the 2nd part of the training*
All 2: *arrives to the 2nd part*
Killer: alright, the 2nd one is strength…
Killer: there are 10 levels…
Killer: starting from 10 pounds to 200 pounds!
Killer: your objective is to lift an average of 5 dumbells
(LVL 1: 10 LBS, LVL 2: 25 LBS, LVL 3: 50LBS, LVL 4: 100LBS)
(LVL 5: 175LBS, LVL 6: 180LBS, LVL 7: 185LBS, LVL 8: 190LBS)
(LVL 9: 195 LBS, LVL 10: 200 LBS)
Killer: oh and recommendation, did you get proper training before going here?
Mirik: y-yes…
Killer: hmm, seems like your lying, are you stuttering because your nervous, lying or you are a fan of me?
Mirik: uhm…
Killer: enough questions, let's get to the training…
Mirik: *continues training*
After 2nd part
Killer: decent, but you can improve as well if you want…
Killer: next is resistance, follow me!
Killer: we will be using gas grenade!
Killer: let's see how long you can hold on, best so far is 34.12, held by Redwolf…
Killer: next is me 32.88
3rd goes to Hunter 30.56
Killer: if you survive more than 25 seconds in there, then you pass that test…
Killer: ready!
Killer: enter the room!
Killer: activate the gas!
Gas activates
Mirik: *exits*
Mirik: *exhales hugely*
Killer: your time is (time in gas)
Killer: decent but can be improved!
Redwolf: *enters scene*
Redwolf: you the new guy?
Killer: that's Redwolf…
Killer: he is pretty much a decent leader…
Killer: aside from the fact that he likes vodka…
Redwolf: I heard that!
Mirik: does he reach being drunk sometimes?
Killer: well…
Redwolf: *pushes Killer aside* how about not talking about my vodka addiction…
Mirik: Your addicted to vodka…
Redwolf: Yes, but for me, I'd rather keep it as private info *laughs*
Killer: facts aside, let's get you to the final course!
Redwolf: just whatever you do, do not mention my vodka addiction…
Killer: whatever, he a'int planning to do so…
Redwolf: hey, don't jinx yourself right after!
Killer: bla, bla, bla, whatever…
Killer: this course proves, that you are strategic, not reckless, and proving you learned from your previous courses…
Killer: beat this course in the best time you could!
Killer: ready
Killer: go!
Killer: Accuracy!
Mirik: *finishes accuracy section*
Killer: strength!
Mirik: *finishes strength section*
Killer: Resistance!
Mirik: *finishes Resistance section*
Killer: decent, again, you can improve if you want!
Buzzer lights up
Mirik: what is happening?
Killer: Terrorist attack…
Killer: *rushes to the meeting room*
Redwolf: I called this meeting because Salhae-ja has moved to the Bahamas, a bunch of his men deployed 3 missiles to destroy America…
Killer: Because US has the most dangerous ARMY?
Redwolf: yes…
Mirik: can I come?
Killer: because you passed all tests, yes!
Redwolf: are you sure! He's new here!
Killer: he has passed all his tests!
Redwolf: so, he isn't ready to deal with an entire battlefield!
Killer: you got a point…
Killer: Hunter, Black, defend Mirik as well…
Redwolf: *sighs* whatever, we have Team 054, 082 and 092 to defend the landing zones!
Redwolf: your mission is to take all the fuel for the missiles!
Redwolf: signing out!
All 5: *heads to the plane*
Plane takes off
Mirik: I'm nervous…
Killer: it's like the training you did, plus you have half of our team defending you…
Mirik: hm…
Killer: listen, at least you will save USA from a missile attack!
Plane flies to the Bahamas
Plane lands
Redwolf: let's go, go, go!
All 5: *rushes out of plane
Redwolf: Team 054 is defending the landing zone at the moment!
Redwolf: the missile is located at our northeast!
Redwolf: follow me!
All 5: *follows Redwolf*
Redwolf: 5 tangoes on the sidewalk!
All 5: *takes out tangos*
Killer: *slices neck and shoots*
Redwolf: *hits enemy with gun and shoots*
Hunter: *stabs neck and shows in front and shoots*
Black: *skewers both eyeballs*
Mirik: *kicks and shoots*
All 5: *takes all the suppressors*
Redwolf: take all the suppressors, we'll end them silently!
All 5: *equips suppressor on AM-X2 and AP-7*
All 5: *hears screams*
Redwolf: take 'em all out from the back!
All 5: *heads to the back*
Redwolf: shoot 'em down…
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: *destroys hinge*
Redwolf: go, go, go!
All 5: *sneaks behind*
Redwolf: 6 tangoes guarding the hostages…
Redwolf: kill all of 'em…
All 5: *shoots*
All 4: *frees hostages*
Killer: *shush* follow us to survive!
All 17: *exits bar*
Vehicles drive by
Killer: follow me!
All 17: *arrives to the other side*
Indistinctive chatter
Killer: *shoots*
Enemy: huh?
Enemies runs to the dead bodies
Killer: *shoots*
All 17: *rushes to the tanks*
Enemies sprint through the area
All 5: *shoots*
Enemy guards the area
All 5: *shoots*
All 17: *heads to the bushes*
Enemies show up
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: *hears constant gunshot*
Redwolf: follow the noise!
Civilian1: are you sure we can trust you!
Redwolf: yes, you can, after this, we will move you behind Team 054 for safety!
Civilian1: are you sure!
Redwolf: just trust me!
Convoy drives by
All 17; *arrives to the other side*
All 17: *arrives to the other bush*
Enemies sprint by
All 5: *shoots*
More enemies sprint to the dead bodies
All 5: *shoots*
All 17: *gets to the other bush*
Redwolf: missiles over there!
Killer: you go behind the team, they will defend you!
All 12: *rushes behind Team 054*
Enemy checks behind
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: there are 4 fuel containers, destroy them!
All 5: *shoots*
Killer: *shoots and destroys fuel tank*
1 / 4
2 / 4
3 / 4
4 / 4
Missile disabled
Killer: Missile disabled!
Redwolf: good work!
Redwolf: Team 054, move to a nearby bunker, those terrorists aint stoppin'
Team 054: shall do!
Team 054: *rushes to nearby bunker*
All 5: *rushes to chopper*
Chopper takes off
Redwolf: Team 082 is waiting there, let's go!
Chopper flies to Smith Town
Chopper lands
Enemies show up
All 5: *Shoots*
Redwolf: Follow me!
All 5: *rushes to a nearby building*
Enemy shows up
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *breaches building*
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *heads to the second floor*
Redwolf: watch your fire, hostages everywhere!
All 5: *breaches room*
All 5: *shoots*
Enemy breaches through roof
Enemies slide through the wood
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *heads through the roof*
Enemies show up
Redwolf: take over that MG!
Killer's POV
Killer: *enters MG*
Chopper flies by
Redwolf: take 'em down!
Killer: *shoots MG*
Chopper collapses
Chopper explodes
Redwolf: juggernauts incoming!
Killer: *shoots Juggernaut*
Juggernauts go haywire
Juggernaut gets disabled
Enemies show up
Killer: *shoots MG*
Redwolf: locate the next missile!
Killer: *fully locates missile*
Killer: over there!
Missile hits side of building
Redwolf: shit! Building's bout to collapse!
All 5: *exits building*
Building fully collapses
Mirik's POV
Redwolf: let's go!
All 5: *shoots and runs away*
More enemies show up
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *arrives to the missile*
Team 082: about damn time! We're slowly losing ammo here!
Killer: *defuses missiles*
1 / 4
2 / 4
3 / 4
4 / 4
Missile defused
Killer: defused!
All 5: *enters chopper*
Chopper takes off
Chopper lands
All 5: *checks everywhere*
Killer: what the hell…
Redwolf: they left it unprotected…
Redwolf: let's go!
All 5: *arrives to the missile*
Redwolf: did you see any signs of enemy activity?
Team 092: no… as if they truly leave it unprotected…
Redwolf: weird…
Killer: wait, what if it's an ambush?
Redwolf: hm, you're right, no one leaves something like this unprotected…
Killer: right…
Enemies show up
Redwolf: shit!
All 5: *shoots*
Killer: I told you it was an ambush!
Redwolf: you ain't wrong…
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: they are taking our chopper!
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: we will protect you! Destroy the fuel tanks!
Killer: on it!
1 / 4
2 / 4
3 / 4
4 / 4
Missile defused
Killer: missile defused!
Redwolf: good work: now lets get out of here!
All 9: *gets out of area*
3 choppers follow by
3 choppers land back
All 13: *exits choppers*
Killer: decent fight we had…
Killer: Mirik: one more thing…
Killer: *hands over the keys*
Killer: You're room number is 047
Killer: don't lose the keys though…
Mirik: thanks!
Killer: no prob, now I announce you as one of the members of the AZAI HQ!
Mirik: thanks master…
Killer: no need to call me that…
Mirik: *heads to the room*
Redwolf: so, did he forget that I was a vodka addict?
Killer: probably…