Mission IV (Cold Blood)

Redwolf: I have good news and bad news…

Killer: send the bad news…

Redwolf: bad news is Salhae-ja moved to NYC for evac…

Redwolf: enemies are defending his trail…

Killer: good news?

Redwolf: we've sent Team 077 to cripple and capture him…

Redwolf: we've sent contact to Veras, we've also set cameras beside him to spot nearby defenders…

Redwolf: there are 4 cameras around the perimeter...

Redwolf: we also set a camera on top of his gun!

Redwolf: keep eye on him and tell him where the enemies are located at!

Veras POV

Veras: I'm in position…

Killer: good!

Killer: Enemy convoy inbound! Shoot the engine!

Veras: *shoots WP-5 (SR)*


Civilians scream

Killer: Enemies showing up beside him! Kill 'em all!

Veras: *shoots*

Enemies are landing behind you! Get ready!

Choppers fly by

Enemies exit copper via rope

Veras: good thing I brought double…

Veras: *shoots AP-7 *

Killer: machine gunner incoming! Get out of there!

Veras: *evacuates perimeter*

Machine gunner shoots panel off

Hallway panel falls on top of Veras

Veras: *crawls under panel*

Enemies show up

Veras: *shoots*

Veras: *evacuates area*

Veras: *shoots*

Machine gunner dead

Civilians scream

Killer: innocents everywhere, watch your fire…

Veras: what the hell…

Veras: I thought the brony community died 20 years ago? (easter egg)

Killer: wait… someone revived it… (easter egg)

Veras: I guess… (easter egg)

Enemies show up

Veras: *readies weapon*

Killer: don't!

Enemies head to the boiler room

Killer: *follow them*

Veras: *heads to the boiler room*

Enemy1: (sir, we deployed all the bombs around the perimeter) 선생님, 우리는 주변에 모든 폭탄을 배치했습니다

Salhae-ja: (good, now evacuate the perimeter) 좋아, 이제 주변에서 대피


Enemy2: huh? *checks right*

Veras: *shoots*

Other enemies: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: *runs to the back door*

Killer: don't let him get away!

Veras: *shoots and follows Salhae-ja*

Veras: Requesting backup in the perimeter!

Pilot: roger that! Sending team 069, 084, and 094!

Enemies show up

Veras: *shoots*

Laser shows up

Veras: *shoots*

Choppers flies by

Teams drop by

Team 069: you called…

Team 069: *hands over FC-556*

Team 069: let's go!

All 16: *rushes*

Convoy drives by

All 16: *shoots*

Vehicles break

Car arrives

Enemies shoot machinegun

All 16: *shoots*

All 16: *enters car*

Enemies block the way

All 15: *shoots*

Car drives beside the car

Car steers left

Other car hits right building

Bullets flies trough back window

Team 094: get down!

Bullets hit driver

Team 084: *takes over wheel*

Car steers left

Car drives beside team

All 14: *shoots*

Car explodes

Car piece stabs neck

Team 069: argh!

Team 069: *takes out car piece*

More bullets fly by

All 15: *gets down*

Machine gunner dies

Veras: *breaks back window*

All 4: *shoots*

Machine gunner dies

More trucks drive behind the car

All 4: *shoots*

RPG hits car

Team 094: get out of the car!

All 14: *exits car*

Civilians scream

RPG hits building

Window breaks

All 16: *enters building*

Killer's POV

Killer: damn!

Redwolf: we gotta get to them!

Team 079: *heads to the plane*

Plane takes off

Plane arrives at area

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers rise


All 4: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode


Redwolf: jump!

All 4: *jumps to building*

Teams get surrounded

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *jumps to grounds*

Redwolf: convoy inbound!

All 18: *shoots*

Veras: 2 casualties not gonna lie!

Redwolf: good thing you didn't get killed!

Salhae-ja: still haven't seen my warning huh…

Salhae-ja: *throws grenade*

Salhae-ja: *gets away*

Killer: shit!

Napalm occurs

Redwolf: shit!

Killer: mother*cker got away

Killer: then a goddamn napalm coming in front of us?

Redwolf: you can't predict everything…

Enemies show up

All 18: *shoots*

Enemy throws smoke

Bullets fly by

All 18: *shoots*

Robot samurais show up

Samurai slices Killer's neck

Killer: *pulls grenade pin in front of samurai's blade*

Killer: get back!

Grenade explodes

Samurai gets haywire

Samurai gets disabled

US police arrives

All 22: *shoots*

All 18: *rushes to highway*

Killer: they are intoxicating the area…

Redwolf: good thing I brought gas masks…

All 4: *equips gas masks*

Enemies shoot

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies land on the intoxicated area

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy tackles Killer

Killer: *strangles neck*

Killer: *takes off enemies gas mask*

Enemies cough a lot

Enemies scream

Killer: *strangles neck again*

Enemy dies

All 4: *gets past intoxicated areas*

All 4: *takes off gas mask*

Salhae-ja: *crosses by*

Redwolf: get him!

All 4: *chases down Salhae-ja*

Redwolf: do not let him get away!

Lasers show up

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies RPG the roof

Enemies drop in front of the team

All 4: *shoots*

Car steers all over the place

Killer: *jumps and captures Salhae-ja*

Killer: got the target!

Redwolf: escort him to the LZ!

All 4: *escorts Salhae-ja to the LZ*

Enemy shoots

Redwolf: use the vehicles for cover!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: sir! Requesting LZ at 40.779473, -73.943478!

Pilot: rog'

Choppers fly by

Lasers show up

All 4: *shoots*

The other teams: *heads to Team 079's position*

All 16: *arrives to area*

Redwolf: where's the other 2?

Veras: had heavy casualties resulting in 2 deaths…

Redwolf: damn…

Choppers rise up

All 16: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Redwolf: you can do crimes if necessary… get in!

Killer: *puts Salhae-ja in the compartment*

Killer: *breaks window*

Killer: *shoots*


Salhae-ja: *sees can of paint*

Salhae-ja: if you see paint on the road, please help!

Choppers fly by

Killer: *shoots down choppers

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode

Car steers right

Redwolf: blockade incoming!

Metal pieces fly by

Redwolf: get down!

Metal pieces break window

Machine gunner breaks top part of car

Redwolf shoot him down!

All 4; *shoots*

Killer: *climbs on top of car*

Redwolf: we're at the LZ where are you!

Pilot: we're experiencing heavy casualties 40.881934, -73.910494!!

Redwolf: shit!

Police arrives

Enemies show up

Redwolf: shred 'em down!

All 20: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: *breaks free from compartment*

Salhae-ja: *pushes Killer off the car*

Truck about to drive over Killer's head

Killer: *gets up*

Truck drives in front of Killer

Redwolf: damn!

Killer: you d*ck

Killer: *JUMPS TO CAR*

Killer: *stabs leg*

Salhae-ja: argh!

Killer: *pushes Salhae-ja*

Salhae-ja: *shoots Veras*

Nover: Man down!

Redwolf: defend Nover!

Nover: *pulls out bullet shell*

Nover: *injects morphine*

Veras: is this the afterlife?

Nover: no, it aint *wraps bandage around chest* please stay with us…

Pilot: More heavy casualties ahead, this is gonna take a while…

Redwolf: dammit!

Redwolf: these f*ckers aint leavin' us alone!

Pilot: we're on our way!

Chopper lands

All 19: *shoots*

Police gets killed

Redwolf; we're slowly losing men here! Where are you!

Pilot: on our way, no more heavy casualties ahead of us

Redwolf: good, had that twice in one f*cking mission!

All 19: *shoots*

Plane lands

All 14: *enters plane*

Killer: *picks up Salhae-ja*

Salhae-ja: oh no you don't!

Salhae-ja: *punches Killer*

Killer: *dodges*

More men show up

Redwolf: *shoots*

Redwolf: get in! now!

Killer: this f*cker aint leaving us!

Redwolf: leave him! We're gonna take off without you!

Killer: *holds Salhae-ja at gunpoint against head*

More enemies show up

Civilians scream

Killer: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: *kicks Killer*

Salhae-ja: Nice try dumbass!

Salhae-ja: *pushes Killer to plane*


Plane rises up

Enemies show up

Redwolf: *shoots*

Killer: *jumps off plane*

Redwolf: *grabs on Killer*

Redwolf: *pulls Killer back up*

Killer: *exhales*

Redwolf: Holy shit!

Killer: our objective is to capture him, but we didn't!

Redwolf: I know but it was too late!

Black's POV

Geom-seok: *exhales* *looks at phone*

Geom-seok's reflection: do you even know yourself?

Geom_seok: oh shit… *exhales*

Reflection: you knew no one will believe you

Geom-seok: shut up!

Reflection: I think it's the time you reveal and betray your new life, and reveal the beast inside you…

Geom-seok: no! I will not!

Redwolf: you okay there, you seem to be talking to yourself?

Geom-seok: It's just a voice in my head trying to possess me…

Voice: do you even trust me anymore…

Voice: claim everything, and go back to your old self…

Geom-seok: no!

Geom_seok: arrgh! Leave… me… alone!

Geom-seok: *heavily breathes*

Voice vanishes

Geom-seok: *exhales* I am not okay…