All 14: *arrives back
All 4: *arrives to meeting room*
Call occurs
Redwolf: Sup, AZAI HQ here…
Redwolf: where are you from?
CIVILIAN1: Venice, please help! *dies*
Killer: what the hel-
Another Call occurs
Civilian2: Help! I need help!
Killer: what is it?
Civilian2: Terrorist attacking!
Killer: terrorist attack?
Redwolf: wait we have another?
Civilian2: Hel-
Civilian3: *picks up phone*
Civilian3: Help!
Redwolf: where are you from?
Civilian3: Nagasaki!
Civilian3: They're taking over our milita- *dies*
Killer: what the hell's goin' on?
Call occurs
Civilian4: Help!
Killer: more terrorists?
Civilian4: Yes! I'm at Berlin!
Killer: That's all we want to know, we will send our teams to the perimeters…
Redwolf: *pushes buzzer for Team 054, 068, 002*
Teams head to the meeting room
Redwolf: we've sent you here because our main enemy has been caught bringing back the Axis powers, leading to more damages whilst starting WW3…
Redwolf: I want you to stop them!
Redwolf: Team 054, Take onto Italy…
Redwolf: Team 068, Nagasaki, Japan…
Redwolf: and Team 002, Germany…
Redwolf: we, Team 001, and 019, will assist you on our way…
Redwolf: one more thing, All these teams have a captain, kill their captains, and it'll be over…
Redwolf: dismissed!
All 24: *enters plane*
Plane takes off
Team 079, 054: *lands on Venice*
Enemies show up
Threats: 2400
Enemies show up
All 8: *shoots*
2350 Threats
Redwolf: Tanks inbound!
All 8: *gets behind building*
More enemies show up
All 8: *shoots*
2340 Threats
Redwolf: Flank and kill those tanks!
All 8: *shoots*
2275 Threats left
Redwolf: Now!
Killer: *throws grenade inside tank*
Grenade explodes
2270 Threats remain
Killer: *heads to other tank*
Grenade explodes
Enemies show up at the side of the team
2195 threats
Redwolf you have only 5 seconds, get out!
Killer: *escapes area on time*
Tank2 and 3 explodes
2090 threats left
Redwolf: last one!
Killer: *detonates grenade*
2085 threats left
Civilians scream
Redwolf: no hostages, shatter the building!
All 8: *places Shockwave Grenade*
Redwolf: Get out of the area!
All 8: *exits area*
Shockwave grenade explodes
1090 threats remain
Enemies show up
All 8: *shoots*
990 threats
All enemies exit building
All 8: *shoots*
50 threats left
Redwolf: lets wrap this up…
Enemies show up
All 8: *shoots*
Redwolf: all threats wiped out!
Redwolf: Requesting LZ at 45.437951, 12.318256!
Pilot: rog'
Wave 2: Nagasaki
Plane lands
Threats 4800
Team 068: you came in early, now help me!
All 16: *shoots*
Threats 4500
Redwolf: Follow me!
Enemy boat arrives
Redwolf: shred 'em!
Threats 4400
All 16: *runs*
Redwolf: more incoming!
All 16: *shoots*
Threats 4300
Juggernaut shows up
All 16: *shoots*
Threats 4295
Killer: *enters juggernaut*
Juggernaut activates
All 16: *shoots and exit pier*
Threats 3795
Redwolf: choppers incoming!
All 16: *shoots*
3755 threats remain
Missile hits juggernaut
3655 due to friendly fire
Redwolf: shit! Juggernaut's fried!
Redwolf: more incoming!
All 16: *shoots*
Threats 3605
Civilians scream
All 16: *shoots*
Redwolf: In there!
All 16: *enters building*
Enemies show up
All 16: *shoots*
3505 threats remain
All 16: *heads to the 2nd floor and shoots*
3405 Threats remain
All 16: *heads to the 3rd floor and shoots*
3305 threats remain
All 16: *clears building* (I was lazy TwT)
2605 threats remain
All 16: *arrives to roof*
All 16: *shoots*
2505 threats left
More enemies show up
All 16: *shoots*
2455 threats remain
Choppers land
All 16: *SHOOTS*
All hostages on building dies
Redwolf: no matter how it takes, time to break the building down!
Building HP
All 16: *gets RPG*
All 16: *shoots RPG*
Redwolf: One shot a thousand kills!
Building collapses
Threats 805
Building their in collapses
All 16: *jumps*
All 16: *lands on top of moving car*
Building fully collapses
705 due to friendly fire
More enemies show up
All 16: *shoots*
555 threats remain
Vehicles drive over enemies
530 threats remain
More enemies arrive
380 threats remain
Truck drives by
Truck hits building
Building collapses
All threats killed
Redwolf: uh, I guess that all of em…
Redwolf: whatever…
Redwolf: Rquesting LZ at 32.751671, 129.882889!
Pilot: rog' we're on our way!
Wave 3: Berlin
Killer: are you seeing a pattern?
Redwolf: no…
Killer: we saved the most dangerous Axis Power member for last!
Redwolf: so, it's just a coincidence…
Killer: whatever…
Plane lands
Threats: 8435 due to early activity
Team 001: your late!
Redwolf: whatever…
Redwolf: Missile! get back!
All 24: *shoots and exits perimeter*
More enemies arrive to the perimeter
Missile explodes
Redwolf: Let's go!
All 24: *shoots*
7235 threats remain
All 24: *heads to hotel*
Parts of hotel collapses
6985 threats remain
More enemies show up
All 24: *shoots*
6785 Threats remain
Tanks show up
Killer: *throws flashbang at 1st tank*
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: kill all the other tanks!
(Amm0 27/30)
Tanks explode
6765 Threats remaining
More enemies show up
All 24: *shoots*
5765 Threats remain
Missile hits tank
Redwolf: Damn! You okay in there!?
Killer: ugh! Yes!
Redwolf: I've hacked onto their missiles system, 5 of them!
Redwolf: use them wisely, they only have 4 rounds!
Killer: *controls missile*
Killer: *shoots all missiles*
4965 Threats remain
Missile gets hacked
Redwolf: connect to the other missile!
All 24: *connects to other missile*
All missiles used
4165 threats remain
Missile gets hacked
All 24 connects to other missile
Redwolf: Ah shit! Enemies inbound, we got your 6!
Missiles used
3215 Threats
All connects to missiles
All missiles used
2265 threats remain
All connects to missiles
All missiles used
1315 threats remaining
More enemies show up
865 threats remaining
Redwolf: juggernauts inbound!
All 24: *shoots*
Juggernauts go haywire
Juggernauts get disabled
665 threats remaining
Choppers fly up
All 24: *shoots*
515 threats remaining
More enemies show up
All 24: *shoots*
265 threats remaining
More enemies show up
All 24: *shoots*
85 threats remaining
Chopper fly by
Redwolf: more men incoming!
+200 men
All 24: *shoots*
35 Threats remaining
Redwolf: follow me!
Enemies show up beside the clusterteam
All 24: *shoots*
25 threats remaining
Redwolf: more backup incoming!
325 threats
All 24: *shoots*
225 threats remaining
Lasers show up
All 24: *shoots*
215 threats remaining
Convoy drives by
All 24: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
155 threats remaining
Civilians scream
Redwolf: in there!
All 24: *shoots*
105 threats remaining
Redwolf: more incoming from right!
All 24: *shoots*
75 threats remaining
Redwolf: moree incoming!
All 24: *shoots*
35 threats remaining
All 24: *shoots*
5 threats remaining
Killer: we're almost done at least-
Juggernaut breaks glass roof
Redwolf: get back!
Both miniguns shoot
All 24: *SHOOTS*
All 24: *shoots*
2 threats remaining
All 24: *shoots*
All threats killed
Killer: I think that's all of 'em…
Redwolf: I guess…
Redwolf: Requesting LZ at 52.530009, 13.452040!
Pilot: rog'
Redwolf: Finally, it's over…
`Killer: I guess, who knows what comes next…
Redwolf: you can't predict everything…
Plane lands
All 24: *enters plane*
Plane takes off