Mission VI (Evac Orders)

Redwolf: we have some real shit goin' on…

Killer: what is it…

Redwolf: North Koreans have rushed through the Demilitarized zone…

Killer: so, what does that have to do with Salhae-ja, our main enemy…

Redwolf: He's using the attack as advantage to eliminate more citizens, and kill our company…

Redwolf; Our mission is to evacuate as much civilians as we could…

Redwolf: They've blocked everything from China, Japan, and Taiwan…

Redwolf: so, we're going south…

Killer: The Philippines?

Redwolf: yes…

Redwolf: We will send the rest of our men to send them to there…

Redwolf: We are going for Jeju, and put them in Manila via boat…

Killer: and about the terrorists?

Redwolf: we could kill a terrorist or 2 if we could…

Redwolf: Enough questions, dismissed!

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at Jeju

American planes fly by

Korean army arrives…

Redwolf; right on time…

All 2004: *shoots*

AZAI Planes land

Redwolf: about time…

All 3198: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: now you finally regret it, you didn't take my word, what did it result to?

Voice: Betray! Betray! Betray!

Geom-seok: aaaaargh!

Geom-seok: *exhales*

Redwolf: Damn, you okay, we got citizens to evacuate!

Geom-seok: I… can't… hold… it… anymore…

Killer: What the hell's goin' on!

Redwolf: I don't know!

Geom-seok: Kill… me… please! *screams*

Killer; F*ck that was loud!

Redwolf: let's go!

All 3198: *shoots*

Redwolf: rush to the dock!

Team 079: *rushes to dock*

Geom-seok's POV

Voice: *contantly shows pictures of Team 079 being torn*

Geom-seok: aaaaargh!

Voice: you won't trust me!

Team 079: *hides behind building*

Voice vanishes

Redxwolf: we're in the clear at the moment…

Tank drives by

Geom-seok: *readies to jump*

Redwolf: watch it! That's our ally's tank!

Redwolf: Killer, get onto the MG!

Redwolf: the rest of you! Follow me!

Geom-seok: I can't stop hearing this f*cking noise!

Redwolf: control yourself goddamit!

Convoy drives by

Team 079: *shoots*

Convoy explodes

Sight goes black

Redwolf: *voice muffled*

Geom-seok: where am i…

Voice: You are a traitor…

Geom-seok: no! I am not a traitor…

Voice: are you sure…

Voice puts Geom-seok to his young self…

Salhae-ja (6): are you sure, you will be always by my side?

Geom-seok (6): yes!

Geom-seok (30): no! don't do it!

Voice: they can't hear you…

Voice sends them 10 years ago

Geom-seok;(20) enough of this bullshit! Expect me to never be with you again!

Salhae-ja: (20) fine!

Both split up

Voice: you've split up 10 years ago, you can only say sorry if you go back…

Geom-seok; no…

Geom-seok: no!

Redwolf: hey!

Geom-seok; what!

Redwolf: Come on! Let's go!

Team 079: *shoots*

Team 079: *runs*

Enemies shoo RPG

Redwolf: shit!

Team 079: *shoots*

Redwolf: Killer, do you copy!

Killer's POV

Killer: *wakes up in broken tank*

Killer: *coughs intensely*

Killer: *picks up walkie-talkie*

Redwolf; do you copy!

Killer: yes…

Killer: just a few bruises…

Redwolf: where are you!

Killer: I don't know…

Killer: *breaks hatch*

Killer: *exhales*

Killer: I'm at Aelisnae… I'm alright though…

Redwolf: Good! We're on our way to give you bandages…

More enemies show up

Killer: shit! I have a situation!

Redwolf: we'll get to there…

Killer: *shoots*

The rest of Team 079 arrives

Redwolf: *throws first aid kit*

Redwolf: I'm not the only one that's gotta do shit for themselves…

Killer: *applies first aid*

Redwolf: let's go! We're close!

All 3198: *rushes to pier*

Police arrives

All 3202: *shoots*

All 3202: *arrives to ship*

Redwolf: where's the ship!

Ships arrive

Redwolf: timing…

Redwolf: alright send 'em all in!

All 10 ships take 800,000 people

Ships drift away

Missile hits S. Korea

NEWS: S. Korea has been impacted by a North Korean missile… only 800,000 People survived, and moving to Philippines… 50M people were killed, and 4 Trillion dollars in damages, it is also the 1st damage that reached a trillion, seems like the government has to deal with that thing…

Redwolf: you like the view!

Killer: yep…

Redwolf: we saved only 800K…

Redwolf: and the government has to deal with a 4 trillian dollar damage…

Killer: sheesh, that's what I call a f*cked up bill…

Redwolf: *chuckles*

Captain: attention everyone, a battleship is heading to us! I want all men onboard!

Redwolf: shit…

Battleship crashes onto ship

Redwolf: seems like a second wave…

All 3202: *shoots*

Boat tips over

All 3202: *shoots*

Redwolf: careful!

Battle ship shoots ship

Redwolf: connect Ship_2 here!

Battle ship shoots ship

Ship_1 sinks

Enemy submarines show up

Missile hits water

Large wave occurs

Boat tips over

Killer: *slides off*

Killer: *tries to grab on*

Team 079: *pulls Killer up*

Redwolf: close one…

Redwolf: *checks behind*

Redwolf: we're getting close, our landing site is at Port of Manila…

Salhae-ja: Heh, you think I would leave you!

Salhae-ja: *snaps captain's neck*

Redwolf: no you don't!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy shoots rpg

All 4: *holds onto ledge*

Boat tips over

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *climbs on ledge*

Killer; *shoots*

Bullets get deflected

Salhae-ja: dumbass, do you think I came here unprepared…

Salhae-ja: leave this clown here…

Salhae-ja: *enters chopper*

Killer: no!

Killer: *jumps to chopper*

Pilot: *kicks Killer off*

Killer: *hits ground*

Boat lands at Port of Manila

Redwolf: clear the boat before we exit!

All 4: *checks area*

Killer: all clear…

Door opens

All 3202: *exits boat*

Redwolf: Alright, everyone's safe here!

Redwolf: however, we still have to do inspection, for carried firearms or any weaponry that could damage anyone!

Killer: then everyone lived happily ever after?

Redwolf: hope soon, bruh…

Killer: *inspects*

Killer: *sees Rezzo*

Killer: sorry sir, we can't accept this…

Killer: *pulls out Rezzo*

Civilian1: damn, I use for defense…

Killer: no need for that, 3000 people will defend you…

Redwolf: all the ones that are clear follow me!

Civilian1: *smirks*

All 3202: *leads all civilians to Gate 54*

Civilian1: *knocks down soldier*

Redwolf: hey!

Team 079: *points AM-X2 to Civilian1*

Civlian1: you will not hurt me…

Killer: but for your actions, you will be arrested!

Civlian1: it's already too late…

Choppers fly by

Killer: holy shit!

Enemies land

Soldier1: ready your guns!

All 3202: *readies gun*

Enemies arrive

All 3202: *shoots*

Bullets wipe out 25% of their men

Redwolf: we're losing men rapidly, retreat!

Team 079: *heads behind building*

Redwolf: follow me!

All 4: *follows Redwolf*

Redwolf: enemies incoming!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: more enemies!

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians run

Redwolf: watch your fire in there, civis goin' to be everywhere!

All 4: *enters perimeter*

Convoy drives by

Redwolf: shred 'em…

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians scream

Enemies shoot

Police arrives

Screens get hacked

Salhae-ja: You can run, but you can't hide!

Policeman1: (F*ck you) T*ngina mo!

Salhae-ja: *chuckles* I don't even understand your language…

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: continue north!

Convoy occurs

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode except one

Redwolf: *pulls out dead body*

Redwolf: get in!

All 4: *enters truck*

Killer: *breaks front window*

Redwolf: *hits building while reversed*

Redwolf: *drives to south*

Redwolf: Send team 054 to the north!

Team 054: rog'

Truck heads south

Trucks block driveway

Redwolf: hold on!

Speed goes to 102 – 184 kph

Truck gets pushed

Enemies show up

Redwolf: mow 'em down!

Killer: *shoots*

Civilians scream

More enemies show up

Killer: *shoots*

Truck gets hit via RPG


Killer: argh… *breaks truck door*

Redwolf: let's go!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Continue south!

Grom-seok: Arrrgh!

Hunter: He's having it again!

Voice: calm your mind, and kill them all…

Geom-seok: no! I will never!

Hunter: shit!

Redwolf: snap out of it!

Geom-seok: aaaagh!

Redwolf: *punches Geom-seok*

Killer: what the f*ck!

Geom-seok: shit, what happened…

Redwolf: you've gone crazy…

Missile arrives

Police arrives

Redwolf: defuse the missile!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *slowly approaches missile*

Enemy: *blocks and does an uppercut*

Killer: argh…



Killer: *exhales*

Killer; *gets up*

Killer: false move my friend…

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: *arrives to missile*

Killer: *defuses missile*

Killer: missile defused…

Redwolf: requesting LZ at 14.550891, 120.989802!

Pilot: rog'

Redwolf: head to the LZ!

Killer: good thing all civilians we caught we're safe…

Redwolf: I hope… Bet the rest of the team are helping for evac…

Killer: hope so…

Plane lands

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Geom-seok: *leave me alone, Leave me alone, leave me alone!*

Geom-seok: *exhales*

Geom-seok: help…