Mission VII (Who Am I)

Geom-seok: *exhales*

Geom-seok: *exits room*

Geom-seok: *drives car*

Voice: who are you then?

Geom-seok: …

Voice: do you even know yourself lately?

Geom-seok: …

Driver1: Learn how to drive asshole!

Voice: you cant resist it…

Geom-seok: aaargh! Will you ever shut up!

Driver2: watch yourself dumbass!

Geom-seok: …

Voice: do you even know yourself…

Geom-seok: …

Fake truck drives by

Geom-seok: *drives to right lane*

Vehicle drives in front of Geom-seok


Car crash occurs

Police arrives

Civilian3: Hello! 911, a car crash occurred here!

911 Operator: can you tell your current location?

Civilian3: Highway 7! Close to the court community!

911: Please standby we're on our way!

Civilian3: holy shit!

Cars honk on the way

Killer's POV

Killer; *wakes up at 7:00 AM*

Killer: *heads to the Kitchen*

Killer: aight what's new?

NEWS: A car crash occurred last night at 1:00 AM…

Killer: seems normal…

Killer: wait…

Killer: Black?

Killer: f*ck no!

Killer: *rushes to garage*

Killer: *takes car*

Killer: shit! What the f*ck!

Killer: *arrives to hospital*

Killer: shit! Do you know anyone named Geom-seok ore something!

Receptionist: uhh yeah, he's at room 724

Killer: thanks!

Killer: *enters elevator to 7th floor*

Killer: *enters room 724*

Killer: f*ck are you okay!

Geom-seok; *sighs* yep, im fine…

Killer: shit bro what we're you thinking!

Geom-seok: I have a confession to make…

Killer: make it fast…

Geom-seok: I have a voice in my head that it won't let go…

Geom-seok: every time I remember about Salhae-ja, the voice comes in and tries to screw me over…

Geom-seok: it's always there to f*ck me over!

Killer: just listen, we're all with you!

Killer: if you keep making secrets about your schizophrenia, we can't help you!

Geom-seok: guess your right, I'm sorry

Killer: no need…

Killer: we all noticed it first…

Geom-seok: *chuckles* guess you're right…

Plane flies by

Enemies: (Surrender now or we will bomb your city!) استسلم الآن وإلا سنقصف مدينتك!

Killer: what the f*ck was that…

ISIS member: (Surrender yourself!)


Killer: shit! *shoots*

Killer: I will defend you! The rest are on their way!

Enemies show up

Killer: *shoots*

Chopper shows up

Killer: F*CK! GET DOWN!

Killer: *pulls Geom-seok down behind bed*

Killer: *shoots pilot*

Chopper collapses

chopper explodes

The rest of the team arrives

Redwolf: we knew what happened!

Team 079: *grabs AM-X2*

Redwolf: What happened to him…

Killer: car crash…

Redwolf: whatever, get him and head to the truck!

Killer: *carries Geom-seok*

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *enters truck*

Truck starts to drive

Redwolf: I've hacked onto their database, and the name of someone's ally is codenamed Deceit…

Redwolf: Russian ally of Salhae-ja…

Geom-seok: arrrrgh!

Killer: maybe don't mention his name…

Redwolf: Deceit has hacked onto their systems and lured them to Canada, whilst they were meant to attack the USA!

Canadian Police arrive

Enemies show up

Redwolf: shred 'em!

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: ISIS went the wrong way!

Killer: what do we do to them!

Redwolf: shred 'em, I don't want any countries to give effect to any of 'em!

Truck speeds up

Killer: *shoots*

RPG damages back part

Redwolf: shit! Are you okay!

Hunter: we're okay!

Enemy throws grenade at back part of truck

Grenade explodes

Redwolf: get down!

Grenade fragments

Fragmented bullet damages engine

Redwolf: shit!

All 4: *exits truck*

All 4: *sprints to the area*

Voice comes back

Geom-seok: aaaagh! F*ck it's back!

Killer: control yourself!

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Follow me!

Screens get hacked

Deceit: You can't stop me!

More enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Deceit: Have fun in the dark!

Redwolf: what do you mean!

Killer: Guess to put my 6 years of FBI skills on something…

Killer: have fun in the dark, so they're planning to kill the lights…

Killer: if so, they could've tried using an EMP to disable all lights…

Killer: shit, they're unleashing an EMP!

Redwolf: you better be right, let's go!

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers carry EMP

Redwolf: don't let it get away!

All 4: *chases chopper*

Choppers land

All 4: *arrives to missile*

Killer: *opens hatch*

Killer: *tries to defuse it*

Killer: I can't defuse it!

Redwolf: Time's running out!

Killer: I seriously can't!

Redwolf: shit! Get back!

EMP missile goes up end explodes

ISS member POV

ISS Member1: Uh guys you gotta see this…

ISS Member2: holy shit!

ISS Member1: oh f*ck

Ship breaks down

ISS Member3: head to the electronics area!

All 3: *heads to the area*

ISS Member1: *repairs electronic area*

ISS Member1: repaired!

ISS Member4: we're having contact!

Killer's POV

Killer: shit!

Redwolf: shit! My radio's fried…

Killer: f*ck no…

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: red dot ain't workin'

Redwolf: no shit! It's an EMP attack…

Redwolf: follow me…

All 4: *arrives to building*

Killer; *repairs red dot*

Killer: red dot's fried, shit!

Redwolf: US ain't affected so let's head there…

Redwolf: we'll take route from a river to North Carolina…

Redwolf: *finds a cargo ship*

Redwolf: get in! this is going to be a long trip!

Team 079: *enters ship*

Redwolf: *fixes ship*

Redwolf: hope this works…

Redwolf: *starts engine*

Redwolf: First try…

Redwolf: let's do this!

All 4: *heads to North Carolina*

Redwolf: *sees ships*

Redwolf: not again…

Redwolf: shred 'em down!

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: take control of those MGs!

All 3: *shoots*

Ship explodes

Redwolf: right side!

All 3: *shoots*

Ship explodes

Ship rams to another ship

Redwolf: enter that ship!


All 3: *shoots and clears area*

Killer: *adds Semtex*

Killer: I've added Semtex in there! Evacuate the ship!

All 3: *evacuates ship*

Ship explodes

All 4: *arrives to North Carolina*

Redwolf: I need a battery repair…

All 4: *arrives to Repair shop*

Repairer: what can I do!

Redwolf: EMP attack on Toronto caused these devices to be disabled… can you fix 'em…

Repairer: that's my job, of course…

Enemy show sup

Redwolf: continue repairing, we got your six!

Enemies breach repair shop

All 4: *shoots AP-7*

Repairer: It's heavily damaged but whatever…

Redwolf: call me if all electronics are okay!

Repairer: …

All 4: *exits shop*

Redwolf: rush right!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *runs*

Tank drives by

Redwolf: get behind that building!

All 4: *hides behind building*

Tank drives by

Redwolf: hijack it!

Killer: *hijacks tank*

RPG hits tank

Killer: shit!

Redwolf: get out of that tank!

Killer: *exits tank*

Tank explodes

Roadblock occurs

Redwolf: throw a flashbang at 'em!

Killer; *throws flashbang*

Enemies get blinded

All 4: *shoots*

Repairer: all devices you sent me are repaired!

Redwolf: we're on our way back!

All 4: *rushes back to repair shop*

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *passes 5 100-dollar bill*

Killer: keep the change…

All 4: *exits repair shop*

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots AM-X2*

Redwolf: rush left this time!

All 4: *rushes left*

Convoy drives by

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Redwolf: keep going!

All 4: *shoots*

Juggernauts Land

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy: (Requesting reinforcements!) طلب تعزيزات!

Pilot: (Reinforcements on its way!)

التعزيزات في طريقها!

Redwolf: Reinforcements inbound!

Choppers and bombers show up

Enemies land in the area

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: bombs everywhere, keep your eyes sharp!

All 4: *dodges bombs*

Bombs hit building

2nd floor gets damaged

Redwolf: ignore that, let's go!

All 4: *rushes south*

All 4: *sees snipers*

Redwolf take 'em all down…

All 4: *takes down sniper*

All 4: *aims down sight*

Vehicle drives by

Redwolf: watch your fire!

Enemies exit car

Redwolf: there he is!

All 4: *zooms in scope*

Redwolf: wait…

Redwolf: they are deploying a second missile! Shoot 'em!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *Kills Deceit*

Redwolf: sweet dreams, asshole…

All 4: *arrives to area*

Redwolf: *checks person*

Redwolf: goddamn it!

Redwolf: It's a fake!

Enemy chopper lands

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *defuses missile*

Convoy arrives

All 4: *shoots*

More vehicles arrive

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Redwolf: good thing they repaired it!

Redwolf: requesting LZ at 36.087695, -79.979819!

More enemies show up

Pilot: rog' on our way!

All 4: *shoots*

Plane lands


Plane takes off

Killer: good thing you didn't forget to repair it…

Redwolf: good thing…

Redwolf: just hope to help Black with his schizophrenia…

Killer: *laughs*

Geom-seok: …

Geom-seok: *hope so that voice never bugs me around…*