chapter -3

So that flute  is the reason for my bad days huh ? " Xael said with anger as she opened the closet's locker and grabbed the flute with nothing but pure anger . She went downstairs and made sure her mom is not in the living room , The floor was all cleaned as she heard some noises in the kitchen where she confirmed that her mom was in the kitchen .

She took slow steps to the born fire and threw the flute in the burning fire . She turned back and and made sure she doesn't get caught .  She sighed and went to the living room and grabbed a water bottle and gulped it slowly  .

But then the flute's same music was heard again ,  Xael was horrified as she let the bottle slid from her her hand . The bottle fell on the floor which made the floor wet . Without wasting another minute she ran to her room . She closed the door shut as she locked the door with her shivering hands . She jumped in the bed as she covered herself fully with the blanket as if it was going to save her life . Time passed as Xael was fast asleep .

                Sabina was working in her laptop as she took a day off . But the 'day off' doesn't mean that she doesn't have to work . She has to work from home because she is the CEO .

It took so long to complete the presentation . she was transferring the presentation to her pen drive , just then the bell rang a multiple times making Sabina keep the laptop as she went to answer the door . As she opened , she found a girl at her 20's wearing a oversized black hoodie with a ripped jean , her face was covered by the hoodie but she somewhat seemed similar .

" uhh... may I know what makes you come here ?" Sabina asked the girl politely . The girl didn't reply , instead she extended her hand out which had a flute in her hand . " Is this yours" the girl asked shortly with a cold and deep tone which made Sabina get Goosebumps , she rubbed her hands due to the Goosebumps as she gazed the flute which the young girl was talking about . But something  fell suspicious to Sabina .

The flute was the exact same flute which she gave her daughter a week ago as her birthday present . She recognized it immediately because it had a "G" symbol sealed at the corner . But the flute was a little more like burnt . It had black patches at a particular spot near the holes of the flute . Sabina nodded her head as she got the flute and thanked the girl .

The girl just nodded as she turned around and was about leave but Sabina grabbed her hand ," how did you get this ? and who are you ? do I perhaps met you before? " Sabina questioned the girl all at once . The girl didn't even turn or tell anything , she yanked her hand and went away through the pathways .

Sabina had a questionable look at her face as she looked down and spotted a key chain which had a symbol "G". Maybe it fell down when she yanked my hand away , Sabina thought as she took it and had a closer look . Her thoughts were cut off when her mobile rang which echoed through the house from her room . She closed the door as she went and picked the call up . 

                      "Hello ?" it was one of her friend , she was invited to her friend's son's birthday party which Sabina said she would surely attend . She hung the call as she looked at the flute . " did Xael probably threw it ? why is it like it is burnt ? and who was the girl? and why does this keychain seems similar ?" millions of questions were running through her mind . I will ask her later , Sabina thought herself as she kept the flute in her dressing table and hanged the keychain near the mirror .

She freshened up and wore a light blue thin long gown for the birthday party . she applied a little makeup . She was applying her gloss when the cold wind blew through the windows as the keychain brushed with the metals of the keychain which created a jingling sound . But that sound made Sabina feel creepy so she closed the windows as she stopped the keychain from jingling further .

As it stopped she heard footsteps from upstairs to downstairs . Sabina started to seat as her hands became wet due to nervousness . The steps echoed louder each passing second. Just then the door of her bedroom opened and closed indicating someone came in . Sabina gulped the lump which was in her throat and turned around slowly to see who it was .

And it was Xael , she was standing by facing the door as her back was on display to Sabina . Xael was silent and didn't utter a word which made Sabina feel suspicious. she took slow steps to her as she kept her hand on Xael's shoulder . The chair which was near the bed rose slowly as it hit Sabina's head like the speed of the light , and everything blacked out for Sabina .

                 "mom!!!!!! wake up!" Xael shook Sabina with fear . She immediately ran to the kitchen and bought some water and splashed it on Sabina , but still she didn't wake up . She immediately picked her phone and dialed her aunts number but the phone line was cut . Sighing heavily she ran to the door but she couldn't open it .

Fear rushed through Xael's body as she kept banging the door . But still no one came to help them . Soon she again heard the music from the flute . " STOP!!!" " leave me alone " Xael shouted as she slid through the door and covered her eyes tightly as she sobbed hardly .  She felt someone slid hands through her neck from her back , the touch was cold  . The  cold hands began to stroke a spot in her neck . Soon blood started dripping from Xael's neck . Sensing the wet thing which slid across her shoulders , Xael brought her hand to her neck as she brushed the wet thing and it was her own blood .

She again brushed her hands through it as she found two small holes as if someone bit her neck . She began to panic as blood started to flow continuously . She was losing her consciousness slowly as her shouts and screams were now heard as whispers . "help" was  the last word she whispered as she totally lost her consciousness .

                Sabina opened her eyelids slowly as she woke in an unfamiliar room . After adjusting her sight from the bright light she realized she was in a hospital room . She kept her palm on the nearby table as she got up weakly and rested her head on the headboard and closed her eyes . She remembered the incidents happened ,

"Xael!" Sabina exclaimed as shot her eyes opened and attempted to get up but then the door opened revealing a doctor who came rushing to Sabina as she caught her " what are you doing !!!" the doctor exclaimed as she made Sabina sit on the bed . "Xael!!!my daughter!! where is she!!!" Sabina asked feeling scared ." shh , she is just in the next room, we shall have a check up and then you can see your daughter , the doctor said as Sabina nodded.

After taking a few checkups , a nurse nearby took Sabina to the next room where Xael was . Xael was wide awake but she was looking down and fidgeting her fingers . " Can I have a minute with her , alone" Sabina asked the nurse as she emphasized the word "alone" . The lady nodded as she moved away . Sabina took slow steps to her as she kept her hand on Xael's shoulder .

Xael flinched and immediately covered her face with her hands . "GO AWAY !!!PLEASE LEAVE ME "Xael yelled as she started to cry hard . Sabina widened her eyes at her daughter's sudden outburst . " hey!! its me baby , why are you crying hm" Sabina asker as she hugged the younger girl tightly . After realizing it was her mother Xael immediately hugged her back.

" I'm ..I'm sca-scared mom ". " shh nothing will happen hm , I'm just beside you " Sabina whispered soft words to her daughter . After calming a bit Sabina found a chair as she put it beside the bed . She sat in the chair as she slowly reached for xael's hand as she held it with her both hands tightly . "mom" Xael asked with a questionable tone . " yea dear ..' Sabina said . " mom...can we just..umm...shift to some other place? I don't want to be there mom , its ... Its scaring me.." Xael said as a couple of tears left her eyes when she completed the sentence .

"what's wrong baby ?what is scaring you hm? Sabina asked with questioning eyes . " It's ...the flute mom" Xael said as she fidgeted with her fingers . "what !? can you just tell me clearly ?" Sabina asked with a stern look . " mom I always feel like someone is hugging me at night , its really cold like an ice sheet is covering me and I wake up due to really terrible dreams , and every day I wake up the flute would be near me and the flute gives its music without anyone playing it , it plays the same music daily which scares the shit out of me , I even tried throwing away and I even tried to burn it but it wasn't any use and every day I had bad luck .

I hate it mom , I hate that flute and that house! please lets go somewhere " Xael completed as she started to sob again. Sabina listened to her daughter with a frown which never left her face . Sabina knows what her daughter meant the whole time and she really didn't want her daughter to go through more .

She intertwined her fingers with Xael's " we will be leaving the house soon hm? I will ask aunt jess to find a place for us in New York hm ? we will leave soon don't worry " Sabina said as she assured Xael as  she tightened her grip on her hands...