chapter _4

( extra chapter )

Xael and Sabina sold their house   , they are now settled in new York with xael's aunt .

                Blair is a cold type of girl in her twenties . She studies in the university . She has no friends , the whole university describes her as quiet and rude . Her classmates including her teachers , would be scared even to talk with her . She is an orphan . ms.Glinda adopted her when she was 9 years old .She came to know that ms.Glinda had already adopted a girl named Sara , so now she has a sister too. She also came to know that Sara is a vampire . She is basically 8 years old but she lived in this world for more than 50 years . ms.Glinda also knew that Sara was a vampire but she would care less because she loves her daughters so much . ms.Glinda is not married but she loved kids so she decided to adopt one . Sara was the only person whom Blair loves and trusts . Blair maybe cold to the outside world but she has a soft spot for her mother and her sister . At first it was hard for Blair to live with a vampire but soon she came to know about Sara as she loved her the most . But Blair was still not used to the vampire things . 

                 Sara became a vampire when she was at 8 . Once she and her father went to a shopping mall . Her father got  a phone call so he left Sara to a man and told him to take care of Sara till he comes . But little did her father know he was a vampire , Sara's smelled so good that the man was so desperate for the little girls blood . Taking her to the corner the man bit on Sara harshly as he sucked her blood and injected his venom in Sara . Sara cried hard  but the man left Sara alone in the dark . Sara got her consciousness as she was found in an unknown room , just then the door creaked open as a young lady came to Sara as she sat beside her , and it was ms.Glinda , she found the Sara was at terrible state right right now , so she decided to keep Sara with herself as she adopted her with Sara's with her permission .

              Sara didn't go to school as she lived in the room for 30 years , she wasn't ready to face the outside world like any other human because she hated the idea of going out but still she would accompany her mom for walks very rarely . She read a lot of books in her room and enjoyed herself .. soon ms.Glinda grew a little sick as she adopted a girl named Blair . And they lived as a family . 


things to know before reading the next upcoming chapters :


- vampires cannot go out in the direct sunlight 

-they cant eat human food

-their skin is pale and cold 

-they usually don't show their identity to others

-they stop aging once they become vampires

-vampires are immortal 

-usually vampires cannot eat\ drink anything other than blood but in this story vampires have the ability to eat chocolates alone 

-they can be killed if their heart is taken out 

-they become vampire ghosts when they are stabbed by a ginger coated stake

*story hints 

-Blair works in a café for taking care of her family

-Sara didn't hunt her first prey yet