Set sail (2)

Luffy and Majin are running toward a mountain to invite dadan. Majin has already met her before. In name, they are only mountain bandits but don't take anything from villagers. Majin new dadan is what you call a tsundere. She scolds Luffy all the time but deep inside she like him as much as other villagers. When ace died and Luffy was injured she attack Garp without thinking twice. Oh man, dat was really the depressing moment. Though he doesn't like that arrogant bustard without power he doesn't hate him too. He will see if he should save him or not when the time comes. He has to become fast.

When they reach dadan house Luffy shouted "dadan, we come to invite you."

"Why are you shouting? And invite for what?" Replied a voice from inside. Then you can see a female garp *cough* *cough* I mean a woman. Who doesn't look much like a woman? Majin meet her 2 times before, it is his third time.

Majin "it's because of Luffy birthday and also the last day before our departure"

Dadan "oh majin you are also here. Okay I will be there, and Luffy doesn't just come and disturb my peacetime" also shouted

Luffy "let's go majin, we will see makino cooking"

I was speechless. What do you mean by watching cooking you can't just wait to eat it. Well, I also like eating, to be precious love to. Can't deny how tasty the food is in one piece.

Then they left dadan place and go down the mountain and reach the town.

The sun is already set. Woods was burning. People are eating, singing, dancing and chatting. Everyone is happy. On one side Luffy and majin were eating like there is no tomorrow. Their body is like a balloon. Still eating. People were shocked also laughing at their antics. After finishing their food majin start drinking. It took only 10 minutes to digest all this food. Dadans gang also eat a lot.

As time pass by people start to disperse. Everyone is going home for sleeping as it is too late in the night. Also, Luffy will start his journey tomorrow. And they want to say bye so they left. Majin saw that Luffy is already sleeping. He just smile and shook his head. Dadan come toward him and said " hey kid, take care of Luffy if anything happens to him I will kill you" and left without hearing his answer. Majin is amusing. He knew how she act. Makino also come and told him to take care of themselves. And don't let Luffy do anything stupid. Also told many other things. He knows these people love Luffy like a family member.

The next morning Majin went to the seaside and made a living boat. They don't have to row it, it will row itself. Even in bad weather, it will not be destroyed. It is black in colour 3 - 4 people can sit on it also they can reserve enough food until they went to the next island. After that he let it stay there go to the bar to prepare everything before departure. He woke up Luffy then they had breakfast which more look another food competition and left toward the beach.

"Luffy I already prepared a boat for us. We will use it for now until we have our own ship." Said Majin

Luffy " really, thanks, man. Let go and see it."

After that, they reach the shore and see a black boat. Little bigger than a normal boat. Also, he saw enough food and water for their journey he was happy and jump on the boat. People also start to gather there as they come to say goodbye. Makino is also their

"Luffy have a safe journey" uncle 1

"Luffy don't do anything stupid" grandpa chef

"We will wait for your bounty Luffy" kids say

"Majin take care of yourself and him, Luffy have a safe journey" Makino

I nodded at her.

"Thank you, everyone, wait and I will become king of the pirates in no time. Told dadan that I will miss her " Luffy shouted

"Majin set sail." Luffy

"Aye captain," Majin said as he untie the rope and command the boat to move toward the sea.