
After coming out of kalifas house I spread my haki to cover the whole island. With lightening devil fruit power and my current willpower, if I want I could cover twice the size of skypia with my observation haki.

So for water 7, my normal haki is enough. Then I find everyone position. I saw Luffy was fighting Franky and his gang. I didn't interfere. And on the side, I saw robin and nami is shopping.

I vanished and come up in the sky. I took out one bottle of wine and start drinking it. As I observed down.

~scene break~

It's come to the time when cp9 come to robin to arrest her.

I send a message to robin to play activity with them. Also told her don't tell this to any of the crew members. She was confused but decided to follow my plan.

I want to use cp9 to sharpen Luffy and the gang. This was the moment Luffy, Sanji and Zoro start to grow.

~scene break~

Things happened like in the show. all the members of the straw hat were defeated but cp9 groups.

When they stop the fight and all the members of cp9 gathered together with robin outside of water 7 I appeared before them.

Every member of cp9 was shocked as they didn't even know how I appeared before them. Kalifa was also shocked as she never thought her one-night stand man will be here. At first, she thought I was here because of her and was about to say something. But I spoke first.

"Robin you can come here," I said to her.

"And who might you be?" Asked the hot tampered Jabra.

I ignored him. Then robin smiled and start to walk toward me. Kaku and Jabra wanted to stop her. I use gravity on them.

All the members of cp9 felt their bodies become heavy. They wanted to force more so use 10 times of gravity this even robbed Lucci kneel. He was angry instantly use his devil fruit power. Then I increase it by another 10 more on him now he lay flat on the floor.

In the meantime, robin already come to me. Then I broke the handcuff. She asked me why didn't I help the crew. I told her they need it to break some of their egos from constantly winning and also they need to get stronger.

After that Robin didn't say much. At this time robin has more faith in me than the crew. She also developed feelings for me. So she followed what I told her to do.

Then I look at the kneeling people in front of me. I asked them about their plan even though I knew it. They didn't want to talk I increased more pressure then suddenly fukuru start to speak and tell me everything.

Then with an expression, I made everyone into candy except Kalifa. Before that, I knocked her out so that she doesn't know about this ability.

After that, I eat all of them. Which give me lots of physical strength.


I also got two devil fruit power, zoan fruit leopard and paramecia fruit door fruit. Door fruit is good for thieving I give an eye smile as I thought to myself.

She asked me about Kalifa. I told her that we need her to increase my popularity. Robin laughed at my wards. Then she kissed me, after finishing I told her to go to the other members and wait for my return.

Then I take Kalifa and teleported (instant transmission) to the enemies lobby. I already got the coordination from Lucci memories. So with this, I can teleport there.

Then I wake up Kalifa. She was dazed at first but quickly get her head cleared and look at me. She was angry and wanted to kill me right then and there. But with telekinesis, she just stays there without moving. Then I use a small energy blast from my hand toward the sky. *boom*

With this everyone come out. To see what happened. I checked my mind eye to look at all the members.

"fuck marine are day by day becoming more of a scum than pirates," I said to myself. All of this is with a dark aura. "Well with a leader like spandam how can there be a good marine." I again said to myself. Then I said to Kalifa to watch.

After that, I start to condense a lot of energy into my mouth. After 20 seconds of condensing it turns into a very big energy bomb. It has the shape and size of an energy bomb of a tailed beast from naruto. So I also called it "bijudama".

Then I fired it to the island from up. Then instantly I teleported far with Kalifa. As I will be able to survive that easily but Kalifa won't.

She looks at the island with a face that is in utter horror.

Suddenly the sky lost light and the next second with a big *boom* which almost shook heaven and earth, turned into a mushroom shape in distance. The shock wave sends all the water far. All the islands near it shook like there was a great earthquake.

And like that one of the main points of world govt disappeared from the face of the earth.

Kalifa beside me was shaking like she was electrified. I look at her and told her "tell the world govt if they ever tried to come after robin again then the next one will be on mary geouse." After saying that I let her go on the island near me. And return to water 7.