Massacre (1)

After checking everything majin move out to look for Yamato. He found them very fast. He moves toward them. When he saw ulti his lips twitch a little. "What the fuck? Didn't you say you need her as a servant?"

Yamato put one of her hands behind her head as she whistle and said "she didn't agree so, I asked him politely." Majin shook his head as he heard her reply then he use his operation fruit power and fixed some of the multis broken boon. Then he cried to her and looked at Yamato and said "let's go I have some things to do." As he teleports to amazon with both of them.

After arriving here majin asked for someone. In a minute both Hancock and Robin come to him. They looked shocked with new members but ignored it as they both hugged him.

Yamato "hey that's my wife," told both Hancock and Robin. Majin rolled his eyes at her. Then he give ulti to some maid and told them to take care of her. Then he introduced Yamato and others.

Also told them about his new look. He always closes his third eye. Until now. So they ask him to show them it. Majin open and showed them his new eye. All three of them said "so beautiful" then she told them about Yamato and kaido.

Both robin and Hancock were shocked when they heard she was kaidos daughter but Yamato looked displeased as she said "I am Odin son, not kaidos daughter. And one day I will become a great fighter like him."

Now both robin and understands why she refers to majin as a wife. They both thought 'she is a tomboy. After I told Yamato to freshen up and eat some as he had something to do.

Then majin went to robin and give her the same mark as Hancock as he didn't give it before. Then he vanished with Hancock and robin to visit Flora.

Like Hancock when robin saw it first she looked shocked and amazed. She heard about this from Hancock. But looking at her own eyes is still best. Then he use his ability and turned into an azure dragon. And he old both of them to ride him as he flies in the sky with them. After 1 hour he comes back to the castle. Then he went to another island and made a pagoda-like building. And named it as the temple of knowledge. Then he stores all the books he got before. He also told robin to collect any books and store them here. And this will be her island as she likes books. Robin happy laugh and hugs Majin. Then he looked at both Hancock and Robin and said "go and get ready we will go Marie geious."

Both Hancock and Robin felt excited, fear, anger and lust for revenge. I didn't stop them and told them to go and get ready he will go after he come back from someplace.

Then he left the world with both of them. After leaving the there majin went to the island where he left the Whitebeard crew.

He gathered everyone and said to rest for two days. Help the injured. He will start the training in a week. Also told them to get their food from the island. he went to Marco and give him a 'gift'. Marco look at this and looked confused as to what this is. Majin laughed as he replied "akinus ball". With him, Marco also laughed. When the other crew saw Marco laughing they asked what happened. Marco told everyone about the gift. They all started to laugh. Some even fall to the ground as they laughed.

Before leaving marine he use ope fruit ability and took akinus ball. From now on he will always feel this pain.

"Remember don't destroy it immediately. Just give him pain in every hour." said majin with great difficulty as even he cannot stop his laughter. "Damn now I want to see akinu somehow," one of them said as the other nodded.

"I felt pity for him, lucky it wasn't us." Someone said lowly but everyone heard this. And felt a shiver on their back and when they looked at majin.

Then he went to the ship and put it inside the inventory as this is very big and easy to notice. He will return it later.

Then he teleported back to amazon and ask for Hancock and Robin to come.

Yamato also somehow find out that I am going to do something 'fun' so she also nagged me to take her with him.

I agreed after some time. Told her to dress properly as the way she is dressed now is quite revealing. Without much thought, she run to change dress. She wore a dress like a man. She wore a man in a black suit with hair tied behind. With her tall figure, she looked sexy. This time there isn't much to see. Then he hold everyone as he vanished from his place.

Redline, Marie geious

The five elders came back from meeting the mysterious person. They now rest assured. As long as they stay inside pengua castle they are safe. So they discuss how to deal with the devil. One of them suddenly asked

"But how can one person have so many different Devil fruit abilities." Everyone stays silent as no one knows why.

Then all of them felt four unknown presence they can feel the power from three of them they don't feel anything for another one. Then they heard shouting and crying sounds from outside.

They looked at each other and said "so he did come." Everyone looks fearful. They only know how to force weak and against strong, they act cowardly.

Back to majin


They arrived above the red line in a matter of sec. he looked at his side and found two of them have similar expressions and Yamato has a battle lust expression.

Thence summoned his new shadow servant and order it to attack all the attackers. Yamato didn't even wait for my word as she jumped at them and started fighting.

Majin looked at Hancock and Robin and said "go take your revenge." They Replied as both of them start killing any celestial dragon or soldier they find. Majin took out a camera snail and start the live broadcast.

He wants to broadcast this massacre.

All around the world which just started to clam again a new video was broadcast. Everyone who saw this turned pale.

Marine headquarters

Someone run to the office and said

"Broadcast, there is a news broadcast. And it Marie geious." As he stops to take a breath.

Kong look at the solder and said "what do you mean."

Officer "devil attack Marie guious and showing it live."

"What?" Shouted both Sengoku and kong then they left the office hurriedly as they come to the projection snails. He saw many marines there. And they also looked at the broadcast.

All the admirals also arrived there. And everyone started to watch it. Suddenly someone shouted as he fall to the ground. Many thought the devil also attack here as they panic.