Void century

after sitting on the throne majin eat IMs candy. Like before this time also a great change start to happen to him. Im was a weapon master. She could use almost all forms of weapons. She also knows a great deal of hand to hand combat.

She also got her devil fruit ability. It's awesome devil fruit power. Which he has already seen. But what is most peculiar is that this fruit also has dark fruit likeability. When this fruits full form is used, all other Devil fruit 1 KM around her will stop working.

When majin saw this he thought 'so that's why she was shocked when I used gravity fruit ability. Well unlucky for her when I eat a devil fruit. It is a devil fruit power anymore but my won ability' as he laughed himself. Then he got the memories of her.

~900 years ago~

"Hey joy, what is your dream?" Asked an immature girl to the boy beside her.

"I want to travel the world, and be free." Replied the boy with great enthusiasm as he look at the girl beside her. And he also asked, "what is your dream, Gabriel?"

The girl looked up in the sky and said "I wanted to just eat and sleep." With an innocent face.

Time skip 5 years

"Gabriel, I will start my journey tomorrow. I will see every corner of the world." Said a young man to a young-looking lady. She looked as beautiful as an angel. She had a sad face as her only friend will leave her. But she still smiled and said "okay, but when you finished your journey come back safe. Also, bring me good food." The boy smiled and nodded his head as he put on his straw hat.

Time skip 3 years.

Inside a house, many people sit on their designated seats. Everyone has a gloomy face. The atmosphere is also gloomy. One of the old-looking men said "clan head, they already reach here. And about to attack us any moment." As he looks at the person seating on his throne-like seat.

He looked very handsome. He has blonde hair with a handsome face. But his handsome face doesn't have any smile, only gloom can be seen.

He looked at the old man and said "prepare to fight back."

Time skip 1 day

The whole island is on fire. People are fighting here and there. They are killing each other. Many people fight back but the force that attacks the island is very big. Even though they have strength but they don't have many people to fight.

The previous handsome looking man now has man injuries all over his body. After finishing his opponent he run inside a house and there he saw a beautiful woman looking at him with tearful eyes and shouting "father"

The handsome looking man walk to him and said "Gabriel take this" he give him a bag and he continued "leave here, don't come back. Be strong and live well." As he use his power and open a rift and told her to go inside.

The girl denied going but the man force her to go inside. As she went inside the man closed the rift in the void. As void closed someone come inside and looked at him as they asked "where is the seed?"

The blonde-haired man looked at them as he smiled with a dark face and said "far from your reach." Everyone that heard him had an angry face. Everyone attack him together as they killed him. Then one of them said "search every corner of the island. We need that seed."

On another side of the rift, a young woman comes out. She start crying as she now lost everyone. She couldn't stop her cry. After crying for an hour she stops. She looked at the void blankly as she just sit with a lost face.

After some time she opened the bag to look inside. There she saw a strange look fruit with. It looks like a melon with a gold colour mark around it. It also has a ring shape tree branch upside. And another is a seed for some tree and a paper.

She quickly took the paper as she read

"Dear Gabriel

I am sorry. I can't see you grow old and married. I wanted you to be always happy. But maybe God doesn't wish that.

Gabriel our race isn't the same as the others. We have a long lifespan than others. Also, our bodies get stronger as time pass even if we don't train. That makes every other powerful race afraid of us. But they still don't do anything as We also very few in numbers.

Inside the bag, you will see a seed. This is our family treasure. This is the seed of a very strong tree. The fruit of the tree can increase someone lifespan. But one can not eat more than 2 as it won't affect after that.

Someway other races also find out about this. So in greed, they hold hands and attack us.

Don't let it fall on their hand. As for the fruit is a powerful devil fruit. This mysterious fruit starts to come to the world very long. I also got this fruit a long time ago.

Eat this it will make you stronger and you will have enough power to protect yourself.

Live well-child "

After reading Gabriel start to cry again and said "I will revenge for you father. These people for their greed destroy my clan. I will destroy every one of their clan."

Time skip 6 years

A great battle starts to happen between many races. Everyone killing each other. Giant, sea people, skypian, three-eyed race, night race almost all the race fighting and killing each other.

One side of the battle

"Gabriel, why are you doing this?" Shouted a stong looking man as he tried to attack. But he is a lot weaker than her.

"Joy, you weren't there. All these people attack my clan and kill everyone," she replied as she deflect his attack easily.

"Then what's the difference between them and you. Now you're also killing innocent with the culprit." As he said loudly.

"They all deserves it, they also killed the innocent in my clan." She said with anger

She flies to the sky and starts to firelight beam everywhere. In just a minute almost all the race that was against the blonde hair woman died.

Those that stayed by her side looked at all this with happiness. All the clan head that joins Gabriel has greed in their eyes. They can't wait to have a long lifespan.

Yes, Gabriel manipulates them and promise them to give them a long life if they follow her order. Of course, she isn't gonna give it to everyone. But with only the leader agreeing is enough for her. As rest will follow their leader.

When joy saw all this he looked sad and guilty. Guilty that he was there when Gabriel need him and now he come here to stop her from this meaningless slaughter. Sad because of revenge many innocent are dying. And he doesn't have the power to stop.

After a hesitation, he took a deep breath and walk to those who are still alive and said "everyone please leave this place. I will seal her with my life."

Then he look at a Fishman and said "please say sorry to the mermaid princess that I won't be able to fulfil my promise to her." Then he looked at some samurai and said "please warn everyone about today so that something like this in the future doesn't happen."

After that, he move to Gabriel and said "Sorry for doing this" then he sacrifice his life as he seal Gabriel there under the ground. Which is a redline.