A rank gate clear, teaching a lesson

The monster of the gate is Ape. Well looks like an ape but different.

Their body shape is like an ape but their colour is blue. They are very big. Each of them is as big as 15 ft. They act very aggressively. When they saw Yamato and Ulti they attack them immediately.

Yamato holds her baseball bat with both hands and takes the stand as if she is about to hit the baseball. When the ape come near running she hit the ape as she sent it flying. "Homerun" as she shouted, which brings more apes toward her.

She rotates her bat to left and right and starts smashing their head. Though these monsters are strong for someone like her, this isn't hard.

Ulti on the other hand start fist fighting with this ape. She run and jumped at the ape as she come face to face it. She coated her leg with armaments haki and kick its head. She almost smashes its head like a watermelon. She somersaults over its body and stands like an athlete. She continued to kick one after another and start her killing spree.

After 30 minutes they killed all the creatures. They breathe a little hard. Though these apes are weak compared to them, there is still a lot of them.

Ryuu found the boss a long time ago. he walks to it and looks at the giant King Kong. The only difference with King Kong is its red fur. The moment the boss saw Ryuu it roar at him and start running towards him. King Kong want to smash Ryuu without wasting time.

Seeing this Ryuu kicked back as he hit the tip of his sword with his leg. It sends it to fly to the sky. As it starts to fall he holds it with one of his hands. He swings his sword at it three times in a sec as three flying slashes are released from the sword. With three slashes he removed its hand and leg from the body.

He didn't kill it immediately. He knows if he kills it now the gate will start to close. So he just immobilised it.

Then they come out and let the other workers mining as it's not their job.

When the staff outside saw Ryuu come out in just 30 minutes they became shocked. But they quickly got over with it and sends the mining team inside.

Anyone that go inside heard the roar of the kong. At first, they thought its an attack and was about to leave. But then one of them notice the mountain like a giant ape who is roaring doesn't have any hand or leg. He felt relief then he told others to stop and look. Everyone looks in awe at this.

"Truly, every S ranker are a monsters." One of them said.

"Now we have three S ranker. Those Guild will stop being so high and mighty." Said a middle-aged man. He is wearing a suit. Which clearly showed he is an official.

Others also agreed with him. They are govt stuff. And knows how the Guild and all Guild members act who has S ranker in their guild.

"All right everyone keeps moving. We don't have all day. Start mining and another take out the body of all the creatures except the boss." He then commands others.

News about their completion of gate clear in 30 minutes reach far and wide. As this gate even among A rank is pretty strong.

~time skip~

It's been 2 months since Ryuu and others join Hunter Association. They have cleared Gate one after another.

Ryuu requested the chairman to not disclose any of their work completion. He also warned Yamato and Ulti to not post anything related to work.

They are also known as the most online active Hunter. Who always post everything they like. All this while Ryuu didn't absorb any new monster. He saves a lot of money by now. They also bought many different technologies. Ryuu moves everything to his world. So that everyone can share it.

He also takes his engineering skill to another level. In these two months. With his comprehension, it wasn't tough.

The cannon start two days after their first A rank gate fighting. Up until now he never met the protagonist.

Today he receive a call from the chairman who asked him to help officer Woo with an Ex Korean Hunter.

'So today is the day sung jin woo stuck in the A rank gate that suddenly appeared.' Thought Ryuu. "Well, let's say hi to the hero." Said to himself.

He then teleported to officer Woo with his invisible abilities.

Then he comes out of his invisibility in a corner and says Hi to officer Woo. He goes inside the car and sits on his left front seat.

~scene break~

Inside the car Hwang Dongsoo, the Ex Korean Hunter talk a lot with woo jinchul. Ryuu just sits there with a bored expression and thinks about the food he will eat later.

They arrived at the Sudden A rank gate. Ryuu without much talk come out of the car and walk to the front of the gate.

No one-stop him. Though none felt any power from him everyone knows who he is.

White tiger guilds members and also its master is here. They look at him curiously.

Baek Yoonho looks at the young man who looks only 17-18 years old. He has a handsome face. He is wearing casual short pants and a beach shirt like he is on a vacation. He also doesn't have his usual sword with him.

It's the second time he is meeting with him. The first time they meet was in Hunter Association. But still, he can't read his face, nor can he senses his power.

"Hello, Mr Majin, why are you here?" Asked Baek confusingly.

"How many times have I told you just call me Ryuu?" Reply to ryuu with a smile. Then he replied "that moron wants to meet someone" as he pointed at Hwang Dongsoo.

When Hwang Dongsoo heard this a vein pop out of his forehead as he said "what did you say? Do you want to..." before he could finish his word he slammed to the floor.

He felt his body weight so much that he can't even move. He looked at Ryuu with anger and say "you?" Before he could talk again He felt more weight. As he heard "silence. You have been blabbering on and on from the moment you got in the car. It's already irritated."

Ryuu then looked at Dongsoo who is now slammed into the floor and said "Do you think you are the strongest and no one in Korea can stop you. Not only that you dare to come to Korea and threaten to kill another Korean Hunter."

Then he increased the pressure more as he said "not only that, you even have the gal to talk me back. Who do you think you are?" As he releases some of his conquerors Haki.

Everyone that felt his haki get the shock of their life. Those weak will people of the white tiger guild were instantly knocked out. Officer woo almost kneeled in front as he sweats like bullate. Baek Yoonho also felt a chill on his back. His body was almost soaked in his sweat. He has difficulty breathing as he looks at Ryuu. As for the culprit himself, he almost peed in his pant as he is feeling the full force of his weak haki.

Everyone has the same thought "why the fuck did he/I piss him?"

After that majin control his haki and look at Broken body laying on the road and said: "if you ever threatened anyone from Korea I will kill you then torture your soul for a thousand years."

Then he ignored him and again walk to Beak and asked him about how long they enter the gate.