Full moon

17 August,

Tonight is the full moon. For tonight stiles come to Ryuus house.

These last one and half days was very eventful for him. For better, he now doesn't shutter when he talks. He also can finish any conversation without any problem.

He also finds out the best thing about his transformation. He can now think faster it's like a computer was installed inside his head. He remembered Ryuu telling him that he is different from other werewolves. He is a coyote. They can fully transform into an actual wolf.

That day his father asked him why he looked different. He reassured him that he is okay. He is just working out. And he just didn't notice before. Of course, he knows he isn't a good liar so before he asks the true reason he runs to his room.

The next day he play lacrosse with Scott and guess what he can now go toe to toe with him. He couldn't make a goal though as he is still familiar with his sudden change.

~scene break~

So here he comes to Ryuu house as tonight is his first full moon as a werewolf.

Ryuu look at the over-enthusiastic boy in front of him and shook his head. He can understand his feelings. Suddenly get power and all, it isn't hard to understand.

Ryuu told him to sit on the chair. He then saw sadi coming down. He now understands what Scott told him that day. Why did his wolf instinct warn him? 'She is a monster' he thought as he start shivering. Ryuu tap his shoulder and told him to relax. A few sec later his shivering stop. Then he looks at Ryuu and asks with a very low voice "what is she? Isn't she like you?"

Ryuu look at Sadi then look at stiles and said "she is A punisher, not Kitsune."

Stiles looks confused and asked "isn't she your sister? Then why is she different? And what is a punisher?"

Ryuu looks at this questions book and he finally understands that why Drake doesn't answer his questions most of the time. As he will ask another after that. But Ryuu answered him as he is his underling too, as he blessed him with Beast monarch. So if he continues to get stronger then he may someday become like the white wolf from this world. Who was basically one of the strongest beasts of this world?

Ryuu Replied him "no she isn't blood-related. As for what is a punisher, like its name said her job is to punish those who are Guilty. And she has the power and authority to punish every supernatural being." And Thought to himself 'coz with me here, I am the god of this world. And I can give authority to anyone.'

Stiles looks at her in astonishment and again ask "then why isn't she punishing those bad guys?"

This time sadi laugh and said, "I can punish you if you want?" Stiles felt a chill on his back. Ryuu smacks her head lightly and said: "don't scare him." Then he looks at stiles and said "she is too busy for that. It's on her who she wants to punish or whom she doesn't." Then he stops and look at him and continue "but don't worry she can't punish who isn't guilty."

Then he stop stiles from questions and said "okay, stop your question and just stay here."

Stiles stop asking questions. But next, he looks confused and thought 'don't they need a chain to stop me?' But didn't ask.

~scene break~

"Okay, let's go outside. You need to see the moon." Said Ryuu as he pull stiles out.

Stiles at him and said, "is it a good idea?" Ryuu just rolled his eyes and said "do as I say?"

Stiles then come out of the house and looked at the full moon. A minute later he start to feel the changes in his body. He looks at Ryuu as what he should do. Ryuu said "just let it happen don't force to stop. Accept yourself and it's gonna be okay."

Stiles took a deep breath and nodded at him. Then he didn't try to stop just let it happen. After a minute he starts to transform. At first, he transformed into a hybrid form like Scott then as time passes his body becomes more like a wolf. In a minute he completely changes into a wolf.

He felt free like someone lifted all the weight he was carrying. He also felt he is many times stronger than before.

He then looks at Ryuu beside him. He asks "why don't I feel the urge to kill...? Wait I can talk in wolf form? And what up with this cute voice?"

Sadi at the door of the house laugh and said "you're just a pup now, what do you expect a mighty voice?"

Ryuu smiled and said "you don't feel the urge to kill or anger is because of my blessing. As for the voice, sadi is Right. Don't worry dogs grow faster. Now play inside the wall. I don't want to see those weak Hunter acting high and mighty." After that, he walk to the home leaving a depressed little pup outside.

Sadi already captures all of this inside her phone. She walk to stiles and said "don't worry, think on the positive side. You are already this strong when you are just a pup. When you grow your strength will also grow."

Stiles after hearing him felt somewhat better.

Sadi then took out a boon and said "puppy catch"

Stiles look at her weirdly and said "do you think I am a regular dog." But his body runs to the boon. Stiles noticing this look at the boon blankly as he is about to cry and said "why I had to face all this? Even anger issue or killing is better than this."

Sadi never stops the recording.