Allison Argent Majin

Yamamoto decides to send some back up for the Human world. As Aizen have very powerful Espada under him.

So Toshiro, Byakuya, Renji is selected to go human world for backup. They also ask for help from Ryuu. As it is was a matter of human life and death so Ryuu send Allison with them.

Ryuu also told them that she will act if it's extremely necessary. Otherwise, she won't help any of them.

At first, they thought he will send Sword Demon. But noticed that it's another girl they don't know anything about. But they didn't ask about her power.

As for ability seeing that she carried a bow in her back, they understand that she is a long-range fighter.

~scene break~

after coming to the human world Allison also use a gigay for the first time. She didn't use her original body as the moment she entered her body it would start to adjust her power and it's gonna take time.

Allison, Toshiro and Renji join Ichigo school as transfer students.

Well like all of the Ryuus women she is also too beautiful for this school kid to handle.

"Hi, I am Allison Argent Majin." Said Allison with a smile.

The whole class become rowdy when she finished introducing.

Like the time with shirahoshi, they also start asking many questions. Allison smile and Replied to all of them.

Someone suddenly asks "are you related to Shirahoshi?" Everyone also notices her last name. So they also want to know. Both of them look very different.

Allison Nodded and said, "yes we are sisters." As she looks at Shirahoshi. Shirahoshi is very excited to see her sister here. She instantly wants to hug her but control herself as this is a classroom.

After that, the teacher control the classroom and told all three new students to take their sit.

Allison sits beside Shirahoshi as the students leave the sit for her. Allison smiled at him. Well, her smile almost killed this teenager.

Shirahoshi introduces her two best friends to Allison. After the class, she introduced her other friend to her too.

Rukiya also starts to hang out with them from time to time.

~scene change~

Aizen learned about Orihime. He also finds the piece that can fix the Hogyuku for him.

'If I can fix it faster then, I can become God. And the Monarch won't be able to do anything' Aizen Thought to himself.

He also finds out that soul society has sent Backup to the human world. So he decides to send more Espada to capture Orihime.

He calls all the Espada. In 5 minutes everyone comes to the throne room.

He then decides to send Ulquiorra 4, nnoitra 5, Luppi 6, grimjaw 10, aaroinero 9.

He then said "remember you aren't going there to fight. Your job is to get the girl. Distract others and get the girl. After that return immediately."

Everyone nodded and left the throne room.

~scene change~

Allison and Shirahoshi sitting on top of a large building and watching the fight below. They were already informed before by Ryuu about the invasion.

Ryuu also told them that they are here for Orihime. Shirahoshi was worried about Orihime But Ryuu reassured her that she will be fine.

He already prepared everything for her inside Hueco Mundo. She will not be harmed by anyone there.

Shirahoshi calms down after his explanation. She also knows that with Ryuu here nothing can actually happen to someone who Ryuu decides to protect.

So she is here and watching the fight below. She won't stop them but that doesn't mean they will succeed easily.

Allison also decides to help Shirahoshi. So she summoned her bow and use her Shikai. She then marks everyone.

She uses Shikai so that she can fire arrows even after the left human world.

Her devil fruit power is the same as her Shikai. But it cal only hit which she can only see.

She then uses her devil fruit power and smirks as she pulls the bowstring. As she did that a reishi arrow formed and she released the string.

The arrow fire like lightspeed as it hit its mark. Nnoitra shouted when he felt something just go inside his butt cheek.

He look back and saw a white energy arrow inside his butt.

He then again heard another 3 shouts. Grimjaw, Luppi, aaroinero also shouted as all of them also got hit at the same place.

Grimjaw and Luppi both became angry. It's not a place you should hit. Luppi look where the arrow comes from. She saw two girls sitting as they swings their legs out. One of them holding a Black red Bow.

She became angry and ready to run toward her. But when she just took a step another arrow fire. This is hit her leg. She again shouted. Another arrow fire this time it hit her other leg.

Grimjaw stop by his track. Because he noticed something that other didn't. He saw a mask at the hip of the girl. He shakes instantly and runs back. But another arrow fire and hit his other butt cheek.

Ichigo, Toshiro, Renji all tightened their butt in reflex. Byakuya looks at Allison weirdly.

Allison smile when she saw her teammate reaction. Well if she wants she can kill all of them with a single arrow for each. She will not miss any of her attacks. Her devil fruit makes her the best marksman in the world.

As for her Zanpakuto ability, don't even talk about that. With that, if she marks someone then will constantly be hit by her arrow. If they are not dead with the first hit they will soon by the next one or by the following one. They can not hide. They will always persuade them.

Allison then fires 3 more arrows and completely seal luppis fate. 'She will be absorbed bu Ryuu.' Thought Allison.

The rest of the Espada immediately use Garganta and left the human world as they got the message from Ulquiorra that the mission is successful.