
This town was smaller in size. So there wasn't any hotel for him to stay.

As he was walking in the town and searching for a place to stay, all the bystanders look at him with various emotions.

Well, most of the women are the same. And young girl blush. As for man they felt jealous of him. Some also looking at his dresses.

He also start to get the Thought of many people. He suddenly smiled hearing a thought.

He looks at the person of the thought and starts walking towards her. The woman gets nervous seeing him coming towards her.

Ryuu walk in front of her and said "how are you aunty Venessa?"

The woman look confused as to how did he know her name and calling her aunt. But before she asks Ryuu compelled her and said "don't you remember your nephew?" Yes finally smiled and said "yes I finally remembered you. Come inside."

He heard her thoughts clearly "she is a widow with a daughter. Her daughter is married to another family in the town. So she stays alone. She also feels lonely at night and uses her finger to relieve herself.

When she saw Ryuu her thought was all about sex."

So Ryuu decides to stay in her house as her distant relatives. She is also quite beautiful. She is 35, with blonde hair. Mature sexy body.

Ryuu followed her inside the house. Inside the house is very simple which is common for this era. She only has a bed, closet and a desk on top of it is a lamp.

Ryuu put his bag and frying pan down. Venessa returns with a glass of water for him.

Ryuu take the glass from her and drink it as Venessa ask him "how was your journey?"

Ryuu pul her and let her sit beside him and Replied "stressful. Can you rub my head as I relax?"

Saying that he put his head on her lap and lay on the bed.

Riding a horse isn't the best. He misses the car. He also had to fight those insects on his way.

Ryuu looks up from his laying position. He can't see her face completely as her large breast block the view.

Ryuu pokes her breast. As this is olden time bra and stuff hasn't been invented yet. So when he poked his finger divided in her soft breast.

Venessa look down as she continue to rub his head and said "why are you poking my breast?"

Ryuu Replied "coz it's the third time, I have seen something so large."

Venessa face turned red and said "don't say that, I am not young anymore. Your cousin Alice is also married by now."

Ryuu poke her again and said, "but you have a good figure."

Venessa look down and said "really?"

Well everyone woman like price no matter which era it is.

Ryuu nodded and closed his eyes.

~scene change~

The next morning Ryuu come out after a good night sleep. He felt fresh. So he walks to the nearest clearing to take shower.

When he is about to reach he saw a man fighting with another using a Woden sword.

Ryuu stands there and watches the spar between them. After 10 minutes they stop when one of them loses his grip on his sword.

The winner looks at Ryuu. Ryuus also look at him. He looks British man with hair tied like Viking. Ryuu understands that he is the person he heard from those mercenaries on their way here.

He used to be a Viking warrior. So seeing him looking here Ryuu didn't avoid him.

The man suddenly asks "how about a spar young man?"

Ryuu smiled and nodded. It's been a long since he use a sword. He remembered one time he hold a sword just to try when all types of swordsmanship memories come to him. And he became a sword grandmaster in a sec.

He casually swings his sword with control and a mountain divided into two. He also learns how to control all of his power instantly. As if he is a sword god.

So seeing this cute little puppy ask for a spar he decides to tease him.

Ryuu walk in front of him and take the wooden sword from the loser and stand in front of him and said "Ryuunosuke Majin"

The man also introduces himself as "Maikel"

Ryuu gestures to him to attack first. This irritates Maikel and decide to teach Ryuu a lesson. So he runs to Ryuu and attacks him with a lower cut.

Ryuu casual flick his sword without even moving. He then look at him and said "is this all you can do, boy?"

Maikel became angry as he called him boy even though he looked older than him.

So he start to attack him with everything he got from all sides. Ryuu without moving deflected all of his attacks.

He even put one of his behind his back. As their fight continues a large number of people start to gather around.

Maikel also calmed down a while ago. But he didn't stop attacking. He finds all of his moves improving with every attack.

Ryuu continues to tease him as he blocks his attack. Ryuu knows that he is improving. So he also shows him his weakness as he teases him.

People look at this in shock as Ryuu abusing Maikel the greatest warrior of the town as if he is a child.

After 30 minutes Ryuu stop him and said "okay done. I need to go and shower."

Maikel smile at him and said, "thank you."

Ryuu walks away as He waves his hand behind his back.

~scene change~

Maikel invites Ryuu for dinner that day. There he meets his wife Esther and his two children a girl and a boy. One is 3 years old boy and another is four years old girl.

Ryuu give them some souvenirs he collected on his journey.

He heard Esther think and look at her. He smiled at her and start to eat the dinner.