The Sommerset Clan

Marcus immediately stepped between them, "Anton, this is Aiden. He saved my life after I was chased off this cliff by an Iron Rhino. Treat him with the same respect that you would afford me." 

Anton's eyes widened in shock, before a look of shame passed over his usually stern features. How could he have let his master be in such danger! If only he was stronger. As that thought flitted through Anton's mind, he immediately bowed to Aiden, " Please forgive my abruptness just now, I take my master's safety extremely seriously. Young Master Aiden, you have my utmost gratitude for saving my master." 

Aiden looked curiously at the guard in front of him, even when bowing his back was still stiff as a board. His cultivation level was even more mysterious, Aiden couldnt see through it and felt a deep sense of danger like a chill creeping along his spine. 

After introductions were done, Anton reported the current situation to Marcus, " None of the children suffered any serious injuries, and have since been evacuated from the forest and are on their way back to the family grounds. Of the attackers, only one was able to be captured alive. The two who held back the elder have escaped and the the remaining three committed suicide before I could stop them. Please forgive my negligence master."

 " When we return you will increase your training regimen, so that this will not happen again." Marcus had returned to the cool indifference from when Aiden had first met him. 

"Understood, Master! I will not let you down again." Anton's face showed a look of determination, he would not let his master be in danger due to his weakness again. Shortly after Anton's arrival, a powerful presence alighted in front of the cave.

 Aiden felt a huge pressure briefly descend on him as they appeared. Anton immediately guarded the front of the cave before making certain it was the clan elder, then he bowed in greeting.

 "Marcus my boy, are you alright?" A slightly hoarse voice inquired. It was the elder, a middle aged man with gray streaks running through dark brown hair. He had stern but handsome features, though age had begun to set in; it was clear that as a young man he must have fascinated the women of the capital.

 "Fourth Uncle, I am fine. I was fortunate to be saved by this little friend named Aiden. He caught me after I had fallen off the cliff," Marcus calmly answered the elder, smoothly introducing Aiden while he was at it.

 Hearing this, the elder glanced over to Aiden. When his gaze settled on Aiden, it seemed as though an enormous weight was pressing down on Aiden's shoulders. It took all he had to try and keep a calm façade up, but Aiden could feel how immeasurably dangerous this man was. He couldn't even begin to fathom what realm of cultivation this Elder was at.

 Surely he had to be beyond the body tempering realm, but Aiden had never met someone so strong. The pressure receded rapidly and the elder gave Aiden a kind and somewhat approving look, "Thank you young one, for saving my nephew, the Sommerset family is in your debt."

 Aiden was startled and rushed to try and refuse such a heavy thank you, but he was still stumbling over words when an arm snaked around and held his shoulders. " You don't have to worry uncle, I will repay my savior personally," Those cold green eyes warmed for a moment as he faced his uncle, while gesturing that he had everything under control.

 The elder seemed taken aback for a moment before nodding. Then without another word he grabbed Marcus and Aiden each with one hand and jumped up to the top of the cliff. Anton hurriedly climbed up behind them, eyes scanning either side for anything out of the ordinary. 

Then the Elder began moving rapidly through the forest towards the city, with Anton bringing up the rear. When the city walls came into view the Elder slowed to a stop before putting the two of them down, there was a carriage awaiting them. 

After all it wouldn't be good if a dignified family elder was seen ferrying two children through the streets. A large well crafted carriage with the Sommerset clan's crest embossed on the side stood proudly waiting for them. It was shaped out of a light wood that seemed to glow golden in the afternoon sun, and four huge antlered horses stood in the harness. 

They were Coldgale Horses, magical beasts of the wind element renowned for their speed. They were mostly tan, their fur turning white just above their hooves, their manes, and a small little beard that extended off their chins. 

Anton took up position next to the driver as the three of them entered the carriage. The inside was luxuriously appointed with rare silk cushions and fur blankets, there was also a smokeless heater in the center, probably for Marcus whose body temperature was very low. 

Aiden felt a little out of place, he had never experienced anything so fancy, but didn't want to appear like a country peasant by gawking at everything. He was also a little self conscious, because he had been living in the forest with no amenities for several days, and although he cleaned up as best he could, it was still a bit off from presentable.

 Perhaps sensing his discomfort, Marcus handed him a delicate china plate with a few slices of fruit. Aiden quickly flashed him a bright smile before taking the plate. It was a refreshing citrus fruit with a nice balance of tartness and sweetness. 

Aiden focused on eating the fruit while Marcus and the Elder discussed the attack in the forest. Under Marcus's guidance, they didn't avoid Aiden while talking. Although the one prisoner had yet to be interrogated, their preliminary guess was that this was a masterpiece of their archrival the Torren family. Also one of the four great families, the Torren family had clashed with the Sommerset family longer than anyone living can remember, many of their industries overlapped and the competition made relations tense. 

Both families were pretty heavily invested into the Blacksmith industry and fought ferociously over materials and mining rights. The royal family was happy to see it too, the more the noble families fought amongst themselves, the less likely they were to try and unite to overthrow the throne. 

The Elder believed that the target this time was to remove Marcus under the guise of foreign operatives attacking the kingdom's youth. The three dead attackers had paraphernalia from the Rising Moon Dominion that was right next door to the Golden Lion Kingdom. However, neither Marcus nor the Elder believed it to be the work of the Rising Moon Dominion. It was too clumsy and targeted. Wouldn't it seem like they only had a grudge with the Sommerset family? 

But it just so happened that their treasured junior Marcus Sommerset, who rarely stepped foot outside of the Clan was among those attacked. No, it was more likely that it was an enemy closer to home.

 Aiden kept his ears open as the carriage moved swiftly towards their destination, he was officially tied to the Sommerset family, so he should know who to look out for. This Torren family was after Marcus, which made them his mortal enemies.

 He had stupidly sworn away his soul to the effort of curing and then supporting Marcus on his journey to become a cultivator after all. Aiden did not want to imagine the consequences of failing to uphold such an oath. So anyone who had the slightest chance of impeding him from that, was his enemy. Of course, right now he couldn't do much at all. But Marcus had also sworn his soul to help him become an awesome alchemist, and with the resources that the Sommerset family could provide, Aiden had no doubt that he would be able to progress rapidly.

 He had already achieved so much with literally nothing but a dagger in the middle of a forest. Under the protection of one of the most powerful families in the kingdom, he could only do better. The carriage came to a gentle halt, and Anton hopped off the seat at the front to carefully open the door.