Thunder and Gale

Mara moved forward at a fast pace towards Forsythia, trying to close down the space. Forsythia, seeing this, drew two more arrows, this time wind stirred around them and energy coalesced into being behind the fletching. As the arrows were flung from the bow string, wind spiraled around each arrow propelling them forward and creating sharp cutting wind blades that circled each and formed almost a deadly grinder in the space between them. 

Mara slid under the range of the arrows by dropping to her knees and sliding across the stage. She pushed her body back up into a kneeling position and then stabbed her sword down at the floor of the arena stage as arcing purple energy condensed around it. The blade sunk into the ground and a powerful ripple of electricity shot out covering the entire stage. 

Forsythia's eyes widened as the energy rushed towards her. She gritted her teeth and leaped into the air, at the same time nocking an arrow. While in the air she twisted her body and lined up the shot, faint white almost transparent energy swirled around the fletching. When she released the bowstring, the arrow was pushed forward with the wind energy aiding it to reach unimaginable speeds.

 Mara raised her head and watched as the arrow sped towards her. Her face never changed from the same ice cold expression and she refused to move even as the arrow shot straight towards her face. At the last moment she shifted her head slightly and the arrow flew past, leaving a sharp gash on her cheek, blood splashing out. Even with the blow, she remained unmoved and watched coldly as Forsythia fell back down to the lightning filled stage. 

Forsythia's once cheerful expression hardened as she braced herself for the pain, even with her preparation she still let out a groan as the waves of shocking energy impacted her. She struggled to grasp an arrow from her quiver, but her muscles were seizing up. Forsythia was helpless, but she understood that she only had that one chance in the air. Once she fell back down, she was trapped. Though reluctant, Forsythia turned to Titus and surrendered. As she did, the raging purple energy subsided and the cold figure of Mara stood up and walked over. Forsythia smiled as she shook hands with Mara, next time she wouldn't give her the opportunity to use that crazy move.

 The two of them departed the stage and went to get treatment for their wounds. Forsythia looked kind of strange as her limbs were still twitching after the electric shocks.

 "Mara used a technique called Shocking Field, it spreads a full layer of powerful lightning energy across the ground. The drawback is similar to the Unwavering Mountain in that the user is rooted to one spot. However, when used in the right situation, such as if you were surrounded by enemies, this move is fatal. Forsythia used Gale Arrow, a wind skill that increases the speed and penetrating power of projectile weaponry. The only unfortunate thing for her is that she met with someone as determined as Mara. Anything less than serious maiming or death, and Mara wasn't going to move. Thus, knowing your enemy is a very important part of battling as well," Marcus explained, anticipating Aiden's curiosity. 

"Juliana, are you sure Mara is your daughter? With that kind of crazy energy I would expect her to be Ophelia's," Cassius asked jokingly to Juliana.

 "I am not sure what happened with her. She has always had a kind of manic energy once she gets a sword in her hand. She is totally different when she is not wielding her blade," Juliana replied helplessly, in fact she wanted to know why her precious daughter was like this too! The other elders in the room laughed after hearing this.

 "In fact, if it wasn't that I am a whip user I would have accepted her as my disciple. Our personalities would match so well," Ophelia chimed in.

 "You wish!" Juliana retorted. Under this jovial atmosphere, the matches in the arena continued all the way until the last stage of the Body Tempering Realm which is Open Meridian Final Barrier. The ten stages of Body Tempering are; Skin Like Jade, Muscles Like Steel, Tendons Like Bowstrings, Hardened Bones, Washed Marrow, Fortifying Organs, Widened Veins, Open Meridian First Circle, Open Meridian Second Circle, and Open Meridian Final Barrier. 

After that, one enters the Condensation realm where they can condense and store aura in their body. However, the Trial didn't include any Condensation Realm battles.This was because they were too destructive and anyone who reached the Condensation realm would be qualified to become an elder, so there was no need to participate. 

Aiden was giddy with excitement after watching so many entertaining battles. The whole carriage-ride back, he held the hem of Marcus' sleeve and asked him this and that about different martial skills and the contestants. Marcus was like a self contained library, he could answer every question with ease. By the time they reached the manor, Aiden couldn't wait to rush back to the Alchemy room and continue cultivating. 

Entering the Alchemy room, the first thing Aiden did was to sit down and meditate on the battles that he had witnessed. He considered the techniques that he had seen in the arena and considered how he would deal with them. For now, he hadn't learned any aura skills, so that was off the table. He had started later than his peers so his raw weapon skills were behind. So he had to figure out if he had any special potions or pills that would assist him in combat. 

Thus far he had made Swift Pills, which gave a burst of speed for a short period of time. Those are good for escape. He had made Sparkfire Pills which were great for offensive ranged attacks. And he had made the Minor Diminution Potion which could create distractions or mildly decrease the effectiveness of the target. It was still far from enough. Aiden picked a few recipes from his inheritance and left a note for Dylan to acquire the ingredients. 

Then he focused on tempering his bones. There are twenty seven bones in each hand that allow for fine motor movements. Aiden had been preparing for this for several weeks now, as he completed the rest of the bones in his body. He took out a porcelain bottle from the palace warehouse and poured the potion inside into a bowl. It was a pale green mixture that smelled like fresh herbs. Aiden placed both of his hands into the mixture to soak. The purpose of the potion was to protect the delicate nerves inside his hands from being damaged by the tempering, while also promoting the subsequent healing of the broken bones. 

Taking a deep breath, he sank down into deep meditation and began grabbing at strands of fire aura with his will. Then he forced those wildly struggling strands into his hand bones. He felt the burning pain as the pressure created countless unseen fractures throughout each bone. Then a cool wave passed over as the medication came into effect. Once he determined that the fractures had healed, Aiden sent another wave of fire aura through his bones. Over and over again, he repeated the process until his bones no longer fractured under the torrent of energy. 

Aiden's whole body was drenched in sweat from withstanding the agonizing pain for hours. After calming down, Aiden returned to his room for a brief bath and change of clothes. Then he ran back to the Alchemy room to whip up a quick dinner for Marcus and him. 

Today's dinner was a wonderful roasted bass, the belly was stuffed with herbs and sour fruit, keeping the meat tender and juicy, but the outside was crispy from exposure to the high heat. The two boys dug in with relish, clearing the plates in record time. 

"How is your progress coming along, Little Alchemist? I have completed the last couple vertebrae and am ready for the last step," Marcus asked Aiden after they had finished eating. Aiden wasn't surprised, he knew that Marcus was just as inspired from watching the Trial as himself. He too, had probably spent the last several hours in meditation. Marcus also didn't have as many bones left to temper, the only reason he had taken this long was because of the unique requirements his practice had. 

"I am ready to temper my skull as well. I figured that tomorrow I would try to break through and officially enter the Washed Marrow realm," Aiden replied. The potions had long been prepared, just waiting for the two of them to finish tempering their bones.

"When we enter the Washed Marrow realm, we can go to the family library and pick out some aura skill books if you would like. I have a few in my collection as well, but they are no longer appropriate for me now that I know about my physique. None of them are for ranged weaponry unfortunately, but there should be something for you in the main library," Marcus commented, causing a bright light to appear in Aiden's eyes. 

Aura skills! The amazing and magical moves that he had witnessed during the Trial played back in his head one after another. Up until the Washed Marrow realm, a Body Tempering Realm warrior was known for their immense physical strength that far outclassed an ordinary person's. But once a warrior broke through to the Washed Marrow realm, everything changed.

 The Washed Marrow Realm was the stage where a cultivator began to cleanse their body of the impurities that had accumulated in their body over years of consuming regular food. As the body became clear of these impurities, the warrior could slowly try to bring aura into their body for use. Until breaking through to the Condensation Realm, this process was like trying to draw water through a very tight meshed sieve, each increase in stage making it slightly easier. The small amount of aura that one could harness from their surrounding environment, could be used to execute fantastic attacks and techniques. 

Just thinking about being able to pull off those powerful moves made Aiden giddy with excitement. Marcus looked at Aiden who was in a daze again, so he leaned over and rubbed Aiden's hair until it was thoroughly disheveled before wishing him a goodnight. Aiden watched angrily as Marcus left before he could react and take revenge.